Saturday, December 31, 2016

Some people say that art should be created by people with special abilities. Others believe that everyone is able to do art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people say that art should be created by people with special abilities. Others believe that everyone is able to do art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Ielts Essay - Creativity Who's domain is it?
Art, in various manifestations, has always intrigued humans, and over the ages, several masterpieces have been created. But to whom does art really belong; is it a realm of naturally talented people, or is it accessible by everyone.

Art, in any form is a true domain of people with natural inclinations, as they are very sensitive when it comes to observing. They also have an inborn trait of conceptualizing the scenario, surroundings and underlying aspects; and interpreting them in a tangible and understandable form. The works produced by natural artists have the capacity to mesmerize even those with little understanding of creative work. Art is actually an intense, but deeply embedded feeling connected to human emotions which is otherwise very hard to elucidate  if not provided with a proper medium of expression. These complex feelings can only be effectively and beautifully interpreted in tangible forms by those with innate traits.

Moreover, naturally gifted people have the ability to produce masterpieces that greatly influence the psyche of the society. People with a natural quality to produce creative work are the ones who set trends, while others just follow. This has been proven in the past, for instance, people like William Shakespeare did not only write plays but influenced the society with his revolutionary work.

However, arts is not an intellectual property of talented people since every human is full of feelings and aspirations, and they have a right to express them in some creative way if they wish to by learning how to do it. This fact is clearly illustrated by mushrooming schools of arts that train people in various forms of arts; consequently, many have been able to churn out masterpieces.   

To conclude, even though art can practiced by anyone, only the one created by the naturally talented artists stand apart and is admired by millions of followers.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of toys? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of toys? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Ielts Essay - Toys But How Many???
Even though playing with toys form an inseparable of part of daily activities of childhood since this plays a pivotal role in the mental and physical development of children, how many toys are deemed suitable is matter of intense debate.

Making large number of toys available to the youngsters  has its own drawbacks since sheer volume and types of gadgets disorient, overwhelm and clutter tender minds, and interfere with thinking process. As a result, they are unable to derive satisfaction from this important activity. The fact is elucidated by the findings of various studies and experiments, tender minds find it oneorous to focus on any single toy and that prevents them from involving themselves effectively with those playthings. Consequently, they also tend to miss not only really important hints required to nurture and support creativity but also are bereft of opportunities that could be used to socialize with the family members and siblings.

Moreover, this practice makes juveniles grow up as self centered, arrogant and careless. They are rarely able to grasp critical hints about cooperating with others, especially with their own siblings. It has also been found that juveniles are not able to take care of their belongings, when in excess, but their craving and expectations for more and more toys keeps rising.

However, many justify this propensity by citing various unsubstantiated reasons such as, nowadays, families are becoming nuclear, that are many a time devoid of grandparents, and sometimes even brothers and sisters. Presence of many play devices helps lift loneliness that young individuals experience. Above all, this equipment compensate for the absence of parents during working hours.

To conclude, I believe laying surfeit toys at the disposal of young minds, is laden with umpteen drawbacks - this can make them too possessive at best, and hence, this practice should be avoided.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nowadays young people do not seek older people’s advice in the same way as in the past. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Include your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.

Nowadays young people do not seek older people’s advice in the same way as in the past. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Include your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Advice of Older
Practice of relying on the wisdom of forefathers and parents, and getting their suggestions has continued to persist down the ages. But, nowadays, trend of seeking suggestions from senior members of families seems to be waning though some feel that this tradition is continuously perpetuating despite change of perceptions of younger generation.

Seeking suggestions and guidance of elders of family would always be in vogue, especially in terms of guidance about professional domain. Even in the contemporary times, young people, on being guided by their parents, tend to follow the footsteps of their elders, like choosing to enter into similar occupations as their parents. The youth despite being adventurous are more inclined to earning success quickly which inspires them to do what they feel can fetch tangible outcomes, and the best way to success is highly experienced advice of elders.

Furthermore, exercise of seeking suggestions from parents and grandparents is virtually irreplaceable, when it comes to personal lives, since young people have an undaunted faith on the wisdom of their elders. Sons and daughters are seen spending hours on, in person, or on phones, discussing their problems with their parents and seeking critical hints to find effective solutions for almost every walk of their personal lives, that may sometimes range from choosing a life partner and upbringing of children to handling financial affairs, etc.

However, today, young people find advice of their elders quite irrelevant. People are going places and trotting the globe, which has broadened their perspectives. These people feel that opinions of their elders are restricted to the experiences gained in limited premise so those suggestions are more of less of no use.

To conclude, I personally feel debate or no debate, practice of seeking advice from parents would always exist.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nowadays airlines provide more benefits to the rich, often achieving this by reducing areas used by the economy class to provide more comfort to the 1st class passengers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.

Nowadays airlines provide more benefits to the rich, often achieving this by reducing areas used by the economy class to provide more comfort to the 1st class passengers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
Ielts Essay - Business class in Airlines 
Air travel is in vogue today and more and more travelers choose flying, it is simultaneously being observed that airlines are tempted to provide more comfort to business class fliers at the cost of economy class space, even though others think quite differently.  

It seems quite natural for airlines to offer better services to fliers in business class since it fetches multiple benefits, like raised revenues and decreased costs. The passengers buying tickets in a business class pay exorbitant charges, that help airlines in boosting their revenues, and improve the per seat fare ratio. Furthermore, as high fares also mean lesser number of passengers travelling on any flight lesser flight crew members are needed per flight to cater to fliers. Some people even argue that this can also help in the bringing down the fuel consumption of the aircraft since less number of passengers would mean lesser take-off weight.

Apart from that, in the current era of low cost carriers, there is a newly emerging trend of craving among the passengers to opt for an airline that offers premium services, especially among the elite class and the people boarding extremely long distance flights. This has prompted the airlines to build up their brand image among the fliers wanting comforts, even if offered at premium.

However, as per some, in the times when commercial aviation business is passing through a very lean phase, and when almost all the airlines are struggling to survive since even the elite class passenger are becoming thrifty, offering more convenience to Y class at the cost of J class seems to be a very unlikely option.  

Hence, I am not convinced that airlines provide more space to business class travelers by reducing space in economy class.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Some people say that a person’s success depends on his/her upbringing by parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Some people say that a person’s success depends on his/her upbringing by parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Upbring and Success
Success is something that is followed by every human being keenly, and every expert on this planet is trying to find key to this elusive phenomena. Many feel that successful people have a solid and qualitative foundation laid down by their moms and dads, but does this factor really influence an accomplished individual’s life? Or are there are certain other factors too?

Parents have been traditionally regarded as a driving force behind accomplishments of individuals, since they have always donned roles of mentors, advisers and guides. Right from the birth, moms and dads instill critical life skills in kids, such as differentiating between good and bad; behaving, behaving and forging relationships; handling stress during tough phases, etc. The training received, independent of any external intervention, in the family has a long lasting effect on psyche of kids and teaches them to be resilient, and successfully negotiate personal and professional spheres of life. 

Moreover, family background has always influenced professional beliefs and convictions of individuals. The informal training received in the families always overwhelmingly steer the personalities and negotiating skills. For instance, individuals born in the families involved in business would surely turnout to be highly successful in business since they are guided by the critical clues picked while observing parents negotiate business and professional challenges; and identify opportunities to be grabbed.  

However, an accomplished personality does not necessarily have to be nurtured in the early years. There could be many factors that influence success of an individual, like the formal education received, the company kids keep, and opportunities and the timing of chances being made available.

To sum up, I personally believe, although parental guidance and rearing may have some impact on the personality, success is surely not a result of upbringing.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and examples. - Ielts Essay

Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and examples.
Ielts Essay - University Fee 
University studies have always been considered important for the development of a country. Appreciating this, many people have started suggesting that the governments should pay the academic fees for the individuals intending to join universities for higher studies, while there are some who feel differently about this.

Government bearing the fees of varsity studies seems to be a very viable suggestion. Studies at universities can cost arms and legs, and many people are not keen to go ahead with this even if they can afford. Furthermore, most of the students are discouraged from joining varsities since they are not in a position to pay annual fees. If government can ensure this, there would be rise in number of students enrolling for higher studies.  It would not only act as a placebo for those who can afford but also help in encouraging pupils from weaker socioeconomic backgrounds, to go for varsity courses.  

Moreover, almost every country is facing a dearth of people working in specialist domains since only varsities can churn out specialists with higher intellect and perspectives. But, today a majority of pupils do not wish to spend another three to four years in pursuing Masters or Doctorates since they would have to pay money instead of earning it. Payment of fee by government would surely act as an inducement, and more and more people would surely take up university studies.

However, if the government were to completely subsidize, or rather offer it for free, the education at the varsity, it may prove counter-productive as it would tax the financial resources of the government, and to get over that governments would end up raising taxes.

To conclude, government paying the fee is surely a positive suggestion and should be implemented across the globe. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Some people believe that the best way to spend a holiday in a foreign country is to go out to meet people, instead of staying in the hotel most of the time. What is your opinion? Give reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience. - Ielts Essay

Some people believe that the best way to spend a holiday in a foreign country is to go out to meet people, instead of staying in the hotel most of the time. What is your opinion? Give reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience.
Ielts Essay - Foreign Trips How to Spend?  
Travelling overseas is an exciting, but it has been quite often observed that people tend to spend time indoors confined to their rooms, or at most the within the premises they are staying. This, as per some, is not fruitful at all, while others find it useful and present their own arguments.

Spending exorbitant amount of money on travelling abroad would be hardly of any use if the people decide stay indoors. Leaving the comfort of the hotels and expending a bit of energy can give a chance to truly rejuvenate in a completely unfamiliar environment. Even though negotiating alien surroundings and bumping into unknown faces has certain level of unpredictability, it is no less exciting to encounter something not a part of mundane routine. Exposure to new surroundings and people triggers the explorer instincts and often end up providing pleasant experiences.     

Moreover, spending extensive time outdoors, while travelling to an alien destination, also tends to provide an incomparable opportunity of experiencing heterogeneous civilizations. This also gives visitors a chance to be inquisitive; dig deep and discover different aspects of culture, language, lifestyles, cuisine, etc., of the country being visited. This can surely help getting rid of wrong notions about certain cultures and develop a broader perspective.

However, some people tend to be thrifty nowadays and for them the charm of going abroad is limited to reaching the hotel of an alien city. They believe globalization has helped erode the charisma of exploring foreign cities; similar clothing of inhabitants, buildings and shopping complexes of modular designs; same kind of cars and a familiar traffic conditions is not exciting.   

To conclude, I believe, confining one-self indoors while touring another country would be a waste of opportunity to escape the routine and monotone.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Some people think that road safety can only be ensured if the legal age limit for new drivers is raised. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? - Ielts Essay

Some people think that road safety can only be ensured if the legal age limit for new drivers is raised. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ielts Essay - Road Safety By Raising Drivable Age 
An alarming rise in the number of road fatalities has attracted urgent attention of various sections of civil society and governments, and every organization is working towards reducing these fateful happenings. Some road and traffic safety theorists have even suggested that raising the minimum drivable age might go a long way.

Raising the legal age limit seems to be a viable solution since drivers need to be mature enough to take judicious decisions while driving which, of course, cannot be expected from individuals under the age of majority. Teenagers are carefree as they are cared for by their parents, and thus lack exposure to acting prudently on roads. Their tender minds are not apt for taking up tasks as complex as driving on roads – that require drivers to exercise quick reflexes and take wise decisions.  Their carefree, and sometimes careless, attitude quite often jeopardizes their own safety, besides safety of others, on the roads.

Furthermore, young people in their teens happen to be impatient, adventurous, and carry a rebellious attitude on them. These growing minds are dedicated to establishing their superiority over peer groups that inspires to be too rash. This attitude most of the times, is exhibited sumptuously on the roads when their reckless driving causes major mishaps.

However, critics cite several loopholes in this theory. There is no apparent connection between the road mishaps and age. The data collected by various road safety organizations, across the world, indicates that most of the cases involving accidents were attributed to either negligent driving or to inebriated state of drivers – and most of these perpetrators were above the age of majority.

To cap up, although raising legal age limit to drive would be surely be a positive decision, it may not guarantee road safety. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience. - Ielts Essay

It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience.
Ielts Essay - Travelling 
Affordable travelling has made it possible for travelers from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to tread diverse and distant locations across the world. This phenomenon has been hailed by many as a positive trend even though it does also have a darker side to it.

The possibility of more and more people affording to visit overseas to distant location has opened up a whole new horizon for humanity. Travelling opens up minds and gives an opportunity to travelers to not only experience the different cultures but also assimilate them with their own. This has paved way for creating an unparalleled understanding among the natives of various countries. The travelers travel across as unofficial ambassadors of their own countries, and get a chance to interact with the locals. This intermingling paves way for a better understanding and brushing aside tribal attitudes and biases that people otherwise harbor.

Moreover, an increase in number of international travelers has helped tourism flourish and develop into a full-fledged industry which is generating huge revenues and fueling economies besides, creating employment for the locals at various levels. This has also enabled the governments of the countries being visited to fund restoration and maintenance of the locations and monuments that were otherwise in debilitated state due to absence of adequate money for maintenance.

In contrast, extensive travelling has also contributed to an unprecedented rise in pollution levels with more and more airlines flying frequently across the globe. To add to that, this trend is also leading to distortion of local economies where the people are shunning their traditional occupations and taking up seasonal employment linked to travel which exposes them to seasonal income fluctuations.

To sum up, I strongly believe affordable travel is a boon for humanity and its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks. THus, this can termed as a favorable evolution.   

Monday, November 14, 2016

Some people believe that it is better to build new museums and town halls instead of renovating the old ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.

Some people believe that it is better to build new museums and town halls instead of renovating the old ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your own experience.

Ielts Essays - Museums and Town Halls 
In an era, when renewing looks of cities has become a top priority, there have been to raze all the old structures, including museums and town houses and reconstruct new ones. This proposal has, though, fetched accolades, as well as brickbats from various sections of society.

As emphasis on saving energy and resources is gaining momentum, rebuilding new premises instead of refurbishing old ones seems to be a better option. If the museums and town halls are constructed all new, it could allow deployment of new technology in almost every department of building, in terms of quality and quantity of the construction material; and lighting to be deployed for illuminating the premises. Modern technology entails use of eco-friendly building material and techniques; and minimal lighting, as energy saving equipment is used extensively today and appropriate arrangements are made for natural light during daytime. Moreover, finding modern substitutes for material used in past would be an expensive exercise.

Moreover, reconstructing these from scratch would also ensure prudent use of space. New buildings and premises are designed as per contemporary requirements which could facilitate addressing concerns regarding creation of space for parking of vehicles, and broadening of the roads to ease up traffic congestion. New constructions would also render improved and uniform look to the area where all other structures constructed new.

However, undeniably, these buildings form an important part of history and heritage of any city, and razing them would mean forgetting the past. This would also make cities lose their charm and thus tourists, as visitors are not only interested in what is there in these buildings but also the nostalgia connected to the exteriors.  

Hence, I believe that although retaining the old edifices can be useful and attract tourism, it is necessary remodel dilapidated structures. Thus, redevelopment of these facilities should be done discreetly.       

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nowadays children prefer electronic games to other games and toys. Why is it happening? Is it a positive or a negative development?

Nowadays children prefer electronic games to other games and toys. Why is it happening? Is it a positive or a negative development?
Ielts Essay - Electronic Games 
Information technology has revolutionized every walk of life and games for children are no exception. Even though there are obvious reasons for kids choosing these over other kinds of games and toys, certain associated benefits and drawbacks cannot be ignored.

The children are more inclined to choosing electronic, video and computer games due to the fact that these offer freedom of sorts to the children. The kids often find themselves cornered by parents, when it comes to deciding about what to wear, how to behave, whom to befriend. Parents have become overprotective and their constant monitoring of the kids has raised the stress levels among the kids. These handy gadgets, available round the clock within the homes and under the ever policing eyes of parents, tend to be the best options and companions. Kids, at least, do not have to ask their parents, and these hand held, or desktops gadgets can easily compensate for the carefree leisure time the kids have to forego.

These modern devices and activities are highly beneficial for the kids since they are developed as educative concepts. The developers of the games and activities always target development of cognitive skills and logic of the kids. Each game is equipped with fresh content that can send the adrenaline rushing, and involve kids more deeply. Many games and activities are planned and designed for delivery of syllabus and course content that raises the interest of kids in studies.

However, there is darker shade to this development since the kids have been found to become addicted to these, and they tend to sacrifice socialization and even some really critical activities, like sleep.

To conclude, I feel even though  electronic games are laden with advantages, people should prudently choose these for kids.

Monday, November 7, 2016

When it comes to research on family history, some people prefer not to dig into the past, instead they just focus on their future. Discuss the positives and negatives of this approach and include your own opinion. - Ielts Essay Model Answer 2

When it comes to research on family history, some people prefer not to dig into the past, instead they just focus on their future. Discuss the positives and negatives of this approach and include your own opinion.

Ielts Essay - Family History 




Modern approach of investigating family history entails overlooking the past. Even though some cite practical reasons for following this strategy, there are certain shortcomings that cannot be discounted.

Ignoring analysis of past events to ascertain family history would make this exercise futile, resulting in faulty inferences. A peek into by-gone eras, families have survived through, to reveal facts about individuals is considered holistic: it accounts for origins, migration patterns and lifestyles evolving through eons. Whatever one does today, is greatly influenced by the nature of activities undertaken up their ancestors: one may be doing anything in the current scenario, their attitude towards working and responding to situations; performing certain activities; discovering solutions; and implementing strategies are directly influenced by the genetic inheritance, and forgoing it is likely to afford erroneous outcomes. 

Moreover, this may severely jeopardize health, specifically when it comes assessing inherited diseases, preventing adoption of adequate safegaurds. Evaluation of past events, often involving genetic risk assessment, aids in determining risks resulting from certain ailments: diabetes, cardiac ailments, and so on, and psychological disorders that can affect upcoming generations, helping ascertain risks and embrace necessary precautions to ensure wellness in future.  

However, the new method can help save time and resources: several modern theorists firmly find is little use squandering time and money in assessing the past mistakes in the current scenario when the surroundings and lifestyles have undergone significant transformation: education, technology and new order of society, have diluted social differences and evaporated class distinctions, heralding a new era where current circumstance and future aspirations are deemed more essential.  

Overall, I feel, disregarding family is prone to more drawbacks than benefits as it can cause inaccurate assessments about approaches and health, resulting in severe ramifications for individuals and those around them.

When it comes to research on family history, some people prefer not to dig into the past, instead they just focus on their future. Discuss the positives and negatives of this approach and include your own opinion. - Ielts Essay MOdel Answer 1

When it comes to research on family history, some people prefer not to dig into the past, instead they just focus on their future. Discuss the positives and negatives of this approach and include your own opinion.

Ielts Essay Family Heritage 

Evaluation of family history is an extremely broad subject, and disparate approaches are deployed to attain this task even though more recently those involved in such endeavors overlook the past events and emphasize on the future. This method may be successful even though it has its own drawbacks. 

Abstaining from looking at the past is assumed to bring time and money savings: humanity has made significant progress, and transformation, over the last century in almost every walk of life, including a significant switchover even in the case of the traditional occupations, making the history earlier than the start of 20th century quite irrelevant. Moreover, the influence of consumerist attitudes persuades shunning gaining knowledge of lifestyles of ancestors, and instead focus on what future presents.

Nevertheless, ignoring past cause serious complications by circumventing a chance to learn from past mistakes: nothing can be clearly ascertained about a family and its members. Genetic inheritance; family based values and traditions being followed; and upbringing of individuals in a family, play a paramount role in shaping the personality and thus the future of a person.

Additionally, this could have severe implications for health, in case the investigations involve establishing the extent of risks facing individuals having a track-record in families of carrying hereditary ailments: diabetes, heart ailments, strokes, and so on, to aid in deciding the nature of safeguards that need to be embraced to delay, if not completely eradicate, the probability of occurrence, and affording relief to those susceptible to some diseases.

Overall, I feel that disregarding the bygone era of families to know about their evolution, despite fetching time and money savings, has the potential of precipitating unwarranted and inaccurate outcomes, preventing deriving accurate assessment. Thus, this practice should surely include examining the gone by days.   


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Team activities and sole activities performed by people are giving them important skills for life. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples. - Ielts Essay

Team activities and sole activities performed by people are giving them important skills for life. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.  

Ielts Essay - Team Solo or instincts 

Learning about life skills is not a matter of chance, as per many. For them these traits are fostered by performing and participating in team and sole activities, as these target different aspects of personality of an individual, but there are still many who feel that learning about survival skills is more dependent on natural instincts.

Participation in team activities, like team sports, group projects, etc. fosters various important traits that would be used in life, such as working together in a team; sharing responsibilities; pursuing goals as a cohesive unit; learning to be patient; accepting opinions and viewpoints of others and making necessary changes to accommodate views of others; accepting success and failures decently; and not finding faults in others for defeats. These activities also prepare people for developing a wider perspective of the outer world that is a combination of complex matches and differences.

Besides this the sole activities have their own role in developing personalities of an individual. There is a big bad world out there and the ones who wish to overcome the hurdles and challenges posed by the surroundings, must foster confidence, quick reflexes and wits that do not only help in judging the situations but also help in finding solutions to remove impediments.

However, certain human behavior theorists insist that life skills cannot be taught or perfected by part taking in any man made activities, but instead are either inherited or are innate. The problem handling traits; ability to accommodate team work and vision; and pursuing goals in tandem with others or alone are inborn instincts, and the people gifted with these natural qualities outperform their counterparts.

To conclude, I personally feel that life skills can be learnt by participating in activities performed in team and alone.  

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crime is nearly always related to the environment in which it occurs. For this reason, international laws and international law courts are unrealistic and will not succeed in reducing crime levels in different countries. Discuss. - Ielts Essay

Crime is nearly always related to the environment in which it occurs. For this reason, international laws and international law courts are unrealistic and will not succeed in reducing crime levels in different countries. Discuss.
Ielts Essay - International law and crime 
Crime has by far been the biggest malady that has inflicted misery on humans ever since they settled down. Several crime theorists link the commission of criminal acts to the social surroundings and environment. This blurs the possibility of international law courts effectively dealing with people leading a lifestyle of deviant behavior.

Trans-national laws and courts would be ineffective in bringing criminals to the book since the elements fostering crime across different parts of the world, many a time, depend on interaction of social and biological traits. People in disparate and sisimilar communities are brought up in diverse surroundings and their mindsets are synchronized with the native lifestyle and aspirations.  Understanding basic differences between distinct lifestyles; and gaining a deep insight into how and why individuals resort to illegal activities, is an insurmountable task. Compiling a comprehensive data on these aspects would prove to a time consuming, expensive, and thus,  a futile exercise. 

Moreover, there is a very bleak chance of any consensus being reached on scope and jurisdiction of global  law courts, in regards to the definition of crime. Creating a harmonization between diverse definitions of how should unlawful endeavors be defined is absolutely difficult as what is regarded as illegal activity in one country may not find a mention at all in others.

However, it is proven that international courts have been able to curb several activities deemed as unlawful universally, like piracy, child and human trafficking, war crimes, terror funding, drug trafficking and child pornography. Many perpetrators have already been nailed by trans-national laws and courts.

In the nutshell, I feel that even though right now idea of international laws and courts may seem to be a far-fetched dream, this concept is evolving and finding more and more acceptance world over.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Intelligence is most important component for leadership. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with adequate examples. - Ielts Essay

Intelligence is most important component for leadership. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with adequate examples.

Leaders have always been taken in high esteem, and regarded as ideals by billions of followers. Surely, people donning the role of the leaders have certain traits that define intelligence, and it is the intelligence that makes them naturally fit for leadership.


A brief peek into the past reveals that, in old days too, the people selected to lead civilian and military groups, were required to be witty, and quick thinking to find solutions, even under the adversities. Individuals leading groups must have a combination of high IQ level and great analytical skills, which enables them to easily gauge the nature of problems and also provide solutions.  Moreover, intelligence also makes the leaders visionaries, pragmatic, innovative and prone to changes. It has been experienced that intelligent people when leading from the front always seek excellence since for them, second best cannot guarantee success.


Similarly, such people are usually smarter in approach: they possess emotional resilience to face adversaries and supporters alike. They are tolerant to ambiguity and difference of opinions; pave way by balancing diverse and conflicting viewpoints; and adapt appropriate strategies to prevail upon, convince, and win over by making quick and necessary changes in plans. Ability of individuals to take criticism in their strides and carry on with their work inspires supporters and critics alike. This sets them intelligently apart from the rest of the crowd and makes them natural leaders.Apart from that, CQ or character quotient, another trait of high intellect, is another aspect that is considered to be a mandatory for commanders. Character integrity makes these people ideals for coworkers, followers and citizens of a country.


Hence, I personally believe that high level of intellect is surely a critical part of leadership, and it can make a difference between success and failure.  If one lacks such a trait, they will struggle to find followers.   


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Clothing can affect the appearance of people; to what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Clothing can affect the appearance of people; to what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Clothes and Appearance 

Ever since human civilization evolved, clothes and fashion have has an overwhelming influence on the human mindset since clothing styles are often associated with the moods, aspirations, age and outlook towards life. But there are others who out rightly challenge this theory of clothes reflecting personalities.

Clothes cannot be taken as true indicators of personalities. They can deceptive instead, especially in modern times when clothing is more or less associated with changing trends. Also, ascertaining personality of people with the help of dressing styles is almost impossible in conservative societies, where the clothing has not changed much over the ages.

However, generally, clothing is taken as the easiest way to judge a person. Attire greatly helps in defining the groups of the people. Clothes do not only depict the hidden traits of personalities that could be joyful, beaming with forward looking and extrovert attitude towards life, or held back, and conservative, but also highlight their age.  Similarly, styles of attire can also hide the real form of physical buildup and make a person look quite different, like people using variety of attire, for parties and other social engagements, to look slimmer or bulkier.

Furthermore, attires have been used by the people, over the ages, to define their status in the society. Dressings up styles and quality of fabrics being used for making attires and ensembles have been used since ages to accentuate socioeconomic backgrounds of people, like creating distinctions between the elite and poor classes. Dressing up styles, or rather uniforms, in work settings also reflect the impact of clothing which helps in defining distinct authorities, ranks and organizational hierarchies.

Henceforth, clothing styles do accentuate and influence the appearance of people, but simply considering this as a parameter of personality is laden with shortfalls.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor? - Ielts Essay

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor?

Ielts Essay - Poverty Reasons and Alleviation 

There is not a more intriguing subject than poverty, as vicious cycle that overshadows any efforts to improve living conditions of the destitute. The world is concerned about this man-made malady and many nations are resolute about alleviating penury, but finding panacea seems to be a difficult challenge to cope with.

Primarily poverty is believed to be having deep rooted connections with the past. Most of the impoverished countries are those that were colonies of the imperialist nations till the first part of the twentieth century. The economies of these nations were indiscriminately exploited and robbed of their natural and financial resources. Today, these very nations are facing an acute scarcity of material and financial resources, and their natives are forced to lead a destitute life.

Additionally, other plausible reasons leadiing to an impoverished state, include dearth of education; thus, lack of employable skills; social and gender inequality, keeping a majority of the population out of mainstream, and hence, in deprivation. Political instability and lack of accountability on part of the stakeholders in government impeding proper implementation of policy to eradicate poverty are also major reasons for poverty. 

However, the way out of this miserable condition is well within sight. Improving agricultural practices to raise faming income; establishing effective educational infrastructure to spread education among masses and to generate employable skills; developing infrastructure to create employment opportunities for the masses, would be highly useful in getting rid of this malady from the country. Creating social and gender equality in the country would also be helpful in removing poverty.

In conclusion, despite poverty being the biggest challenge for humanity today can be removed by taking appropriate steps after identifying the drivers augmenting this phenomenon. The role of elite nations can be substantial in this endeavour.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Every country should have a free health service, even if this means that the medical treatment may not be available through the service because they are too expensive. Do you agree or disagree with this? Write in at least 250 words. - Ielts Essay

Every country should have a free health service, even if this means that the medical treatment may not be available through the service because they are too expensive. Do you agree or disagree with this?  Write in at least 250 words.   
Ielts Essay - Free Medical Assistance 
Many governments are mulling rendering free medical care to natives. This, although has invited a lot of controversies, a majority vouches for such a provision, even if the policy does not include extending advanced and costly diagnostic and treatment system to public. But would this be practical enough?

Laying costless medical care at the disposal of the natives of a country is a very feasible option, despite keeping too expensive facilities out of the premise of the policy. This would be highly beneficial for the society as a whole since a major part of population, including aged people, of every country lives in miserable conditions, and are in no position to afford even the basic medical assistance. Making available such assistance would enable to the people to access medical support in times of need and get adequate treatment at the right time.

On the top of that, the medical assistance categories, to be kept out of the purview of the policy, are used to dispense treatment for some major diseases and ailments. Most of the disease are primarily lifestyle related and affect the elite class, and elite class can afford availing such treatment. Furthermore, treatments needing expensive procedures could be subsidized by the government and costs could be shared with the taxpayers and other NGOs.

However, this proposal has serious flaws since the cost of carrying out research to find new alternatives for new strains of even common disease and disorders are rising. This would raise the cost of diagnose, treatment and medicines, which eventually lead to exclusion of almost diseases at some point of time. This would make free health support irrelevant and useless.

To conclude, free services should include everything or should be abolished  altogether.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Nowadays it is possible to use computers and mobile phones for automatic language translation, and there is no need for human translators and interpreters. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? - Ielts Essay

Nowadays it is possible to use computers and mobile phones for automatic language translation, and there is no need for human translators and interpreters. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ielts Essay - Humans or Software Based Translations 
Technological innovations of the past and the current century have brought around marvels; artificial intelligence, being most prominent of them, which has enabled humans to develop software based applications that can help in translating languages. This has reduced reliance on the human interpreters though there are others who think differently and profess humans cannot be replaced.

Today computer based language translators are believed to be precise, quick and accurate since they are equipped with a huge repository of words, by developers. It is believed that no word, and no phrase can evade these software and machine based translating applications. And, these applications can do the job of interpreting, even of the huge and multiple volumes of books in a matter of little time. These facilities are also quite cheap and the costs are non-recurring in nature; once a licensed application has been installed, one does not need to pay for any upgrades and updates.

Apart from that, these innovative applications offer unprecedented convenience, of use, and portability: these facilities can be used anywhere and at anytime, especially in case of emergencies, when communicating with foreigners.

However, languages, being a human innovation and each word carrying thousands of subtleties and finer nuances, can only be understood and translated effectively by the humans. Humans are equipped with natural cognitive abilities that enable them to comprehend emotions and subtle meanings behind use of each word in diverse contexts, especially when interpreting specific work – that may be technical or literary in nature, gibberish translations can distort the meaning of the content.

In the nutshell, although automatic language translators may be in vogue, human interpreters cannot be replaced. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Politicians are more responsible for protection of the environment than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Politicians are more responsible for protection of the environment than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?        
Ielts Essay - Environment individual or politicians 
The agenda of pollution and finding ways to keep the environment clean attracts numerous controversies, the most significant being; who can play a pivotal role in this, an individual or a politician?

Politicians can influence environment protection policies positively, as they are people of great substance and power,  and can prevail upon the government, regardless of their political background, to  bring around changes in the policies, and establish initiatives that can affect the society and environment substantially. Environment, a more critical subject today, needs urgent and quick intervention at the macro level, or rather at a political level since a task of greater multitude, that has a bearing on the society, cannot be handled at the local level.
Furthermore, clean surroundings, being an issue of national stature and broader perspective, need planning and implementation at much broader scale. Political activities, by virtue of the recognition they enjoy and the resources they have at their disposal, can muster and mobilize enough support all across the country; form opinion among the masses; and effectively carry those clear messages to the government.  

However, even though an individual may be a micro unit of a society, society has always taken cue from the initiatives established by men, of not big political stature but pious objectives. The subtle movements started by the individuals have led to revolutions, like a a small insignificant save tree movement called, Chipko movement, that was initiated by a school teacher in a humble village in state of Uttarakhand,  India resulted in bringing the environmental concerns of locals in Garhwal in the limelight , and force the authorities to form stern environment policy

To sum up, to ensure a clean and pollution free environment, both the individuals and political activists must play their respective roles. 

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