Friday, February 14, 2025

The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to six years of free education, so that they can at least read, write and use numbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to six years of free education, so that they can at least read, write and use numbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree/Yes. Why? 

  • This will help empower the deprived section and allow them to attain some fundamental literacy levels, using this knowledge to help their family members 

  • Could develop employable skills 

  • This could create inquisitiveness among the recipients of such facilities  to go ahead with further education 

  • Get over superstitious habits by gaining knowledge about the facts, prevent from wasting money on useless practices  

  • They could also learn to stay healthy, saving money in the process  

Disagree/ no. Why? 

  • Penury is more complex issue that is only partially dependent on illiteracy, there needs more be done than just education people for free: absence of infrastructure that can churn out jobs is the primary factor 

  • Dearth of resources to embark upon developmental programs is another aspect that needs to be addressed first 

Alleviating  penury has been high on agenda for a majority of destitute societies, but can affording free of cost education for six years to help foster fundamental literacy and numeracy skills, simply help maintain this goal, is a notion that reflects ambivalent attitudes.

Those  advocating for this policy assume that extending this facility would greatly assist inhabitants, especially if recipients are juveniles, in cultivating general awareness about the world around them, their rights and obligations and righteous ways of life, persuading them to advance towards betterment such as attaining health goals, overcoming superstitions and embracing modern ways of life; and circumventing delinquent behavior and social stigma, like child labour.

Nevertheless, this notion is quashed by those asserting that ability to read and write has little to do with financial deprivation; this condition is far more complex and influenced by numerous other factors: infrastructure, economic resources and political will. It is the amalgamation of these factors that can aid a nation when registering economic progress and mitigating impoverishment. 

Overall, disputes aside, even though free education does help them laying foundation for an enlightened society, there are other elements  that have a greater impact in improving poor economic conditions.  

Poverty/ destitution/ impoverishment/ deprivation/ marginalization/ underprivileged/ disadvantaged/ penury 

Reduce/ alleviate/ minimize/ mitigate/ bring down/     


Penury has been a pressing problem for a majority of destitute societies.  This has prompted many commentators to suggest creating a provision for free of cost education up to  6 years to surmount this social malady, but can this proposal prove to be effective is a matter to be deeply analyzed. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more business opportunities. Discuss both views and your own opinions.

Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more business opportunities. Discuss both views and your own opinions.


  • Abrupt weather shift causing floods, droughts and snow, affecting those engaged in primary industry

    • Affecting supply chains  

  • Longer summers, causing snow to melt on poles, resulting in higher sea levels, forcing industry to relocate inland 

  • Energy bills of businesses are witnessing an increment


  • Helping those in manufacturing equipment that helps people overcome abrupt climate change 

  • Creating opportunities for those engaged in discovering solutions for overcome the challenges posed by climate shifts 

The debate surrounding the outcomes of rapidly transforming climatic patterns on commercial activities is the most heated. While some suggest that the impact is going to be highly unfavorable, others indicate favorable outcomes. The former view is supported by tangible evidence, and thus, holds more substance.

The  alterations in the behavior of climate have started to show their presence, in the form of abrupt weather phenomenon such as extended rainy season or dry spell, which result in floods and droughts respectively, causing severe disruptions in activities related to farming, natural resource extraction, and so on, and affecting communities and organizations engaged in producing, and selling, food and other raw material. To corroborate, over the last decade, several food producing, and mining, giants have seen their losses grow due to their goods being lost, or spoiled, owing to hostile seasons, either arriving late or early.

Similarly, the hospitality sector has been at the receiving end by virtue of unpredictable season patterns, resulting in heat, or cold waves, or unbearable humidity, often causing disaster consequences. For instance, the prolonged summers and the scorching heat caused fierce wildfires in California recently, decimating the hotel industry completely and taking tourists away, engendering huge losses for hotels.

Nevertheless, those representing the positive side, despite their view lacking conviction, propound that such distortions have fetched broader opportunities for entities involved in researching and discovering greener technologies, and methods, to counter environmental challenges posed by this bizarre development. However, this will only benefit miniscule minority, exposing the rest to unbearable misery and losses.

To conclude, commercial organizations drawing rewards from distortion in the climatic patterns is a misconception since a majority of corporations conducting business in different sectors are going to suffer immensely and produce catastrophic ramifications for those dependent on these endeavors.   


The rapidly transforming climatic patterns have precipitated tangible unfavorable impact on commercial activities, but some represent an optimistic view that highlights the favorable outcomes for various businesses. This matter, in my view, needs to be analyzed critically, in order to draw a plausible conclusion.

Introduction 2

Introduction 3

A school of thought, dominated by environmentalists, fears that the rapidly transforming climatic patterns could have unfavorable impacts on commercial activities, while the other section proposes favorable outcomes. I align myself with the former view, and shall support my stand in the following paragraphs.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Shopping habits depend more on your age group than anything else. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Shopping habits depend more on your age group than anything else. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some commentators propose that propensity to purchase is influenced by the age  of shoppers. However, one cannot overlook the role of other underlying determinants that define this tendency. This essay, thus, partially subscribes to this notion.  

Those advocating that purchasing approach is  determined by how old one is believe that the young are easily enticed by advertisements and marketing, but their older counterparts are able to evade temptations engendered by these mediums. It has  often been observed that the youth are influenced into buying stuff  that may be unwanted,  when they observe their favorite celebrities endorsing some products, or clothes. On the other hand, those in older age-groups lean for purchasing things when there is a need such as during cultural events, or for daily requirements like medicine, grocery and household material.

Nevertheless, there are other attributes also defining this propensity. Wealth is the primary factor that pushes one to make purchasing decisions. To corroborate, the elite, regardless of their age, are usually observed buying for leisure and to keep up with the current vogue, while those in middle-income groups only invest into buying endeavors to fulfill their fundamental essentials.  

Similarly, the conduct of shoppers also plays a role in this proclivity; where the spendthrift will go and buy for satisfying their craving for shopping, but prudent spenders are quite prudent and spend only when the opportunity or necessity arises. Apart from that, gender also has an impact on this conduct; women tend to go shopping often, while males are rarely seen following this pattern.

Overall, undeniably, age does come into play when defining purchasing patterns, one cannot ignore the prevalence of other aspects: prosperity and spending approach, to name a few, that cumulatively affect the approach of buyers. 

Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Yes this is the only way 

  • Many assume Imposing an environmental levy on them would persuade them to act and switch to greener standards. When  their produce will become expensive, they will be forced to adopt measures 
  • They would be able to appreciate the damage their activities are causing to the surroundings 

NO this is not the only way

  • - The ground reality is far from being rosy: the industry owners the proposer of this policy are assuming constitute the whole sector.
  • - The manufacturers and the industry owners will pass the burden  to the consumers by manipulating their products - quantity and quality
  • - The best way is to engage business owners in these endeavors and make them partners in projects aimed at protecting environment
  • -Rendering them inducements such as financial benefits  for shifting to ecologically sustainable methods  

There is a general perception that levying environmental tax on the industry is the best tool to induce manufacturing units to embrace methods to mitigate pollution, but others are skeptical about this. I completely fail to concur with this arrangement since it will not yield desired outcomes. To begin with, companies not following environmentally friendly procedures must be fined for the damage they have bestowed on the planet; this will not only cause them to abandon their harmful methods but also reduce the future damage to nature in terms of air, and water pollution. No one would like to be penalized in an era when awareness about the green environment is rampant, green levies will not only make produce expensive to buy but also unpopular among the enlightened people. This will persuade industrialists to switch to modern techniques and greener methods. Having said that, there are some who quash the former view, they think such a move is likely to remain ineffective; businesses will find some other means to escape from the fines. They will pass on the pressure of the extra financial burden onto the consumers by raising the prices marginally, and continue with their outdated methods. There is a need to vest responsibility onto the producers to persuade them to act prudently and realize the extent of damage their activities are causing. They could, for instance, be allocated areas around their units which have to be taken care of by them, both in terms of economic and environmental aspects. To cap it all, disputes aside, this policy is likely to fail in persuading manufacturers to adopt greener methods to alleviate emissions and improve the surroundings. The state should instead resort to more innovative strategies that entail active participation of the industry.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Safety standards are important when building peoples’ homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?


Safety standards are important when building peoples’ homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?

In concurrent times, a school of thought believes that the safety norms for dwelling units should be implemented by the state, whereas other people profess that it should be done by the ones who undertake construction endeavors. 

To start with, a myriad of people propound that the government should take the initiative to look after the public and make necessary laws; it is imperative to implement such conventions as if some natural calamities strike, they will be the ones who will have to afford relief to the affected populace. Therefore, they should ensure that sufficient safeguards are adopted to provide a living place to the occupants. 

Furthermore, as the state is an ethical body with authority and resources to ensure strict compliance, everyone will follow up as they do not want to be penalized. Across all the major cities around the world, such as London, the state intervenes and enforces necessary safety codes and due to the fear of penalty, those residing in such locations embrace the norms without reluctance.

Nevertheless, some commentators believe that it should be those building homes making decisions as they are the ones who are actually doing the construction and know every detail about the building; from an emergency exit to the special features it holds. Apart from this, they are the ones who will get affected the most as they put all their efforts, time and energy to the construction of buildings, and in case of any mishap, they will have to bear the brunt financially and otherwise.

To conclude, although both sides hold substance, the state should be the one making and applying safety codes as  it is the official and powerful body and people will definitely follow those without questions.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage  of these jobs to be reserved for women?

In contemporary times,  a school of thought believes that lawmakers  should  earmark some portion of the high level posts for women, whereas others do not support this. In the following paragraphs, I will analyze both the perspectives in detail. 

To start with, there are umpteen reasons that women deserve a definite percentage for high level jobs as they are equally gifted and can take ownership as effectively as men.  On top of that, they can make better decisions in some difficult situations and have a wider perspective due to being able to judge calmly and adopt measures accordingly.  For instance, Indira Nui changed the fortunes of a sick Pepsi, a cold drink giant, and with her leadership qualities, turned a loss making into a profit making organization. 

Moreover, this will help transform the views of society and let females earn their due and break the stereotype image since they will be  persuaded even by their families to take up these roles. Society will have broader perspectives and it will help in enhancing the economic output,  and ensure social progress .

However, in spite of having numerous benefits, some conservatives protest against this proposal since they harbor misconceptions that only men are better leaders and cannot be replaced by women. Also,  they fear that  if for some top, reserved for females, positions appropriate candidates are not found, it will cause  organizations  a great loss. Likewise, some also feel that reservation is an unfair policy and will not let deserving people get their deserving positions due this criteria.

To conclude, a particular percentage of high level posts should be fixed for females as they have adequate skills and good leadership qualities that match  the capabilities of males. This can help companies and society favorably.

The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to six years of free education, so that they can at least read, write and use numbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  The best way to reduce poverty in developing countries is by giving up to six years of free education, so that they can at least read, wri...