Monday, April 5, 2021

Whenever people visit any country they behave in the same manner as they are inhabitants of that country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whenever people visit any country they behave in the same manner as they are inhabitants of that country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is an intriguing debate brewing up since there is a lobby that believes travellers mould their conduct according to the natives of the host society to get familiar with the latter. This essay will justify the rationale behind this notion and share a logical conclusion.


With the exponential rise in globalization, a slew of people have started exploring different countries. By behaving like the inhabitants of the nation, travellers believe that they leave a lasting impression of affection towards hosts. By virtue of which they are able to establish harmonious relationships with the locals, thereby mitigating the disparities. Moreover, this helps them to afford a deeper insight into the lives of the people residing in that particular country by exploring a rich profusion of cultures and traditions.


Furthermore, this practice aids in creating the public perception of the country from which visitors belong to subsequently, leaving a positive influence on the residents to gauge the attitudes of societies from where the visitors hail. Due to which, this incites an inquisitiveness among the locals to discover the diversities across the globe, resulting in the strengthening feeling of brotherhood and fostering bonhomie.  

However, a section out rightly denies such integration. As  per this lobby,  barring a few, most travellers interact with host ways of lifes only to the extent of familiarizing and not adopting. They feel that they have ventured into an alien society for experiencing diversity rather than abandoning their own beliefs. This can be elucidated by the facilities offered by host countries to make the foreign travelers feel at home by contriving the environment tourists will find back home. 


To reiterate, despite some negative aspects of behaving in the same way like they are natives of the nation, people should brush aside their tribal attitudes and integrate themselves with people across the globe. Hence, I concur with the statement.

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