Thursday, December 12, 2024

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Is rapid strivings for lodging development to improve quality of life causing environmental damage? 


  • Large scale deforestation is taking place to create  spaces for farming, residential units, commercial complexes and industry - causing a loss in natural habitats: the forests act as lungs for the planet and their clearing is reducing the capability of the environment to recycle the air.  

  • There is humongous pollution in all spheres of environment 

- air due to smoke from factories,  vehicles, and household 


- Water bodies are being polluted due to discharge of contaminated  

            water from industries, farms and households 

- plastic that is driving modern lifestyles

  • Reckless milking of nature to fuel industry 


  • The recent developments in technology are ensuring improvements in environment - use of non-fossil fuel energy source is improving air quality 

  • Introduction of concepts like vertical farming and vertical cities is helping restore green cover 

  • Recycling is helping slow down exploitation of natural resources. 

There is a common perception that progress registered by mankind is accompanied by environmental deterioration. This notion, although has endured for long historically, the circumstances are undergoing a rapid transformation and are bound to detach development from the environment.  

The link between the greed of humans to improve the quality of their life and the destruction of the ecology is an exhaustively researched and established notion, as per the lobby of environmentalists. Affording a comfortable life that is populated by all imaginable facilities and amenities, has resulted in rampant deforestation. Over the last three centuries, since the advent of industrialization, large swathes /areas of land have been denuded/cleared  to make way for agriculture and farming, industry, dwelling units, commercial establishments and venues for leisure time, to name a few, destroying several natural habitats, and eliminating  scores of species of flora and fauna. 

However, the current technological forays into the fields of energy generation, production methods developing settlements for humans and rendering them facilities, defy the doomsday predictions. The use of greener energy sources, eco-friendly material and techniques, vertical farming and cities, and recycling, to name a few, have usurped (dethrone/overthrow) the conventional belief. Now, any development being registered does not have to completely depend on the offerings of nature, but can be driven by sustainable methods and material being formulated and synthesized. This will not only help de-link the environment from the developmental efforts but also help reduce pollution dramatically, as well as restore the green cover of the earth.

Overall, the relationship between marching forward of human society and ecological balance may have been inversely proportional in the past, but the current developments promise a brighter future for humans, and also for the planet, and outrightly rejects the stated norm.    

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