Saturday, August 21, 2021

Some people that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from an early retirement age.


Some people that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from an early retirement age.


Some people that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair

There has always been a tussle between different sections of human resource experts when it comes to defining the age of retirement on the basis of the work. Where a faction favours the uniform retirement age, others vouch for establishing it as per the nature of jobs. 

 There are certain professions, as per commentators, that mandate an early relieving from the professional obligations due to the amount of strenuous labour involved at work such as mining, military, marketing and hospitality. These realms require one to be physically fit to endure heavy work, travelling and spending long hours without seating oneself. 

It is undeniable that as people grow older, their ability to sustain demands of the work occupations reduces considerably, which can expose them to several health hazards, in turn, costing them their health and organisations money spent on rendering medical intervention. Thus, it is a good idea to relieve such personnel of their duties, and let them enjoy their rest of life with their families.  

Nevertheless, the critics to this proposal term it a recipe for disaster that will bring little more than chaos. Confusion will descend on the personnel department which will be (embroiled) engaged overtime in classifying the categories of who will be retiring when. In other words, this may result in contradictions as there could be a mismatch in the definitions of retirable age supplied by concerned departments and human resource. Moreover, such a move may also fuel interpersonal clashes, leaving many disgruntled, thereby adversely impacting work environment and eventually productivity.

Overall, controversies apart, I completely concur with the scheme of relieving people involved in certain types of employment earlier than their counterparts engaged elsewhere. It will help ensure their wellbeing and also keep the medical expenditure of organisations to minimal.  


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