Sunday, May 12, 2024

"City Planners' new designs include setting up schools, markets, and commercial places (offices) in different areas of the city. Do you think it will help the city dwellers?"

 "City Planners' new designs include setting up schools, markets, and commercial places (offices) in different areas of the city. Do you think it will help the city dwellers?"

Modern city planners have changed their agenda and are now focused on establishing educational institutes, business areas in the different parts of the urban locations. Some are of the opinion that this setting will turn out to be beneficial for the urbanites, while others raise their voice in dissent.

A lobby is of the view that favoring such an arrangement could render a major advantage in form of alleviating the traffic congestion on roads. This view is primarily based on the assumption that most of the motorists and users of public means of transport are the people staying at distant locations from their offices or shopping districts. Therefore, if these facilities were constructed close to where people resided, it would reduce the distance and duration of their travel. Thus, letting them enjoy their journeys by thinning traffic.

Additionally, it will bolster the development of those areas which are still underdeveloped despite being part of metropolis since building education facilities and office premises in close vicinity will allow the individuals to enjoy these opportunities that were previously unavailable. Now, they will get a chance to gain employment, as well as education.

Nonetheless, those opposing this setting are of the belief that this would create chaos rather than bringing relief. Executing the layout changes would convert the available open spaces into the commercial places or education institutions, leaving behind no space to relax or perform physical exercise, as a result jeopardizing the physical and mental well-being of the city dwellers.

In hindsight, I personally feel that by following the new design, the city planners can bring myriad benefits to the city dwellers, but the pitfalls attached to it cannot be neglected as it will hamper the health of urbanites which cannot be compromised at any cost.

Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...