Thursday, January 4, 2024

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Discuss and share your opinion.

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Discuss and share your opinion.

Global tourism, despite being a major money-spinner for many economies across the globe has failed to stay out of controversy of it being an activity that is promoting discord among diverse cultures. But, this view is not held by another lobby.

To start with, those skeptical of this activity cite some sporadic incidents to tarnish the image of this industry. Most of such events usually take place due to the lack of familiarization of alien visitors with the local customs and ways of life. However, it has been seen that today most travellers before departing from their home country, tend to inform themselves about the culture of hosts so that they can avoid uncomfortable circumstances and also the wrath of host citizens.

Nevertheless,   the real picture is far from what is painted by the critics of tourism. As per them, tourists have become a medium of conveying messages of friendship and harmony that they carry from their own countries to the destination societies. They do not only enthusiastically absorb the information about distinct cultures from alien surroundings but also impart knowledge of their ways of life among the host citizens, who in turn accept those in a friendly manner, fostering a sense of brotherhood among both. 

Similarly, the economic perspective attached to this activity renders it an essential role of bridging gaps between civilizational fault lines. When aliens travel to a society, they generate employment and business for the hosts by virtue of which they are received by natives warmly, aiding in fostering bonhomie between the former and the latter.

In hindsight, quite contrary to the allegations levelled by the cynical lobby, arrival of foreign tourists in a country paves way for fomenting harmonious relationships between diverse nationalities and ethnicities, rather than fomenting a rift.    

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