Sunday, January 28, 2024

In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

 In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

In some countries around the world voting is compulsory

Turning voting into a legal stipulation for all, is a proposal that has resulted in a fierce debate. I concur with this suggestion and shall elucidate my stand in the following paragraphs.

To start with, implementing this policy will surely prove to be a positive/ fortuitous step;it is likely to augment voter turnout in every election, proving to be a boon in disguise since even though there might be a little increment in the expenditure of managing the crowds by virtue of deployment of extra law enforcement personal, the colossal financial outlay dedicated  to run campaigns to encourage inhabitants to step out of their homes and exercise their right to vote. 

Similarly, this will also ensure active participation of each and every inhabitant in the election process, and afford an opportunity to elect politicians more transparently. It has been observed that wherever more and more electorates participate in this exercise, those winning elections turnout to be truly deserving victors due to their popularity. Additionally, this will aid   in curbing malpractices such as bogus voting,  booth capturing and voter suppression. To corroborate, in many European countries, every citizen exercises their franchise voluntarily, resulting in selection of most suitable administrators.   

Nevertheless, those skeptic of this proposed arrangement are often seen citing the provisions of the law that guarantee freedom of choice. Even though their opinion lacks substance since this scheme has been suggested in larger public and national interest, this lobby terms as infringement of fundamental right, and firmly assert that to vote, or not to, should be an individual prerogative.  

Overall, it can be clearly ascertained that such a move will go a long way in proliferating and strengthening democracies as every constituent will play an active role in enabling efficient governance of societies.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country

In recent times, there has been an idea that uniform  governments could find social and economic benefits in collaborating with each other and removing the natural borders. This vision has forced many global leaders to ponder on the merits, demerits and efforts involved in joining forces together. This topic requires a deeper analysis.

A group of centralized policy makers can bring about significant positive changes to the way the world operates. In recent times, miscreants have found loopholes to escape the law and find refuge in countries without an extradition policy, which would be automatically eliminated with the arrival of a central order of command. 

Moreover, many are in favor of a borderless world: a recent survey by the travel week magazine, showcased that the number one priority for people was for unity among policy makers to make it convenient to explore different continents. This would also lead to ease of trade between organizations and government bodies alike who do not have to go through additional red tape created by law makers today.

However, the critics feel that a unified world leadership may not provide adequate importance to certain minority communities and their respective needs will not be catered to in the long run and probably would lead to their existence being diminished. There is a fear among sections of various societies that it could lead to a few power-hungry leaders having excessive control over the world which could be detrimental to society in the future.

Overall, a united front for policy makers is a unique concept and the pros of this arrangement eclipse its cons. However, it is essential to  critically analyse  both the aspects, before embarking on the idea of uniting the world, by targeting greater good it would do for humanity at large. 

If countries are serious about solving traffic problems, they should tax private cars very heavily and use the money to provide free or very cheap rail travel. In what extent do you agree or disagree? Write in no less than 250 words and give relevant examples from your own experiences

If countries are serious about solving traffic problems, they should tax private cars very heavily and use the money to provide free or very cheap rail travel. In what extent do you agree or disagree? Write in no less than 250 words and give relevant examples from your own experiences

The common perception that prohibitively taxing on personal four wheelers and using the revenues raised to afford economical, or free of cost rail commute can help mitigate challenges posed by thickening traffic density is bolstered and contested strongly. 

The success of this policy is predicted by those assuming such an arrangement would act as a disincentive for the most of the populace  against using  their private modes of transportation. Vehicle owners would think twice before using their vehicles, and affordable or free of cost train rides would act as a persuasion to switch. Such pilot projects have been carried out in cities like Tokyo wherein, levying charges on private conveyance and lowered train tickets  have been able to convince several urban dwellers to utilize train services while abandoning their own means of commuting.  

Having said that, the proposal is prone to failure in most regions and people are bond to suffer if such a policy is enacted owing to the inadequately equipped public transport network: trains cannot reach all the places since some regions and locality are bound to remain out of bounds of railways, forcing people to use their own vehicles dampening the objective of such a benign strategy.

Besides this, rail commutes will rarely be accessible during wee hours, and also remain a cause  of concern of safety for the elderly, women and children; consequently, overtaxing might impose an additional burden on car owners, but it is likely to fail to prove a panacea for  traffic and pollution woes.  

Overall,  disputes aside, even though such a policy presents a rosy picture, the ground reality is far from being true; the poor condition of rail transit systems across the world make it impractical for most to use it as their primary mode of traversing.  

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Some people think that food is one of the most fundamental economic products and should be mostly produced by each country for its own consumption, with only minimal export of products to other countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples

Some people think that food is one of the most fundamental economic products and should be mostly produced by each country for its own consumption, with only minimal export of products to other countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples. 

Some people think that food is one of the most fundamental economic products and should be mostly produced by each country for its own consumption

A perception seems to be emerging fast that production of indispensable  commodities, like food, should be limited to local requirements, and trading overseas must be the last priority. Does this view hold substance or not is worthy of profound  analysis.

The notion of producing goods of  indispensible to survival of nature such as food only for consumption of local inhabitants of a country rests on the perception that implementing such a step will surely prove to be environmental friendly. This lobby suggests that attempts to attain higher yields for exporting is pushing people into using industrial techniques which primarily depend on the chemically synthesized material – in the form of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which is causing large scale destruction and distortions of the resources and exacerbating the environmental problems.

Nevertheless, the arrangement is fraught with several pitfalls, which makes it impractical. Implementing it will inhibit economic growth since on the one hand curbing international trade will rob the exporting nation of a rich source of revenues that also in the form of invaluable foreign exchange, on the other domino effect will be felt in other sectors ancillary to farm exports that will be manifested in joblessness and lack of commercial activities.

Moreover, such implementation is bound to create chaos in regions that are completely dependent on such global trading. There are numerous geographical locations that have human settlements, but lack climatic conditions to support agriculture. Inhabitants of such areas will be bereft of appropriate amount and variety and nourishment, making life harder for them.

Overall, I completely fail to concur with this proposal since although it does have certain benefits, it is laden with umpteen number of failings, it will create unemployment and rob people of food choices, which is unimaginable in the contemporary world.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Nowadays not many young people chose to work in the farming industry? Why do you think that is? How could young people be encouraged to work in this industry?

Nowadays not many young people choose to work in the farming industry? Why do you think that is? How could young people be encouraged to work in this industry?

Contemporary  times have seen young people becoming less inclined to engage in the agricultural industry. Numerous factors can be attributed to this growing trend that are discussed in this essay with suggestions to tackle this situation.

To begin with, a lobby opines that youngsters want to alight on a career in blooming industries. This can be ascribed to multiple causes: farming is considered a tiresome job needing tremendous amounts of physical work. They must work in fields in all unfavorable weather conditions such as in hot summers and cold winters. Young populace does not like to work in such tough conditions. Nowadays, many young individuals holding professional degrees prefer jobs that are less demanding manually. Thus, they like to embrace employment offering them comfort as well as handsome incomes.  

Additionally, in modern times, agriculture has not remained a profitable sector. In many sectors, government policies are against the interest of farmers, compelling the new generations to lose their enthusiasm to till the land for their livelihood. Anti-farming policies have led to various suicides by farmers in many areas which affect the young minds adversely engage in their work.  

A lobby of experts assert the most imperative step would be educating people on the functional areas of importance of this activity. This can be executed with the assistance of introducing it as a mandatory subject in the curriculum; and by helping the young generation by affording them the latest machinery along with financial support. Also, more seminars and workshops should be organized for the learners to encourage them.  

To sum up, it is the need of the hour that youngsters should show their involvement to revive this dying sector. Better investments and guidance can motivate them to choose it as a career.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion and examples.

 Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion and examples.

Nowadays people are spending too much money to celebrate personal and family events such as weddings, birthdays and so on


Some say that colossal investments are being made into commemorating personal and social occasions. This notion needs to be critically analyzed.

Those vouching for this notion bolster it with the plausible reasons, and profess this propensity is quite conspicuous today by virtue of most braving an extremely hectic daily schedule where they are constantly embroiled in meeting professional, familial and social obligations, leaving them with little time to rejoice with their loved ones. Thus, they use every event, regardless of its actual significance, to create nostalgic memories where they enjoy the closeness of their family members. Some even use these moments as an opportunity to reunite with their extended families comprising cousins and relatives; most are living in nuclear family settings, a new normal of modern society.      

Moreover, many also cite the perennial competition among peers and close relations, in which everyone is greatly inclined to flaunt their wealth and elite status. A survey conducted in the USA by Professor Sarika Dua, MIT, bolsters this aspect: it revealed that almost eighty percent of respondents said that they organized lavish parties even on their promotion to prove that they were as prosperous as their counterparts in various social strata.   

Nevertheless, the other school of thought denies the former opinion, even though their view is lacking in substance, and propounds that ever since humans appeared on this planet, they have celebrated all their personal and social events enthusiastically. The only thing that has changed is that the cost of celebration has spiked due to inflation, making events look lavish.      

Overall, disputes aside, I concur with this statement and feel that organizing extravagant events to commemorate even non-significant occasions is in vogue: people are driven by desire to enjoy the few moments they have at their disposal.  

Nowadays more and more older people who are looking for work have to compete with younger people for the same jobs. What problems does this cause? What are some possible solutions?

Nowadays more and more older people who are looking for work have to compete with younger people for the same jobs. What problems does this cause? What are some possible solutions?

Nowadays more and more older people who are looking for work have to compete with younger people for the same jobs

It is commonly observed today that those above 55 are predisposed to cut-throat competition from their younger counterparts. This has made them vulnerable to umpteen complications, making it imperative to discover panacea for this predicament. 

The most prominent of the troublesome circumstances resulting out of this phenomenon is that the elderly are left out of the fray by virtue of being oblivious to modern  technology and methods, something the younger generation is quite familiar with: the current curriculum involves disseminating knowledge about these methods. To corroborate, most companies, world over, prefer to hire personnel who are tech savvy and friendly with up-to-date working procedures, and the older generation stands a rare chance to be selected for such jobs. 

Moreover, this is predisposing the older generation to extreme struggles as they have to rely on either part time work - that rarely helps them make  their ends meet, or survive on their savings, resulting in financial troubles, and forcing them to survive in extreme penury. To exemplify, post pandemic, when most businesses started hiring personnel, they selectively choose healthier young workers; consequently, many seniors had to sell their belongings, or do menial jobs to scrape a living.       

Overcoming this challenge is possible provided policymakers take pragmatic steps: affording free of cost training to those above 50, so that the latter can get on a level playing field; and use the upgraded knowledge to be deemed as eligible. Similarly, employers should be persuaded to alter their hiring strategies and allocate equal priority to the experience besides adroitness in modern ways of working. 

Overall, the stiff competition being  posed by young job aspirants is making the older workers prone to unemployment and impoverishment, and to ameliorate this, the state should intervene and afford free education and modify certain norms.  

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

 Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers


It has been suggested by many experts that secondary school learners should be rendered some liberty to question their tutors as this could help in better learning, but nonetheless others argue that this is likely to prove counterproductive, so this practice should not be permitted.

Nowadays,  many have been contesting that learners in secondary schools should be rendered some latitude to challenge their tutors. Nonetheless, others dissent with this notion and suggest that this might make classroom management a difficult task. 

The  suggestion for affording freedom to pupils to criticize and quiz teaching staff gains support from the assumption that this would make school education more meaningful. Pupils are on the verge of graduating to higher studies where they are likely to encounter a plethora of content and diverse teaching attitudes, and providing them with this privilege at school would fuel their courage and propensity to challenge something they do not comprehend well. 

Moreover, those rallying behind this idea also profess that this would also help learners to clarify their doubts from the faculty on the issues they usually stumble across during lessons, but choose to remain silent fearing retribution and ridicule from the latter, making education more interactive and interesting for all. Similarly, the teaching professionals would also get an opportunity to make adjustments in their imparting strategies and corrections in their attitudes. 

However, despite the former opinion being hailed as progressive, its impact will result in unwarranted consequences and the implementation of this proposal will backfire. The advantage of such an arrangement will surely be taken by unruly students, using the opportunity to clarify their doubts as a pretext to undermine teachers and disrupt the proceedings of the class. Additionally, this will also dampen the confidence and spirit of tutors and interfere with their task of disseminating knowledge effectively. 

Overall, I strongly feel that the scholastic environment needs those getting education to be disciplined and also respect those providing them with knowledge. Nevertheless, allowing such a system to prevail will kill the very objective and meaning of schooling. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Part time courses are on the rise and students are taking them up as an alternative to full time courses. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

 Part time courses are on the rise and students are taking them up as an alternative to full time courses. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Distance learning is fast becoming a new normal, as growing numbers are opting for this method of garnering skills, and is affording umpteen benefits. However, it remains to be seen whether pros of this pattern exceed the traditional educational pattern.  

Undeniably, this method of acquiring skills, especially professional, has ushered in an era of great convenience for those engaged in overwhelming professional routines but need to augment their targeted competence in their field of specialization. Now, they can effortlessly enroll and educate themselves in the required area of specialization aligned with the future goals and ambitions without compromising their work and current obligations. It has been observed that most highly placed professionals have been able to chart their ascent to the top management by embracing this way of bolstering their academic credentials. 

Moreover, one can evade entrance tests and steep competition for meager offerings of regular study and instead embark upon their endeavor of obtaining knowledge of the realm they want to advance in. To corroborate, in countries like India facing a dearth of places in traditional institutional set-up by virtue of rising population, more and more learners are reaping rich dividends extended by such a system and circumventing the stress of additional tests. 

Nevertheless, the shortfalls often quoted, despite being less convincing, reflect the fears that learners might not be able cultivate required dexterity in their domain as compared to their counterparts studying full-time, for they give a chance to meet industry experts, participate in field work, and learn about diverse approaches, a miss.  

Overall, although there are some pitfalls of studying in such settings, there are benefits galore like flexibility and lack of competition, and thus, easily outshine the former. This way of gaining knowledge is bound to become ubiquitous in the future. 

Governments spend a lot of money on wildlife protection instead of starting new projects. Is this a positive or a negative trend? Give your opinion and examples from your experience.

 Governments spend a lot of money on wildlife protection instead of starting new projects. Is this a positive or a negative trend? Give your opinion and examples from your experience.

Governments spend a lot of money on wildlife protection instead of starting new projects

In contemporary times,  the focus seems to be shifting towards protecting wild flora and fauna, and putting other programs on the backseat. This has evoked a fierce debate whether this shift will fetch favorable, or unfavorable outcomes.       

To begin with, there is widespread optimism being expressed by various  quarters: it has become possible to ensure the continued existence of the human race on this planet. This policy is likely to help in sustaining a precarious balance of the ecology: both animals and plants are an integral part of the environment and food chain, and if one of them disappears, others will follow soon, jeopardizing the safety of mankind itself since this will allow the population of harmful beings to flourish and expose people to various hazards. 

To corroborate, extensive hunting  of wild birds in China during the 1960s, on the pretext that they were a threat to the crops, precipitated into an uncontrolled rise in the number of locusts that eventually destroyed thousands of acres of crop bearing farmlands, and caused a famine. This resulted in millions dying from starvation.

However, there are some counter views to this that point at the pitfalls this shift has brought along despite these being often termed as a fickle imagination, the most prominent being drying out of financial support for other more essential initiatives that  target rendering essential amenities to those in need of food, education, employment, healthcare and above all, clean drinking water. This could hamper the progress of society in the long run, as the skeptics assume. 

Overall, disputes  aside, despite some fears being expressed about the non-existent darker side of this policy, it is quite prudent to assert that humans will only survive if their co-inhabitants do, and for that the damage must be undone. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Nowadays, as a part of the education process, students work at a company for a short period of time without pay. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, as a part of the education process, students work at a company for a short period of time without pay. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays as a part of the education process, students work at a company for a short period of time without pay.

In contemporary times, internship has become an integral part of the curriculum of university education and other training programs, where learners are made to work without compensation. While this process has umpteen benefits to offer, there are certain failings too.

Internship programs, where learners are not paid anything for their work, form an integral part of modern educational curriculum. This process is populated by both merits and demerits;however, it remains to be seen whether the former overshadows the latter. 

Unpaid internship programs form an integral part of modern educational curriculum. This process is populated by both merits and demerits;however, it remains to be seen whether the former overshadows the latter. 

Industrial  training affords a major advantage to young learners: they can obtain an exposure of the professional work environment in person that turns out to be far more enriching than grasping the knowledge from books and manuals. Such endeavors have the potential to inform and train prospective graduates about critical interpersonal skills they are going to need essentially to integrate successfully and effectively with an existing workforce, rendering a myriad of benefits to both the trainees and prospective employers, with the former becoming disciplined and the latter not needing to expend extensively on training fresh graduates. 

Similarly, such undertakings can perform another important function, helping pupils discover and determine their natural inclination in the area that they would like to take up as their profession once they complete their studies. This can be corroborated by citing the outcomes of a study carried out by professor Harmeet Singh, University of Toronto that revealed that over 70% of skilled professionals successfully finalized their occupations through such programmes in the last two decades.

Nevertheless, even though quite inconsequential in impact, one has to bear expenses of traveling to the site and back along with the food. This can be an expensive proposition for those belonging to not so well-off families. Besides this, participating in such initiatives can also sometimes turn out to be stressful as students are subjected to handling their work and studies simultaneously.

Overall, I strongly feel that the advantages extended by such schemes eclipse their pitfalls as these prepare soon to graduate youngsters, to take up their careers with enthusiasm and also efficiently. 

In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact. What are the challenges of adopting a sustainable lifestyle? What practical actions can individuals take to contribute to sustainability?

 In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact. What are the challenges of adopting a sustainable lifestyle? What practical actions can individuals take to contribute to sustainability?

In many societies there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact

Deteriorating ecological conditions have proven to be a canary in the mines, and enlightened mankind to work in attaining a sustainable environment. However, this task is fraught with umpteen challenges, but all is not lost, and a lot can be done at individual level to circumvent an otherwise imminent catastrophe. 

Deteriorating ecological conditions have proven to be a canary in the mines, and enlightened mankind to work in attaining a sustainable environment. However, this task is fraught with umpteen challenges, yet a lot can be done at individual level to circumvent an otherwise imminent catastrophe. 

The task of reversing the damage to the planet is, undeniably, of a gargantuan dimension, with a steeply rising global population stipulating harnessing more and  more natural resources, and bringing increasing swathes of land under human occupation for industrial and agricultural use - with the latter being supported by extensive use of chemically synthesized fertilizers and pesticides. By virtue of this, eschewing unsustainable ways and embracing policies to erect safeguards against further degradation of surroundings seems to be a far cry and carries little motivation. 

Similarly, the populace that has surrendered to the temptation of leading a life of pleasure fueled by technology such as cars, plastic - used in various spheres of life and diverse manifestations, and so on, faces a daunting task of discovering affordable alternatives promising affordability with little modifications. This can also be partly attributed to absence of resources, expertise and above all, enlightenment. 

Nevertheless, the table can be turned on adversities provided diverse demographies should take the matter in their own hands by switching to a minimalist lifestyle: reducing their unnecessary consumption and use of cars; banishing plastics from their life and surroundings; and saving energy and water by using these  resources prudently. These steps can go a long way in preserving the vitality of the environment.    

Overall, several limitations impede the progress of the undertakings aimed at ensuring an enduring environment, but no stone should be left unturned, for only this endeavor can ensure perpetuation of life on the earth. Thus, society should spring into action.  

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

he shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences

There is a common perception that only policy makers are having the capability of finding solutions to the crisis caused by paucity(shortage) of residential units in urban locales. This notion, however, is challenged by several quarters.

Undeniably,  governments are vested with the powers to enact laws to afford benefits to citizens. On a similar note, they can create provisions to affect changes in bye-laws governing the land use. For example, in cities like Delhi, when the authorities realized that inhabitants were facing a steep scarcity of residential units, and prices and rents of property were spiraling out of control, they sprang into the action and responded by dismantling old low-rise housing units and converting certain commercial areas with derelict buildings into the residential ones. Such undertakings helped in mitigating the issue upto a certain level.

Similarly, regimes also enjoy the jurisdiction of developing residential areas on the outer fringes and in suburbs that can help ease the burden of population on urban areas. This task requires involvement of multitude of infrastructural development and expertise that can exclusively be arranged by the state. Sub-cities like Gurugram, Dubai, Goyang and Montpellier, to name a few, are some of the successful examples of initiatives taken by the local governing bodies.

Nevertheless, although not supported by a strong rationale, some suggest that this task is not the lone responsibility of politicians, even citizens can play a role by forming forums to foster public opinion and force urban planners to create policies that can aid in arranging more and more accommodations for urbanites.  

To recap, controversies apart, only the state machinery has the competence to provide efficient and bespoke solutions for this monumental challenge as  piecemeal efforts and initiatives are likely to culminate into a chaos. ‘


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Some experts say for road safety cyclists should pass a test before being allowed on public roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 Some experts say for road safety cyclists should pass a test before being allowed on public roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Some experts say for road safety cyclists should pass a test before being allowed on public roads

Of late, a common perception has been emerging that those pedaling must prove their eligibility before using common motorways. Even though this proposal seems to be agreeable, it is necessary to analyze the rationale behind it critically.

There  is a skeptical view that challenges this notion and terms  it as regressive. Such a move will only cause chaos as it will become hard to decide at what age one must undergo the licensing process: currently, everyone, regardless of their age, is allowed to pedal anywhere. However, after implementation of this policy, minors might be barred from using main roads and forced to remain confined to the residential areas only. Consequently, besides becoming dependent on others for negotiating their daily chores, they could also get encouraged to lead a sedentary lifestyle, by virtue of being condemned to travel by automobiles on main roads.

Nevertheless,  those supporting this suggestion cite safety of road users as a motivation for making the testing of cyclists before affording them the liberty to use public roadways. It has been observed that there has been a phenomenal increase in road mishaps involving these individuals; a majority of such incidents can be attributed to their erratic behavior, stemming from their lack of knowledge of road rules and etiquette. This can be corroborated by referring to the data of accidents caused by cyclists in cities like Chandigarh where unpredictable maneuvers by these individuals led to road fatalities, especially of those riding two-wheelers. Thus, those cycling must prove their awareness of road safety norms before entering the main motorways. 

Overall, controversies apart, I vehemently feel that such an arrangement should be put into effect urgently; this would help in making roads safe for all and prevent bicycle riders from becoming a cause of accidents.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Discuss and share your opinion.

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Discuss and share your opinion.

Global tourism, despite being a major money-spinner for many economies across the globe has failed to stay out of controversy of it being an activity that is promoting discord among diverse cultures. But, this view is not held by another lobby.

To start with, those skeptical of this activity cite some sporadic incidents to tarnish the image of this industry. Most of such events usually take place due to the lack of familiarization of alien visitors with the local customs and ways of life. However, it has been seen that today most travellers before departing from their home country, tend to inform themselves about the culture of hosts so that they can avoid uncomfortable circumstances and also the wrath of host citizens.

Nevertheless,   the real picture is far from what is painted by the critics of tourism. As per them, tourists have become a medium of conveying messages of friendship and harmony that they carry from their own countries to the destination societies. They do not only enthusiastically absorb the information about distinct cultures from alien surroundings but also impart knowledge of their ways of life among the host citizens, who in turn accept those in a friendly manner, fostering a sense of brotherhood among both. 

Similarly, the economic perspective attached to this activity renders it an essential role of bridging gaps between civilizational fault lines. When aliens travel to a society, they generate employment and business for the hosts by virtue of which they are received by natives warmly, aiding in fostering bonhomie between the former and the latter.

In hindsight, quite contrary to the allegations levelled by the cynical lobby, arrival of foreign tourists in a country paves way for fomenting harmonious relationships between diverse nationalities and ethnicities, rather than fomenting a rift.    

Some people feel that entertainers are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?

 Some people feel that entertainers are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?      

The entertainment industry has always received limelight and as a result there is a lot of money invested on the talent supporting this realm. These current payouts are highly inflated in comparison to the time invested, as per the popular opinion goes. Some also extend their suggestions about other occupations that should receive astronomical sums.   

Over the past few decades, the entertainment industry has commanded a premium over many other professions. This has been fueled by the need for the general population to worship celebrities. This has given the entertainers a free hand to demand for money and has gone unchecked for far too long. The situation has reached a stage where there is no correlation between the hours of work and the associated rewards.

The critics are up in arms against the sky-high earnings of those engaged in various domains connected to entertainment, be it actors, singers, musicians or players. As per their view, these individuals are hardly doing anything that can benefit society. The wealth they amass, as a result of their popularity, sets wrong precedents for the society, especially the youth who are also swayed by the riches and abandon their occupations and goals that could help them harness their talent  and afford several benefits for society.

There is a unanimous view from various sections of society that rally behind the idea of raising the compensation of those engaged in certain professions that are essential  and help build a society: public service, medical professionals, teachers, and charity workers to name a few. These professionals focus on building, serving, and saving lives and have a direct impact on the lives of many individuals. A survey by National Youth daily, brought forth a shocking statistic that over 80% of young individuals have steered clear of fields including public services  and medicine simply because there is a scope to earn more money with minimum efforts which include entertainment. This has also led to an increase in people shifting from trades that are pivotal to development to entertainment. 

In conclusion, there is absolutely no reason that professionals from the entertainment industry should be paid colossally. Other  professions that enjoy strategic importance for a nation should receive more monetary credit. This would create an equal opportunity and the rewards will not be accorded to a particular set of industries alone.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this, and what can governments and individuals do to tackle this issue.

Global warming is one of the major issues facing the world. What are the reasons  for this

The ever rising consumption of fossil fuels is causing the world to become warmer. The following paragraphs shall assess the attributes of this issue, and also suggest some ways to halt it.

To begin with, the heightening of global warming can be easily attributed to the rising emission of wet gasses such as carbon monoxide and dioxide, and methane, to name a few. This increment stems from the primarily rising number of vehicles on the road and the emissions caused by burning of petrol, coal and gas. Besides this, the rise in the number of air conditioners and refrigerators by every household became the source for the origin of gasses such as cholo-floro carbon that ultimately is heating environment. Additionally, the growing number of industries produce heat and different types of pollution that are responsible for increasing temperatures. Moreover, the cutting of trees releases the carbon contained in them and limits the ability of nature to regulate carbon content in the atmosphere.

Surmounting this challenge is contingent on switching to public transport and electric vehicles to mitigate emissions of carbon monoxide and  dioxide, gasses that contribute greatly to global warming. Similarly, for shorter distances they should walk or pedal. Efforts should be invested in cutting down production of electricity, so that discharge of greenhouse gasses can be alleviated. For example, using LED bulbs and energy efficient electrical appliances; and minimizing the use of washing machines, air-conditioners, and other household equipment will bring down the need to produce electricity, thereby helping in  alleviating the usage of coal,oil and gas for producing power. 

To recap, it is the combined effort of governments and inhabitants that can help control the usage of natural fuels, electricity, and help ease the problem of global warming to a great extent.  

Monday, January 1, 2024

Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy?

 Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy?

In recent years, there are several government bodies that are considering extreme policies to curtail crime targeted at a certain section of the demographic. While this is being driven to change a very grim reality in the current environment, the intent and possible outcomes of implementing such policies needs to be investigated in greater detail.

Over time, there has been an extremely sharp increase in crime rates in multiple countries. A policy of such nature can help ensure there is a discipline cultivated with young adults from an early age. This could also help them to utilize their time more efficiently on academic activities. It will also help them with improved awareness in areas where crime rates against children are high. In case there are policies which come into effect, a sense of fear which would be established with criminals. Another unintentional advantage would be that teens would also be restricted from social situations where they may be subjected to peer pressure to explore alcohol and other substances at a young age.

However, studies have long demonstrated that children who are subjected to multiple restrictions growing up, often tend to display extreme rebellion in their teens which carries on to their adulthood as well. This could result in incriminating behavior proving to be counterproductive. This could have a detrimental impact on the society if a whole section of the demographic grows up in this manner. Restricting teenagers indoors can also increase their dependence on the internet and devices which can result in an introvert mentality being developed in social situations in the long run.

In conclusion, there are multiple reasons to carefully consider implementing such a policy in countries which see a need. It may have an immediate effect in reducing crime rates. The tradeoff highlighted through the policy, can have an immediate impact to make cities a safer place for the citizens and build the confidence as well.

Globalization has many positives but its negative effects should also not be ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Globalization has many positives but its negative effects should also not be ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Globalization has many positives but its negative effects should also not be ignored

Even though globalization has afforded innumerable benefits, it has also drawn rampant criticism as the skeptical lobby suggests that it will not be prudent to disregard the pitfalls of this arrangement.

Those cynical of this new world order suggest that it is obliterating weaker cultures and economies, and compare it to neo-colonialism: a method to gain cultural and political dominance. The youth of impoverished societies are lured by global aspirations which reflect the ways of life of affluent parts of the world, and tend to abandon their native beliefs, exposing the latter to extinction. Moreover, the juggernaut of technology and investments brought in by businesses from rich nations is leading to demise of local entrepreneurial skills of the poor economies, making the latter susceptible to economic dependence on the former.

Notwithstanding the fears expressed by the critics, a highly globalized world has yielded rich dividends in various forms that gives compelling reasons to brush aside any apprehensions. It has now become possible for consumers across the world  to procure and consume any kind of products and services, like Apple Iphones and cheap air travel, at affordable costs within their own countries since they are delivered at their door steps. 

Similarly, this setting has raised the hopes of establishing harmonious relationships across diverse cultures and ethnicities by virtue of promoting effortless communications through the internet. Contemporary inhabitants of the planet communicate  with their counterparts without inhibitions, facilitating conducive dialogue and bonhomie, helping engender universal brotherhood and mitigate possibilities of altercations and war. 

Overall, although the cynicism is not unfounded, they can be overlooked for the sake of the larger interest of humanity as this phenomenon promulgates principles of coexistence, and any detrimental impact can be eliminated by embracing judicious policies to perpetuate cultural and economic freedom. 

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