Friday, September 26, 2014

Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice.

Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of  this practice.
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Humans have been domesticating animals since they started settling down in form of communities and settlements. Canine and feline animals have been considered to be closer to heart by some people. This practice has also drawn flak from other members of community who feel that keeping pets is inhuman and cause of disturbance to others and this practice should be discontinued.

Keep canine and feline animals as pets is quoted as merit laden concept by many people. As per them, these animals are human friendly and they successfully adapt themselves to the conditions in which their human masters live without many changes in their own living rhythms. These four legged beings also sometimes fill the void of lonely people who either live alone or do not have families and children. Besides being considered as companions by lonely people, some families consider these humble beings as part of families.

Besides filling the voids, animals like dogs also act as guards and protectors for the families and people living around. Many families love to keep specific breed of hunting and guard dogs as they help in maintaining a strict vigil against any unwanted intruders and trespassers inside the colonies and neighborhood. Similarly, felines are considered to be good antidotes against pests like rats and moles.

On other hand, there are many detractors to this practice. As per them these animals are a big nuisance for the neighborhood. People often complain of disturbance by these very pets on account of disturbance because of consistent barking by domesticated dogs day and night and cats sneaking into next doors and creating ruckus. Moreover, children of neighborhood often run the risk of being bitten by these pets.

To conclude, I personally feel that keeping pets has more benefits than drawbacks. 

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