Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Some say that due to heavy traffic governments need to build more roads in metropolitan cities, while others argue this isn’t the right solution and may fail to help. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons and examples.

Some say that due to heavy traffic governments need to build more roads in metropolitan cities, while others argue this isn’t the right solution and may fail to help. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons and examples.

The debate surrounding ways to find easing congestion on urban roads is the most heated. While some suggest that the state should build more roads, claiming it would be a suitable solution, others believe it would exacerbate the problems. The forthcoming paragraphs shall look into the matter thoroughly and share a plausible conclusion.   

To begin with, a lobby professes that construction of new roads and bridges would help in creating a bi-furcation between those traveling within a limited area and those traversing across cities, ultimately decreasing the density of congestion of automobiles on the current roads. This will create a time saving ecosystem as a massive amount of time is wasted in intensive road jams, different routes for different suitable vehicles will make commuting much faster and also keeps a less chaotic environment. 

Similarly,  this move will help create more lanes for a variety of vehicles, rendering smooth flow at speed, resulting in a healthy driving environment. For instance, the advanced lane system in the city of Mumbai has resulted in fast traveling; motorists have reported saving at least 2 hours everyday that they used to exhaust while reaching their offices in mornings and back home in evenings.  

However, some feel this proposal will only waste money as they believe less roads are not the main reason for traffic jams; the rising population is one of greatest factors affecting road traveling. To add to woes, poor public transport networks force urbanites to opt for their conveyance. Thus, any expansion of pathways will be soon clogged with more vehicles.    

Overall, I believe that building new pathways is a great idea and will go a long way in mitigating the problem of traffic, providing ease of traveling to road users. Therefore, I completely agree with the idea.

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