The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to six years of free education, so that they can at least read, write and use numbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Agree/Yes. Why?
This will help empower the deprived section and allow them to attain some fundamental literacy levels, using this knowledge to help their family members
Could develop employable skills
This could create inquisitiveness among the recipients of such facilities to go ahead with further education
Get over superstitious habits by gaining knowledge about the facts, prevent from wasting money on useless practices
They could also learn to stay healthy, saving money in the process
Disagree/ no. Why?
Penury is more complex issue that is only partially dependent on illiteracy, there needs more be done than just education people for free: absence of infrastructure that can churn out jobs is the primary factor
Dearth of resources to embark upon developmental programs is another aspect that needs to be addressed first
Alleviating penury has been high on agenda for a majority of destitute societies, but can affording free of cost education for six years to help foster fundamental literacy and numeracy skills, simply help maintain this goal, is a notion that reflects ambivalent attitudes.
Those advocating for this policy assume that extending this facility would greatly assist inhabitants, especially if recipients are juveniles, in cultivating general awareness about the world around them, their rights and obligations and righteous ways of life, persuading them to advance towards betterment such as attaining health goals, overcoming superstitions and embracing modern ways of life; and circumventing delinquent behavior and social stigma, like child labour.
Nevertheless, this notion is quashed by those asserting that ability to read and write has little to do with financial deprivation; this condition is far more complex and influenced by numerous other factors: infrastructure, economic resources and political will. It is the amalgamation of these factors that can aid a nation when registering economic progress and mitigating impoverishment.
Overall, disputes aside, even though free education does help them laying foundation for an enlightened society, there are other elements that have a greater impact in improving poor economic conditions.
Poverty/ destitution/ impoverishment/ deprivation/ marginalization/ underprivileged/ disadvantaged/ penury
Reduce/ alleviate/ minimize/ mitigate/ bring down/
Penury has been a pressing problem for a majority of destitute societies. This has prompted many commentators to suggest creating a provision for free of cost education up to 6 years to surmount this social malady, but can this proposal prove to be effective is a matter to be deeply analyzed.