Sunday, January 28, 2024

In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

 In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

In some countries around the world voting is compulsory

Turning voting into a legal stipulation for all, is a proposal that has resulted in a fierce debate. I concur with this suggestion and shall elucidate my stand in the following paragraphs.

To start with, implementing this policy will surely prove to be a positive/ fortuitous step;it is likely to augment voter turnout in every election, proving to be a boon in disguise since even though there might be a little increment in the expenditure of managing the crowds by virtue of deployment of extra law enforcement personal, the colossal financial outlay dedicated  to run campaigns to encourage inhabitants to step out of their homes and exercise their right to vote. 

Similarly, this will also ensure active participation of each and every inhabitant in the election process, and afford an opportunity to elect politicians more transparently. It has been observed that wherever more and more electorates participate in this exercise, those winning elections turnout to be truly deserving victors due to their popularity. Additionally, this will aid   in curbing malpractices such as bogus voting,  booth capturing and voter suppression. To corroborate, in many European countries, every citizen exercises their franchise voluntarily, resulting in selection of most suitable administrators.   

Nevertheless, those skeptic of this proposed arrangement are often seen citing the provisions of the law that guarantee freedom of choice. Even though their opinion lacks substance since this scheme has been suggested in larger public and national interest, this lobby terms as infringement of fundamental right, and firmly assert that to vote, or not to, should be an individual prerogative.  

Overall, it can be clearly ascertained that such a move will go a long way in proliferating and strengthening democracies as every constituent will play an active role in enabling efficient governance of societies.

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