Thursday, April 1, 2021

Some people believe that there should be a gap year after finishing high school (secondary school) and before starting university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that there should be a gap year after finishing high school (secondary school) and before starting university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

College enrollment is a milestone that every individual desires to travel across at the earliest. There is a lobby that believes a break of one year after completing secondary education is indispensable. This essay will justify the rationale behind their perspective and discuss that of others.

A break of a year can render students an opportunity to get adequate time to ponder over their future prudently without being in a hurry. It can help them to discover the answer to the question, that is,  what to do next, thereby mitigating the intricacies involved in immediately choosing a career path right after their secondary education. Furthermore, they can avail counselling services during this gap for better guidance from the experts. 

Furthermore, after studying incessantly for fourteen years, and facing immense pressure, this respite provides them with a sigh of relief. Moreover, life at the university proves to be quite challenging for these novices. So, during this break year, they can develop some skills like communication, stress and time management, and so on, and ameliorate the existing ones as well to cope with the challenges they are likely to encounter in higher studies.  

However, some are skeptical of this practice. As per their experience,  some opting for such an arrangement have ended up suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, social phobias and so on, affecting their personalities adversely, when  they observe their peers enjoying college life. This might also lead them feeling inferior to their college going friends. Therefore, the gap year could sometimes result in severe repercussions on the psyche of the learners.

Overall, a break after secondary education has both pros and cons. However, the merits outstrip the drawbacks. Thus, I concur with the statement. Young learners should use this allowance to plan their future judiciously. From this perspective, the break after completing high school would be of great afford for them.

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