Sunday, August 8, 2021

Some people think that parents should teach their children about the importance of recycling, while others think it should be taught in school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think that parents should teach their children about the importance of recycling, while others think it should be taught in school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There is nowadays an intriguing debate brewing up as there is a lobby that believes the mothers and fathers should impart knowledge to their wards about recycling while the others feel that the school should don the mantle to instil its relevance among the young ones.

Since parents are the role models to their children they should take the initiative by setting precedents for their wards, so that these young ones follow the footsteps of the former, and incorporate recycling in their regime. Furthermore, families can disseminate the idea of recycling to the tender minds by fostering it in the form of several fun activities and games while teaching them a variety of social as well as moral values and make them comprehend their responsibility towards improving the surroundings.

But, the other lobby believes that school is accountable for making the pupils comprehend the prominence of reuse. This process can be introduced in the school curriculum through which students can imbibe it with great ease with the help of colourful books integrated with graphics since pictures leave an everlasting impression on the growing minds, and compel and enlighten them to contribute towards the environment. Moreover, these formal settings have a lot of room to organise several drives and campaigns for recycling owing to which the little ones could inculcate the procedure in themselves through the hands-on practical experience, thereby keeping them abreast of the equipment required to follow this practice.

To reiterate, I strongly feel that both parents as well as school must share the responsibility of enlightening the young individuals about the significance of recycling since they consider both as mentors so their teachings would leave a long lasting impression on the tender minds and help them to become a responsible citizen.

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