Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this

The ever rising consumption of fossil fuels is causing the world to become warmer. The following paragraphs shall assess the attributes of this issue, and also suggest some ways to halt it.

To begin with, the heightening of global warming can be easily attributed to the rising emission of wet gasses such as carbon monoxide and dioxide, and methane, to name a few. This increment stems from the primarily rising number of vehicles on the road and the emissions caused by burning of petrol, coal and gas. Besides this, the rise in the number of air conditioners and refrigerators by every household became the source for the origin of gasses such as cholo-floro carbon that ultimately is heating environment. Additionally, the growing number of industries produce heat and different types of pollution that are responsible for increasing temperatures. Moreover, the cutting of trees releases the carbon contained in them and limits the ability of nature to regulate carbon content in the atmosphere.

Surmounting this challenge is contingent on switching to public transport and electric vehicles to mitigate emissions of carbon monoxide and  dioxide, gasses that contribute greatly to global warming. Similarly, for shorter distances they should walk or pedal. Efforts should be invested in cutting down production of electricity, so that discharge of greenhouse gasses can be alleviated. For example, using LED bulbs and energy efficient electrical appliances; and minimizing the use of washing machines, air-conditioners, and other household equipment will bring down the need to produce electricity, thereby helping in  alleviating the usage of coal,oil and gas for producing power. 

To recap, it is the combined effort of governments and inhabitants that can help control the usage of natural fuels, electricity, and help ease the problem of global warming to a great extent.  

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