Thursday, November 1, 2012

The astronomical sales being achieved by the consumer companies depicts the power of advertisement, rather than the need of the society where they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words

The astronomical sales being achieved by the consumer companies depicts the power of advertisement, rather than the need of the society where they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words.

The astronomical sales being achieved by the consumer companies depicts the power of advertisement


Yes sales are driven by ads? Why reasons 

Ads are manipulative: they influence (create a craving/desire among) the consumer spending behavior 

  • They blitz the audience from all possible directions, pushing the buyers to try the product for once 

  • They target the market segment: adverts are planned as per the segment of consumers who will buy those products

  • The  ads are designed to assimilate with the targeted market  

  • They scratch the pain areas of consumers who fall in for the antics of such  initiatives 

  • Use  celebrity pull to lure  the fan following 

  • They announce offers: buy two and get three free:  

NO sales do not rely on advertising? Why reasons 

  • Expanding population is also causing a radical increment in the sales.

  • Today, the sales are driven by the consumerist attitude  that rules the roost. People are indulging in use and throw 

  • As technology is improving,  almost everything is within the reach of everyone,  and people are buying: disposable income is rising and purchases are now supported by banks: 

  • People, while buying goods consult their informal networks - relatives and friends - and not ads 

  • It is the product performance,  general reputation of the product and after sales support, and so on that decide the sales and not publicity

The rapidly rising sales of commodities have made many to ponder and search for the drivers of such a phenomenon. Some believe that it is the aggressive ads which are coercing consumers into buying even though many refute the former claim. 

There is an overwhelming opinion in favor of the notion that states that sales are driven by publicity campaigns unleashed by businesses on their prospective clientele. Attempts are made to manipulate consumer spending behavior by applying strategies like creating a blitz of ads, and surrounding people from every possible direction, and all mediums available at disposal such as television, newspaper and more recently the internet, to coax the consumers to go in for the purchase at least once. 

Moreover, it is not easy to ignore the celebrity pull, a method most commonly deployed by all with an aim of creating inroads even in those segments which have remained untrodden in the past. Using famous personalities, like cine stars, sports personnel, and even journalists to endorse certain products is bound to attract the devoted fan following of such public figures. This can be corroborated by quoting the sales of brands, like Levis Jeans,  that witnessed a substantial rise after celebrated figures such Amir Khan featured in the ads promoting an expensive range of jeans.  

However, the other lobby rejects the former view and claims that sales are in fact fuelled by the consumerist attitude that rules the roost today. In recent years, a  strange propensity has evolved among individuals who have started resorting to use and throw: they buy something, use it for  sometime, and discard it in favor of a new one. Such conduct has resulted in incrementing turnovers of almost every entity engaged in manufacturing and selling merchandise, ranging from a pen to a car. 

Overall, I fail to subscribe to the idea that enormous sales are a result of adverts in various forms, completely, it is the outcome of transforming attitudes of people towards the goods, who use a product for a limited tenure and dump it later and go in for a brand new one. 

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