Monday, October 17, 2016

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor? - Ielts Essay

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor?

Ielts Essay - Poverty Reasons and Alleviation 

There is not a more intriguing subject than poverty, as vicious cycle that overshadows any efforts to improve living conditions of the destitute. The world is concerned about this man-made malady and many nations are resolute about alleviating penury, but finding panacea seems to be a difficult challenge to cope with.

Primarily poverty is believed to be having deep rooted connections with the past. Most of the impoverished countries are those that were colonies of the imperialist nations till the first part of the twentieth century. The economies of these nations were indiscriminately exploited and robbed of their natural and financial resources. Today, these very nations are facing an acute scarcity of material and financial resources, and their natives are forced to lead a destitute life.

Additionally, other plausible reasons leadiing to an impoverished state, include dearth of education; thus, lack of employable skills; social and gender inequality, keeping a majority of the population out of mainstream, and hence, in deprivation. Political instability and lack of accountability on part of the stakeholders in government impeding proper implementation of policy to eradicate poverty are also major reasons for poverty. 

However, the way out of this miserable condition is well within sight. Improving agricultural practices to raise faming income; establishing effective educational infrastructure to spread education among masses and to generate employable skills; developing infrastructure to create employment opportunities for the masses, would be highly useful in getting rid of this malady from the country. Creating social and gender equality in the country would also be helpful in removing poverty.

In conclusion, despite poverty being the biggest challenge for humanity today can be removed by taking appropriate steps after identifying the drivers augmenting this phenomenon. The role of elite nations can be substantial in this endeavour.

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