Sunday, December 29, 2024

Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.

 Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.


The incidence of corpulence/obesity  among youngsters has  startled many health experts. They not only highlight the obvious grounds for such a phenomenon, as well as its impact, but also advise on the ways to stem this disturbing trend.   

*Mention the solutions of the causes 


  • Parents are the primary source of this physical condition among children. They follow faulty food habits; consume calorie rich food; watch television and play video games without engaging in any kind of physical activity. Children follow their precedents. 

  • Parents pampering their wards by allowing the latter to consume anything they want, and introduce them to video games to compensate for the absence, young ones are confined indoors and seldom perform physical activities. 

  • Peer pressure. Young minds also follow each other. 

  • Glamorized promotion of fast food and  games that overwhelms young ones and pushes them to engage with such food and activities


  • Corpulence impedes mental and physical growth 

  • They become lethargic  

  • Exposes young ones to lifestyle diseases which usually hit them much later in life. Solutions 

  • Parents should mend their habits - sparingly engage with games and television and take their children out 

  • Parents must also adopt healthy eating habits and make it point to have at least one meal with their little ones. 

  • Monitor and motivate their young ones 

  • Schools should make it a point to regulate what can be brought as food in the school, and also promote physical activities. 


Nowadays, it has been seen that childhood corpulence is becoming alarmingly ubiquitous. The following paragraphs shall discuss the genesis behind this malady; its impact on the wellness of juveniles; and the plausible solutions to surmount this appalling challenge.

To start with, a school of thought believes that parents are the primary root source of this physical condition among youngsters: they are following the precedents of their elders by consuming rich calorie food, and follow indolent lifestyles by sitting at the same place for long hours watching television shows and playing electronic games; and following irregular sleeping patterns, causing them to gain weight and add to girth of their waists since the calories consumed are never burnt.

This physical state is precipitating some serious impact on the way of living of youngsters; being overweight hampers mental and physical well being as they become vulnerable to a myriad of lifestyle ailments - diabetes, hypertension and cardiac complications are more commonly found among such youngsters - at a very young age. Similarly, they are found lacking in  self esteem while engaging with others due to them becoming a butt of jokes for their friends and peers; consequently,  hampering their mental health.   

However, there are some remedies to overcome these issues: parents should mend their habits - sparingly engage with games and television and take their children out for curricular activities. They must also adopt healthy eating habits and make it a point to share at least one meal with their little ones, teaching the latter to cultivate healthy eating habits and gain knowledge about good nutrition.  

Overall, I personally believe that by monitoring young ones can easily help them to adapt to healthy routines: eating nourishing meals and engaging in physical endeavors, and consequently, evading corpulence.