Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ielts Essay Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures

Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry in the world
Ielts Essay - Tourism Boon or Bane 
Travelling for leisure to other countries is fast becoming a fad among rich and poor alike, however, this has also resulted in a bitter argument, as many feel that this activity instead of helping forge bonds among people, is fuelling discord. I personally feel, the allegation of relations turning sour due to tourist activities is a mere accusation.

Visitors travelling to overseas locations are source of friction among two civilizations many a times since these travelers while visiting an alien location carry their own mannerisms and lifestyles; and often forget to respect local aspirations either gullibly or intentionally, inviting irk of natives in the process; and thus creating mistrust for each other. The situation, often termed as a crisis, worsens, bringing around violent responses from locals sometimes, when the young generation, of the nation being travelled to, gets influenced by the foreigners   

Moreover, travelers are often termed as a menace: a cause of displeasure among the hosts which makes them wary of foreign visitors. The tourists tend to litter around without caring for the sanctity of the places they visit. Many consider this activity to be a source of pollution and raised carbon emissions, the cost of which must be compensated by the locals later. This makes natives feel jealous of the tourists.

Nevertheless, the tourism enthusiasts feel that the tourist activity is helping build bonds and bring diverse civilizations closer. This activity facilitates a prolific exchange of views and aspirations, cultural values of people from disparate backgrounds and political affiliations. Tourism helps people experience different cultures and lifestyles, which, in turn, helps broaden mindsets and create harmony.

Hence, disputs aside, it can be safely asserted that tourism is not an evil, as proposed by detractors, but a constructive activity helps brush tribal attitudes aside. 

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