Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some people feel that entertainers ( starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money and is not justified. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of job should be highly paid?- Ielts Essay

Some people feel that entertainers ( starts, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money and is not justified. Do you agree or disagree?
Which other types of job should be highly paid?- Ielts Essay
Ielts Essay - Entertainers and Earnings 

Today, it can be observed that the entertainers earn astronomical salaries, that is  often way much higher than the other people in other professions. It sometimes raises a debate among the different sections of the society, on its being just or unjust to other professionals.

Some people really feel that entertainers actually earn a justified amount, as they are the Icons of the Society and represent the face of the Nation. The entertainers are also the ones who are actually driving the force behind many things, for e.g. Companies register huge revenues by using these people to promote their Products and services and even Governments use their popularity for spreading awareness. This is a natural choice for all to choose them as they are Public figures and have a bigger than life image. This has many drawbacks, as the popularity can only continue until one can deliver, otherwise they languish in some lonely dark corner of the social set-up. They don’t have assured continuous earnings throughout their life, so it is apparent form them to earn as much as they can.

There are claims on contrary as to their contribution being exaggerated, while other never get recognized. There are some other professions according to some, which could be compensated at par with these entertainers, for e.g. the Teachers, Scientists and researchers, the Engineers, the outstanding people who are doing a lot in the  humanitarian Causes and defence etc. Their contributions can never be ignored, as they always sacrifice for the society while staying away from the Limelight.

In conclusion, I would say that though there is always a discussion on this Issue, but The entertainers are justified with their earnings, as they are always dealing with uncertainity, while other professions have some levels of Assurance of regular earnings.

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