Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now. Why do they say so? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now. Why do they say so? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now


Humans have never been content with their circumstances, and thus compare different stages of their lives. This notion complements the thought harbored by several individuals who feel that life was full of bliss when they were juveniles and visited schools. This statement stems from various reasons, and has fetched contrasting views too.  

Most yearn for the attention they used to receive as youngsters, when they were considered as apple of eyes of their parents who would greet and pamper them with gifts on their smallest of occasions and sometimes for no reason at all; laud even the irrelevant of their success; and support them when they failed to achieve the mark. However, as adults, all those privileges seem to have vanished into the thin air, where even their enormous feats are passed off just another of their obligation and many often do not receive greetings on their important days.

Similarly, as young individuals they were bestowed upon with the right over everything on priority, others would later as a custom, but now the situation has changed, and they must relinquish their turn and entitlements for their family members, their elderly parents, their younger siblings and their own offspring.

Nevertheless, some are unconvinced  by the former belief and consider as adulthood to be more rewarding than juvenescence due to the unprecedented freedom they  enjoy. By virtue of earning their own livelihood, they do not have to bank on someone else for their needs, and can lead their life as per their desires, which also augments their confidence.

Overall, controversies apart,  I concede to this statement partially  and opine that life affords delights in every phase, but in disparate forms and shapes. It is the perceptions that incline individuals to some specific circumstances: childhood, or adulthood.     


Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...