Monday, June 4, 2018

Ielts Essay - In many countries plastic bags are the main source of rubbish causing pollution in oceans and on land Agree or Disagree Essay

In many countries plastic bags are the main source of rubbish causing pollution in oceans and on land; therefore they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

As focus on protecting  environment intensifies, talks of imposing a ban on the plastic bags seems to be gaining momentum. But is banning these bags really correct? It is a matter worth deep delving into.

Keen green lobbyists cite various reasons for curbing use of carry-bags made of polyurethane: they are truly a menace for the environment. Being bio non-degradable, it is really hard to get rid of plastic bags. As estimates suggest, the way humans are dumping plastic bags, the day is not far when planet earth  will get choked. This has also become a cause of exacerbating even mild natural phenomena into major disasters, like incessant rains turning into floods, because of the choked drains -  that are blocked by plastic.

Moreover, these bags have quickly penetrated various spheres of environment, especially the land and water. The debris of plastic bags either are turning fertile land into barren areas - since they impede transfer of nutrients back to soil, if bags made out of plastic are abandoned on the land, or are being consumed by marine life which ultimately ends up killing it. In case fish survive long enough to caught by humans, the plastic residue is transferred to human body with sea food; thus threatening the human health too.

However, there are those who feel that banning bags of plastic is not the right solution. Plastic bags are a better way to protect natural resources – they are synthesized using artificial material, and use much less energy to produce. It is felt that poor plastic bags are victims of misconceptions and misuse – it is humans to blame for this and not humble bags.

To conclude, I personally feel, curtailing plastic bags use is the only choice: this is the only way to flush out this serious hazard.

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