Friday, June 15, 2018

Ielts Essay Child labor is a major concern all over the world. What are the causes of it? How can the problem be solved? Write at least 250 words.

Child labor is a major concern all over the world.
What are the causes of it? How can the problem be solved?

Write at least 250 words.  
Child labor is a major concern all over the world
Ielts Essay CHild Labor 
Involving children in some kind of paid work, especially in impoverished nations, has become a menace for humanity since this malady threatens the very future of human race. Many social theorists are trying to find reasons behind this highly deplorable phenomena though in their view, this can be eradicated.

This social stigma, in a way, especially in poor countries – where it is a prominent feature, can be attributed to the poor financial background of the families. Most are forced to push their wards into taking up employment at a tender age: they cannot afford the latter even a square meal a day, leave apart other luxuries and comforts. Youngsters are considered to be additional earning hands who can help bring in more money; thus making life a bit more secure.

Moreover, initiation and  continuation of child labor also finds its cause in the rampant illiteracy among parents. In most of the cases, it has been observed that mothers and father are oblivious of the ill-effects on health, both mental and physical,  and social behavior, of  forcing children into taking up employment. Such ignorance is proving to be disastrous for many societies; parents do not find it shameful an act to involve their kids in employment.

However, even though it is not easy to get rid of this shameful activity, measures can be taken to minimize it. To make it work, participation of both the government and the society is critical. Making available minimum subsistence resources; educating masses; and establishing stringent laws, that may involve penalties and imprisonment in extreme cases, to curb this social shame. 

Hence, despite child labor being a big evil afflicting humanity, this can be wiped  out completely by adopting some serious steps. if steps are not taken quickly, society will suffer in the long run. 

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