Saturday, January 16, 2016

“Only relationships based on truth can last longer” to what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers and mention relevant examples in at least 250 words.

“Only relationships based on truth can last longer” to what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers and mention relevant examples in at least 250 words. 
Ielts Essay - Truth n relationships 

There has been an eternal debate about the validity of certain factors in longe lasting human relationships as many people feel that the longevity of the relationships can only  be ensured with truth, while some other refute this and quote several strong reasons to support their views.

Truthfulness has always been preached as a basic human trait since ages by various scholars. The interaction between the people, that is not based on truth, is always ambiguous and seldom last, as it is believed that like the sun cannot be  camouflaged by the clouds for a long period of time, the truth appears in its full and true form. This has the potential of creating trouble later for the people and causing bad blood among them.

In addition to that, untruth often means being dishonest, and permeates misleading others and many religious scriptures consider it to be a sin which is unpardonable. The people who base their relations on lies can never achieve peace in their relationships, and to hide a lie, they must utter more lies thus walking deeper into sins, and this can lead to a situation where the people – in relationships – may start feeling the pangs of harboring lies and the relationships may become sore.

However, it is firmly believed that truth is a not always the basic ingredient of solid relationships as truth – being facts and sometime a bitter pill to swallow – can lead to unwarranted situations and consequences, for instance, if someone in a relationship with an average looking person, due to deep affection, does not appreciate that person for his or her beauty, it would lead to disenchantment and disappointment.

In hindsight, I personally feel although truthfulness is an important feature of relations, it not an mandatory aspect for sustaining ties and relationships.

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