Monday, April 26, 2021

Some people believe residents should have responsibility to keep the street clean and tidy. Others believe it is the government who should given this responsibility. Discuss and give your opinion.


Some people believe residents should have responsibility to keep the street clean and tidy. Others believe it is the government who should given this responsibility.

 Discuss and give your opinion.

Some people believe residents should have responsibility to keep the street clean and tidy


 Obligatory for the locals, who are directly impacted by the 


- Evil will be nipped in its bud since individuals are the cause of this


- Government should don the mantle

   - They collect taxes 

   - They have the expertise and resources to dispose off the garbage effectively 

Cleanliness is an important virtue, and it is not limited to own premises, but extends to the surroundings too. However, when it comes it maintaining clean streets, a war of words tends to ensue, as to who should take the onus of this, local dwellers themselves, or  the authorities.  

There is a general perception that this task should be obligatory for the locals, who are directly impacted by the surroundings. Unclean neighborhood with littered streets and alleys support unhygienic conditions and often breed various infection carrying insects and pests such as mosquitoes and flies, which will eventually enter the homes  and inflict the inhabitants of the locality with various diseases, affecting their physical and mental wellbeing unfavorably.

Furthermore, if citizens take up this initiative, the evil will be nipped in its bud: insanitary conditions of the areas surrounding homes is a  problem in making that finds its source in the lifestyles and habits of  people themselves. It has been observed that it is them who go around littering the streets carelessly, without considering the aftermath of such actions. Thus, inhabitants should take this task up as a part of their social obligation.

However, many opine that the government should don the mantle of affording sanitary conditions in localities. Authorities gross huge amounts of revenues from the tax payers on this account, and fund municipal bodies – that are finally entrusted with the job of keeping the areas clean. Additionally, government agencies also have the tools and expertise to dispose of the refuse effectively.  

Overall, I cannot imagine the job of sustaining clean surroundings being the burden of either the government, or people alone. This onus must be jointly shared by both the authorities and dwellers of the communities though the latter should play a proactive role.  



Saturday, April 24, 2021

Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


It is often debated that whether parents should motivate their wards to participate in pre-defined group activities in their pastime, while the other lobby suggests that youngsters to learn to indulge themselves on their own.  


To start with, it is undoubted that by indulging in group activities children will be able to foster confidence in coordinating with others in social circles. While participating in team work they deal with certain pressure that inspires them to play their part and also assist others in improving the performance. They are also able to learn about coordinating with others while planning new strategies in order to pursue group goals successfully, which can be of a great utility in the future life. Furthermore, it has been said that pre-planned group activities are much safer because they are monitored by professionals, which prevents youngsters from committing errors, and also tutor them about how to  surmount challenges. 


However, the other set of people suggest that young individuals should be allowed to decide when, where and which endeavor to indulge during their leisure time. Such liberty will allow the young minds to develop an appreciation of the importance of taking their own decisions, which will gradually interpret into their rational decision making abilities later in life as  adults, where they have to decide on numerous matters without having the privilege of seeking counsel of others. Moreover, this would also allow growing minds to inculcate the traits of  being independent, where they do not have to wait for instructions, and also  being responsible for their own actions.  


In conclusion, it would be appropriate to say that parents should persuade their offspring to engage in extracurricular undertakings that mandate teamwork so that young individuals can develop essential life skills.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Some people believe that individuals who earn a lot of money are the most successful. Others say that the individuals who contribute to the society (such as scientists or teachers) are the most successful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people believe that individuals who earn a lot of money are the most successful. Others say that the individuals who contribute to the society (such as scientists or teachers) are the most successful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people believe that individuals who earn a lot of money are the most successful

Who is more successful 

Is it those who are affluent? 

·         These people can easily afford all possible comforts of life: lavish houses, swanky cars, and every possible  luxury like even expensive holidays and 

·         They can plan their and their children’s future: investment into education, savings and also pension plans 

·         They can even contribute to revenues by taxes and  philanthropy by donations

·         They can fulfill all their ambitions 

Is it those who contribute to society 

·         Through their contributions, they bring around a radical changes in the way of life of people 

·         Their work and their feats earn them long lasting respect and affection of people

The great topical public discourse of contemporary times revolves around a tricky controversy  about whether affluence earns success, or is it the ability to influence society with positive work a true parameter of triumph. Although both the partisan factions have  their justified views, I believe both money and contribution are true indicators of achievements.  

There is a general perception around that prosperity is one aspect that should be taken as a true gauge to measure how much success one has garnered. This opinion is aligned with materialistic view that professes  those who amass humongous wealth can easily afford not only basic amenities such food shelter, clothing and healthcare to their families but also make them available every imaginable and enviable comfort: big and plush mansions, swanky cars, modern gadgets, making life comfortable and enjoyable.

 Furthermore, ones having enough money at their disposal can also plan their  and  the future  of their wards better. Investments into education of their wards, savings for emergencies, bigger houses, or for twilight years are not difficult to imagine provided one has enough to save after fulfilling their primary requirements.

Nevertheless, as the other school of thought vouches for definition of success that entails contributions made to society for public good. Inventors, teachers, engineers and many others who enrich the lives of people with their discoveries and services are truly worthy of being considered as accomplished, for they devote themselves relentlessly and make efforts to improve the life of others, in the process, they are bestowed upon with respect and  affection that is enduring.    

Overall, despite disparate views, it can be safely asserted that both money and contribution to society are accomplishments in their own virtue.  Money is critical to survival, but assisting society is also pivotal to happy life nonetheless.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money. Why and how should they do it? Include examples from your own experience.

 Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money. Why and how should they do it? Include examples from your own experience.

Some say it is important for parents to teach their children about the importance of money

Why to teach Value of Money to Young ones

- Tender minds are easily influenced by the possessions of their elite peers. - Over pampering by the parents, which is turning them into demanding individuals - Train them about being rational

How to do it

- Mothers and fathers must set precedents by making sacrifices

Intro one

Money, saving and spending, is an integral part of life, but young ones are quite oblivious to this fact. This makes it a practical approach, as per many, to impact this critical life skill  to the little ones  by applying disparate strategies. 

Intro two

Child rearing is an arduous task, and making young ones aware of critical matters, like appreciating the relevance of money, to help them grow as rational adults, is a desirable task. Experts have discovered several methods to accomplish this important goal. 

Coaching youngsters about the relevance of money is a paramount task in the contemporary times when the young ones are more frequently interacting with their surroundings. Tender minds are easily influenced by the possessions of their elite peers; attractive advertisements of products; and over pampering by the parents, which is turning them into demanding individuals, presenting a serious challenge for mothers and fathers who have to struggle coping with unwarranted demands. Informing young ones about the importance of this resource will go a long way in teaching them about being rational. 

Nevertheless, enlightening young minds about the significance of money is although a little tricky, a surmountable challenge provided people at a little prudently. Many commentators suggest that mothers and fathers should set precedents for their wards by making sacrifices, delaying purchases of unnecessary things, and putting some money into savings. Such actions should be taken, and openly discussed in front of the young ones.

Similarly, another method that can bring radical changes in attitudes of youngsters and help them appreciate the relevance money has in comfort filled life, is by making them visit locations that are populated by those belonging to the deprived/underprivileged sections. This will surely have a long lasting impact on the young psyche and teach them why money is critical.

Hence, I strongly feel the current era has added new challenges to the task of parenting, and bringing youngsters face to face with money management is one of them, but this can be easily negotiated with a judicious approach. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this case? What can be done about this problem?

In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this case? What can be done about this problem? 

It is true that a large number of people throughout the world suffer from hunger even though the agricultural sector has seen many technological developments. There are several reasons for this and the lack of resources and adverse weather conditions are the most important among them. However, there are some measures that can be implemented to tackle this problem.

One of the significant reasons for why people do not have enough food supplies is unevenly distributed resources. In other words, it is known that most people who suffer from hunger are from underdeveloped countries where they have no financial support to conduct research in farming. Moreover, climate change and geographical differences aggravate this problem. For instance, adequate rain, sunshine and nourished soil are the main requirements for growing crops but they barely exist in some countries. On the other hand, even though some regions have a rich harvest of crops, it is likely to be destroyed by flooding or other natural disasters which might be caused by climate change.

There are many solutions that can be implemented to overcome this trend. To begin with, developed countries can aid poor countries by sharing their technology and financial resources so that those countries can conduct research to find solutions to tackle the famine. Consequently, hybrid seeds and plants can be synthesized which could withstand  undesirable conditions even if the places where they are not grown are not blessed with suitable climate. It is essential to tackle climate change with immediate effect. Otherwise, it will impact the whole world in a negative way.

In conclusion, it is true that a significant number of people in the world suffer from famine even though many farming advancements are currently in use. This can be overcome by providing the knowledge and financial aid to nations that need it the most.

There are some people who think that the only one best way to solve environmental problems is by increasing cost of fuels for cars and other moving vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 There are some people who think that the only one best way to solve environmental problems is by increasing cost of fuels for cars and other moving vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Environmental pollution has been a major concern in the contemporary times and some environmentalists feel that governments should raise the price of fuel to resolve this issue. In my opinion, it may help to some extent; however this is not the only solution.

To begin with, affecting a hike in the prices of petrol and diesel may only help reduce the environmental pollution to some degree. In other words, excessive use of cars releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is detrimental to the environment. If the price of fossil fuel based propellants is raised, individuals may  start to use their cars less often, and also limit their journeys  through other modes, and this in turn can help decelerate the rate of air pollution. However, this arrangement may not ago a long way  in curbing environmental problems when there are a plethora of other sources, like industry and farming, are contributing greatly to global menace of ecological destruction.  

To counter this menace more effectively, governments can take other judicious measures. A better solution is to invest in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar power and water tides rather than non – renewable resources like fossil fuels. By promoting modes of commuting that rely on electricity: trains and electric cars, governments can ensure curtailing the ecological destruction to a great extent. A recent survey has revealed that use of solar power and electricity in various transportation mediums has assisted in bringing down pollution at large in many regions across the world. 

Thus, it can be clearly implied that the decision incrementing the prices of fuels will only fetch a short term benefit, but not mitigate ecological devastation. For that, there is a need to adopt more prudent steps and methods. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. Others believe that it’s good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. Others believe that it’s good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Choosing a friend is an onerous task. Many voice their belief that  one should select an acquaintance who has similar beliefs and preferences; however, others say that it is good to have someone who could voice disagreement occasionally. This essay will discuss both the sides and share a justified opinion.

To start with, friendship among people with similar mindsets bloom often. In other words, people are able to understand each other in every sphere of life, which results in absence of disputes and people engage in a healthy relationship that goes a long way. For example, a recent survey conducted by a group of social behaviorists shows that people who have friends with the same principals have a hospitable and an enjoyable relationship and are most likely to stay in it forever.

Nevertheless,  a lobby holds contrasting views on this issue. They vouch for friends who have guts and grit to dissent. It is believed that having such individuals, instead of yes-men, often helps ensure choosing a viable path and preventing one from committing errors. This is to say that, if one is about to take a wrong decision, a friend with the courage to be critical can show a correct path, which could reduce many hurdles. Moreover, when friends have disparate perspectives, they do not only get to enjoy a variety of ideas but also obtain a chance to broaden the horizons. There are many things that one does not know, and lending ears to someone with contrasting views will help to increase knowledge.

In conclusion, considering the aforementioned views, in my opinion, friends with different opinions are always a blessing in disguise as they could show one the right path or assist in expanding the knowledge.

Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying, however they should perform other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying, however they should perform other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying

Why should they engage in something apart from studies 

·         Helps improve skills, talents and mental ability

·         Helps sustain a balanced and stress-free life

·         Helps in building social contacts.


 Why not? 

·         University courses cost several arms and several legs, thus it should be the primary goal of learners  

With the educational system and syllabus becoming sophisticated, many have started suggesting that learners engaged in regular courses, must also indulge in some extracurricular endeavors to bolster their physical and mental well being. Nevertheless, there are contrasting views too in this regard.


The growing demands of the modern curriculum at the varsities necessitates extra efforts from the learners which sometimes makes them dedicate long hours to their studies. This leaves them with little spare time to relax and rejuvenate, which is extremely critical for not only their health but also for their morale. Thus, they should, whenever possible, break this mundane and undertake some extra or co curricular activities to earn a much needed respite from grueling academic routines. 


Moreover, doing this can go a long way in restoring their enthusiasm towards the studies and also, heightening their concentration, making their university pursuits more enriching, as well as enjoyable. Similarly,  such interludes  also help university goers socialize with their peers and the outer world, which many times aid in getting a grasp of a crucial life skill: interacting with the world that is much maturer than they had encountered during their schooling, assisting in formation of broader world view. 

Nonetheless, the critics to this view deride it vehemently. This lobby asserts that the sole objective of the learners should be to attain their scholastic goals for which many are paying through their nose. Indulging in anything, unrelated to studies, might cause a distraction and take students away from their objectives, affecting their outcomes and impeding their professional progress later. 

In hindsight, I feel even though the skepticism over this suggestion is not unfounded, it is extremely important for the learners to undertake certain extracurricular activities:  this would indirectly also facilitate better academic performance.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lobby that believes the incorporation of financial education in the school curriculum would be of great afford for the students. This essay will justify the rationale behind this proposal and discuss that of others.

Many have hailed the idea of integrating financial education as a part of the school program. This can be attributed to numerous reasons. It would help the students to comprehend the significance of money by learning procedures to spend their funds wisely/judiciously in life later on. As this knowledge today cannot be disseminated by parents due to their overwhelming indulgence in the professional realms, the onus thus falls on the formal tuition who must don the mantle of letting the youngsters grow as well-informed adults.  

Furthermore, schools with their well-planned courseware, trained and experienced faculty and conducive environment can ensure appropriate imparting of knowhow managing money. The knowledge delivered at schools is often not questioned but quietly embraced. but, in the process, the pupils will learn the strategies for the proper management of their earnings during their professional tenure by virtue of which they could enjoy a rich profusion of benefits in their twilight years, when people are vulnerable to several health issues since they would possess sufficient funds at their disposal to sustain their requirements.

However, some outrightly reject this proposal. As per their experience, despite optimism being expressed by supporters, little ones are likely to become money-minded and materialic too soon. This learning could affect their behavior too and make them value everything in financial terms. Moreover, the addition of such subjects would escalate their academic burden by posing immense pressure on the growing minds since they are already surrounded by a plethora of other more crucial disciplines.

To reiterate, I strongly believe that addition of financial knowhow in the education would enable the pupils to learn money management which will turn them responsible when they grow into adults.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Discuss.

Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. Discuss. 

There is an intriguing debate brewing up as there is a lobby that believes a major chunk of working professionals has an inclination towards  incessant job-hopping in the hope of getting several benefits while the other feel that individuals prefer a continuation of their work at the same organization for years.

A great deal of monetary and non-monetary advantages are associated with job hopping. This practice proffers people a wide array of alternatives which aids them in prospering their career as they get an opportunity to acquire a higher rank in the hierarchy of the destination company along with a chance to experience diverse working environments that later help in broadening professional clout.

Similarly, this practice allows one to secure tempting pay packages including, several perks, bonuses and exponential increments in the salaries, which help them to accomplish their financial obligations, serve their families better, and render a chance to ameliorate their lifestyles, raising their  living standards. 

In the face of it, some are reluctant to leave the organizations they work for, by virtue of disparate significant factors that provide a rationale behind this phenomenon. These people get used to the working environment owing to serving the establishment for years and do not want to forego the bonds and contacts with their colleagues. Similarly, after joining a new organization,  they are required to prove their worth all over again, as well as they need to compete against already established employees of the company.

To reiterate, switching employment renders great opportunities with lucrative remuneration, as well as better ranks in the corporations. However, some outrightly reject the notion of job-hopping because of their already developed value and connections, which otherwise would be an arduous task to embark upon from the scratch in a new enterprise.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Some people believe that it is better to build new museums and town halls instead of renovating the old ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.

Some people believe that it is better to build new museums and town halls instead of renovating the old ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.


There is an intriguing debate brewing up since there is a lobby that believes construction of new tourist attractions would be of great afford rather than revamping the existing heritage sites. This essay will justify the rationale behind this notion and explore whether this is favourable or unfavourable development.


A slew of people takes inspiration and ideas from these historical structures about their architecture, diverse art-forms, calligraphy styles, thereby stimulating creativity and imagination among masses. If these places get replaced by modern forms, people will end up losing the significant knowhow about conventional craftsmanship. Furthermore, these sites serve as an heirloom to the future generations by rendering individuals opportunities to explore their history and getting to know numerous cultural and traditional values which are associated with them.


On top of that, these places happen to be major tourist attractions which lure millions of alien visitors to come and experience nostalgia associated with a city and society, which also helps generate huge revenues. If these structures are razed to the ground to give way to modern ones, the past and the value of the place will be lost forever.    


However, since heritage buildings are stretched over a large area, they require a great deal of maintenance and abundance of energy  to keep them illuminated owing to which the idea of refurbishing has earned support from various quarters. It is felt, it would be better to replace these structures with more energy-efficient ones, which would help in saving public funds, and the land freed from such occupation could be allocated to other indispensable purposes.


To reiterate, despite the garnered support for building new structures, the notion of revamping these historical sites prevail and outshine its drawbacks. Hence, I do not concur with the statement.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is an intriguing debate brewing up since there is a lobby that believes museums and art galleries should display those artworks which represent their local culture as well as history instead of presenting exhibits from across the globe. This essay will justify the rationale behind both the notions and explore which one is agreeable.

Museums as well as art galleries tend to leave a profound impression on any spectator and play an important role in shaping their personalities. The exhibits portraying native cultural and historical significance help individuals to remain associated with their roots and render them abundant information about their past, ways of life, the ancestors, and so on.  Furthermore, these works serve as an heirloom to the future generations which motivates them to preserve and perpetuate that lineage forever.  

Moreover, demonstrating artworks of different societies from all over the world is perceived as an invasion by diverse cultures in the country by conservatives who fear that the populace might get influenced by the cultures of other nations, especially those of affluent ones,  and try to adopt them, thereby ending up losing their own cultural identity.

However, in the concurrent era, the world has become a global village posing a cut-throat competition for every individual and to face this, people need to keep themselves updated with the past events, cultures and traditions across the length and breadth of the globe to establish harmonious relations with the people of other nations.

To reiterate, despite having several affords of displaying exhibits from all over the world, the artworks having cultural and historical relevance would aid people in upholding their unique cultural identity which is imperative for any citizen of a country. Hence, I concur with the statement.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

In some countries people of all age groups are engaging in too many sports or over-exercising. Are there more advantages or drawbacks to this development?

In some countries people of all age groups are engaging in too many sports or over-exercising. Are there more advantages or drawbacks to this development?


Regular exercise is often considered to be related to wellness. Nowadays, individuals from all walks of life are involved in either sports or exercise and invest a great amount of time in performing them. This essay shall delve into the merits, as well as drawbacks, of this practice.


Nowadays, people are engaged with their hectic schedules and engaging in either sports or exercise is helping them break the mundane. This helps them to lead a healthy lifestyle by keeping them fit as well as active. Moreover, nowadays, many are leading a sedentary lifestyle which makes them obese. Incorporating a diverse range of sports or a wide array of exercises in their daily regimes aids them in getting into the shape and alleviate the level of stress by instilling fun as well as enjoyment in their lives.


Additionally, many are fitness enthusiasts and have turned their fervor for sports and fitness to their vocations to earn a living simultaneously while pursuing their passion. These individuals influence others to turn them into health conscious people, and motivate them to follow the fitness regime, by virtue of which, attaining goals of well-being has become an  easier task.


However, when people indulge themselves overwhelmingly in such fitness regimes, they can become vulnerable to severe injuries problems such back pains, twisted ankles, muscle pains, numerous cardiac problems, and so on, thereby increasing medical expenses. Furthermore, they may become so obsessed with these activities they choose to forgo other more important engagements, hampering their social and personal lives.   


To reiterate, the positive aspects of involving in sports or exercise excessively eclipse their negative aspects. However, intense involvement in physical activities might pose a menace to the well-being of the performers, these sports must be carried out in a controlled manner.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Whenever people visit any country they behave in the same manner as they are inhabitants of that country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whenever people visit any country they behave in the same manner as they are inhabitants of that country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is an intriguing debate brewing up since there is a lobby that believes travellers mould their conduct according to the natives of the host society to get familiar with the latter. This essay will justify the rationale behind this notion and share a logical conclusion.


With the exponential rise in globalization, a slew of people have started exploring different countries. By behaving like the inhabitants of the nation, travellers believe that they leave a lasting impression of affection towards hosts. By virtue of which they are able to establish harmonious relationships with the locals, thereby mitigating the disparities. Moreover, this helps them to afford a deeper insight into the lives of the people residing in that particular country by exploring a rich profusion of cultures and traditions.


Furthermore, this practice aids in creating the public perception of the country from which visitors belong to subsequently, leaving a positive influence on the residents to gauge the attitudes of societies from where the visitors hail. Due to which, this incites an inquisitiveness among the locals to discover the diversities across the globe, resulting in the strengthening feeling of brotherhood and fostering bonhomie.  

However, a section out rightly denies such integration. As  per this lobby,  barring a few, most travellers interact with host ways of lifes only to the extent of familiarizing and not adopting. They feel that they have ventured into an alien society for experiencing diversity rather than abandoning their own beliefs. This can be elucidated by the facilities offered by host countries to make the foreign travelers feel at home by contriving the environment tourists will find back home. 


To reiterate, despite some negative aspects of behaving in the same way like they are natives of the nation, people should brush aside their tribal attitudes and integrate themselves with people across the globe. Hence, I concur with the statement.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

It is difficult for people in the cities to get physical exercises. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?

It is difficult for people in the cities to get physical exercises. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?



Regular exercise is often considered to be related to wellness. However, in the contemporary era, individuals in metropolitan areas find it difficult to get themselves involved in physical exercises or workout. This essay will discuss the causes behind this propensity, as well as propose the solutions to overcome them.


Nowadays, in order to climb the corporate ladder, city dwellers have started overburdening themselves with professional endeavors. To realise their aspirations, they often push themselves to set-up unrealistic goals which leads to immense pressure; consequently, resulting in gruelling work schedules, by virtue of which they find it difficult to find time from their hectic work regimes, thereby depriving themselves of physical activities.


Moreover, the exponential growth in urbanisation has resulted in a colossal spike in the built up areas which has led to the wiping out of public parks and sports complexes, leaving the inhabitants with inadequate space to carry out their physical exercise routines. Furthermore, the deteriorating condition of air in the cities compels individuals to stay indoors in a safer atmosphere to avoid health hazards borne by polluted air, making them bereft of chances to exert physically.


However, the panacea for these predicaments can only be found by the joint efforts of the government and employers. The state should take radical initiatives to curb the environmental problems to render the urbanites a secure surrounding so that they could follow their fitness regimes. Employers should organise awareness campaigns to enlighten the working professionals about the prominence of exercise and motivate them to incorporate physical fitness to their routines by alleviating work-loads and targeting achievable goals.


Overall, health is of paramount importance and to achieve wellness urban dwellers should indulge themselves in regular exercise. Avoiding this can have undesirable consequences on their physical and mental wellbeing.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

In light of the current socio-economic situation of the world, do you think this is the right time for wildlife preservation? If yes, what are the ways and means you suggest for this?

In light of the current socio-economic situation of the world, do you think this is the right time for wildlife preservation? If yes, what are the ways and means you suggest for this?

In the contemporary era, the conservation and protection of flora and fauna have become a need of the hour since they have started becoming endangered. This essay shall discuss the challenges faced by the wild species and propose the remedies to this pressing global issue.

Nowadays, due to the intrusion of numerous human activities, a wide array of flora and fauna are on the verge of extinction. To suffice the incessant human needs, worldwide deforestation is taking place which is leading to the destruction of natural habitats, thereby making the survival of the species extremely uncertain. Furthermore,  by virtue of the scarcity of resources, the food chain of the species is getting affected adversely leading to the disturbance in the ecological balance, thereby, the extermination of wildlife. Besides this, global warming has given rise to the capricious weather which is accountable for the inability to sustain the wildlife by depriving them the appropriate living conditions to live in.

However, the panacea for these predicaments can only be found by the joint efforts of state and researchers. The government should take initiatives by framing the policies of prohibiting human intervention in the areas that house these species, as well as imposing heavy penalties on non-compliance. Moreover, the establishment of biodiversity parks and reserves and wildlife sanctuaries would render these species a safe and protective environment free from human encroachment. Additionally, this would offer an opportunity to perform research to discover suitable environmental conditions and carry out several experimentations for providing the same.

To reiterate, conserving wildlife does seem to be of paramount importance today, and  it should rightly be done in a haste since if not now, it may be too late. And, for this both the state and society must share the responsibility.  

Overall, fast disappearing forests and rapidly deteriorating climate and environmental conditions makes it imperative for society to spring into action and work to stem the decline in wild flora and fauna populations. If delayed, it will be catastrophic; thus appropriately planned strategies must be jointly implemented by the state and society.

Friday, April 2, 2021

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them. Discuss.

As reading is important for good education, we should encourage children to read whatever appeals to them. Discuss.

Books are the best companions, and a lobby bolsters the view of incorporating habit of reading in the lives of children by allowing them to peruse that fascinates them. This essay will justify the rationale behind their perspective and discuss that of others.

Cut-throat competition, in all walks of life, mandates grasping colossal knowledge, right from the formative years, about any realm that is only possible by meaningfully engaging in reading exercise, something only available provided youngsters are sanctioned the liberty to access what they find intriguing. Consequently, helping raise curiosity in them to go deeper and engage more intensively in reading exercise. 

Moreover, this can also assist them in discovering the hidden talent besides augmenting their creativity, a great relief for the parents who do not have to struggle to determine the strength areas of their wards. Additionally, it is said compelling young minds to some direction has a tendency to switch them off, and the same is valid in the case of accessing books and other material. To afford tangible benefits, they should be allowed liberty

However, due to the negligence of parents sometimes, children indulge themselves into material meant for mature audiences like violent stories, horrifying tales, and so on. As a result of which, their psyche can get distorted and profoundly impact their conduct. Similarly, some young ones fail to draw a line between reality and imagination and end up emulating the fictional acts. It should, thus, be the onus on the parents to monitor what their wards are reading, and suggest wherever needed.

Overall, despite some seemingly sumptuous benefits being derived from affording liberty to the young minds to read they find interesting, it is not advisable to abandon them on their own, and occasional monitoring is recommended.  

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Some people believe that there should be a gap year after finishing high school (secondary school) and before starting university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that there should be a gap year after finishing high school (secondary school) and before starting university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

College enrollment is a milestone that every individual desires to travel across at the earliest. There is a lobby that believes a break of one year after completing secondary education is indispensable. This essay will justify the rationale behind their perspective and discuss that of others.

A break of a year can render students an opportunity to get adequate time to ponder over their future prudently without being in a hurry. It can help them to discover the answer to the question, that is,  what to do next, thereby mitigating the intricacies involved in immediately choosing a career path right after their secondary education. Furthermore, they can avail counselling services during this gap for better guidance from the experts. 

Furthermore, after studying incessantly for fourteen years, and facing immense pressure, this respite provides them with a sigh of relief. Moreover, life at the university proves to be quite challenging for these novices. So, during this break year, they can develop some skills like communication, stress and time management, and so on, and ameliorate the existing ones as well to cope with the challenges they are likely to encounter in higher studies.  

However, some are skeptical of this practice. As per their experience,  some opting for such an arrangement have ended up suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, social phobias and so on, affecting their personalities adversely, when  they observe their peers enjoying college life. This might also lead them feeling inferior to their college going friends. Therefore, the gap year could sometimes result in severe repercussions on the psyche of the learners.

Overall, a break after secondary education has both pros and cons. However, the merits outstrip the drawbacks. Thus, I concur with the statement. Young learners should use this allowance to plan their future judiciously. From this perspective, the break after completing high school would be of great afford for them.

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