Saturday, June 29, 2024

People should choose careers that are monetarily rewarding even if their passion lies elsewhere because money plays a very important role in life. Support your stand with reasons and examples

People should choose careers that are monetarily rewarding even if their passion lies elsewhere because money plays a very important role in life. Support your stand with reasons and examples. Do you agree that one should opt for employment that reaps rich financial returns. 

eople should choose careers that are monetarily rewarding even if their passion lies elsewhere because money plays a very important role in life

There has always been an eternal argument over the issue of whether one should opt for employment that fetches them financial benefits, even if they are forced to forgo their favorite occupation. Some accept it, others reject it. 

A common perception seems to be emerging that one should opt for something professionally that precipitates into financial benefits even if it means abandoning favorite trade. This statement needs a profound analysis.  

Even though most would lobby for embracing a profession that complements natural inclination, the reality is far from rosy: it is the money that drives life, by helping meet basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing; and also the advanced needs like education and healthcare. Thus, the irony is that one must yield to the current demands of self and family, so that life can be led comfortably and without  chaos; plan well for the future; and also enjoy professional and social influence. 

Even the top brass of reputed organizations admit abandoning their craving to engage in an occupation they were extremely fond of: Mr. Rakesh Punj, VP, Punj Lllyod, wanted to be a wildlife photographer, but his obligations towards his family led to him to seek employment to fetch him financial success and a medium to support his kin; consequently, he joined a steel mill and gained immensely, earning respect in familial and social paradigm.  

However, some favor following innate desires. Their opinion is founded on precedents of a few fortunate, like Sachin Tendulkar and Lionel Messi, who chased their dreams, and obtained triumph and riches. This section suggests that pursuing dreams enables one to learn effortlessly; gain perfection; earn enduring success; and outperform others, grossing riches and fame, as a result. Unfortunately, barring a few, for a majority such success remains elusive.    

Overall, although yearning to espouse occupations matching intuitive disposition seems attractive, the paradox is that most cannot exercise this option due to their compulsion to make their ends meet, and thus, should join jobs to seek financial returns.  

It is better to save money than to spend it. How far do you agree with this statement? Is saving more important than spending in today’s world?

 It is better to save money than to spend it. How far do you agree with this statement? Is saving more important than spending in today’s world? Give reasons for your answer and provide ideas and examples from your own experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Saving, rather than being a spendthrift, is considered to be a better practice for making future secure and safe. Whereas many favor the above notion, a few register their disapproval.  

It is said that one should avoid squandering monetary resources; one cannot predict the future; therefore, they should be well prepared for any contingency that might arise such as medical emergencies. Moreover,  in this era, where everyone is facing uncertainty due to inflation, and are barely able to make both ends meet, keeping aside something for rainy days is quite rational; one does not have to look elsewhere, for help from others even the close ones, and thus, saving their relationships.  

Similarly, compared to the past, employment scenario has become extremely volatile due to which  creating a financial buffer by becoming a prudent spender rather than being extravagant, has become the need of the hour to ensure comfortable subsistence in case people are laid off from the work or are forced to accept reduced salaries.   

Nonetheless, those cynical to this phenomenon feel that instead of enjoying the current moments, preparing for upcoming  days sounds a little naïve, for this will not only impact their social lifestyle but will also hamper their personality and performance; always thinking of investment might turn one pessimistic due to always staying engaged in spending frugally than enjoying the present. One deserves to enjoy the exploits of their hard work by consuming comforts and luxuries, they hard-earned money can buy them. 

To conclude, I personally feel that it entirely depends upon the individual and their way of living, whether they want to opt for saving or enjoy this resource today. However, it is always advisable to set aside a small portion of earnings to surmount the unannounced challenges occurring in future. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of the trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of the trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life

It is commonly observed that the age gap between two generations in families has been incrementing remarkably, which can be attributed to scores of causes. However, it is essential to ascertain whether the benefits of this evolution exceed its shortcomings.

To start with, the most prominent driver of this trend is the growing craving among the couples to spend some time together; foster bonhomie; know each other well; and cultivate maturity to successfully negotiate the daunting task of rearing offspring. Similarly, many have become career-oriented, especially the women, and want to attain professional success before donning the mantle of parenting.

The only brighter side of this vogue is becoming possible for mothers and fathers to lay every imaginable facility and comfort at the disposal of their little ones. Undeniably, as one grows older, they tend to earn occupational proficiency, which brings them better earnings, helping them amass enough wealth to provide for comfortable living that is populated by modern gadgets and decent lifestyles, quality education, and also for exigencies and uncertainties facing youngsters when they advance to higher education.

Nevertheless, the fascinating praise (eulogization) afforded to this evolution fails to convince once the shortfalls are seriously considered: the increasing difference has made things complicated both for the parents and the children; the former are unable to participate in the lives of the latter actively. To add to woes, the older parents are likely to die when their wards are still young, leaving young members feeling lonely and insecure, not having anyone to share their worries and concerns with, and seek guidance from.

Overall, the yearning for independence and occupational accomplishments is fueling this propensity, and extends certain favors, but these surely do not overshadow the cons, it is the other way round instead.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities

An  army of people suggests that young ones should be allocated duties outside the school, while the other school of thought is against this and wants them to be free to enjoy their leisure time after schooling hours.

To start with, those advocating for such settings profess that formative years are not only about garnering academic skills but also learning about interacting with surroundings effectively to deal with challenges facing everyone in daily life. Thus, it is quite justified for youngsters to bolster acumen about carrying themselves efficiently by negotiating tasks such as keeping their surroundings,  especially their  belongings, clean and organized; buying groceries; and paying bills, to name a few. This will let them actively learn about everyday household chores they are likely to face as adults. A successful pilot project conducted in Canada underpins this belief, where the young subjects grew more responsible after being engaged in such duties at home, and faced negligible issues while surmounting problems.

However, those skeptical about applying this idea vehemently put forth their view: this could have a domino effect on academic performance of juveniles. The concurrent curriculum at formal tuition is laden with a long list of topics, something young minds must cover at any cost, exposing them to undue stress consequently. Ergo, when at home, they should be allowed to spend some time with themselves and do what they feel like; burdening them with tasks will push them against the wall, impacting their efficiency in studies, and causing deterioration in academic outcomes.  

In hindsight,  even though making youngsters responsible for undertaking certain endeavors  at home, or work, after their school has some benefits to offer, care should be taken that this does impede their education. Striking a right balance would help harness benefits from this practice effectively.     


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now. Why do they say so? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now. Why do they say so? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now


Humans have never been content with their circumstances, and thus compare different stages of their lives. This notion complements the thought harbored by several individuals who feel that life was full of bliss when they were juveniles and visited schools. This statement stems from various reasons, and has fetched contrasting views too.  

Most yearn for the attention they used to receive as youngsters, when they were considered as apple of eyes of their parents who would greet and pamper them with gifts on their smallest of occasions and sometimes for no reason at all; laud even the irrelevant of their success; and support them when they failed to achieve the mark. However, as adults, all those privileges seem to have vanished into the thin air, where even their enormous feats are passed off just another of their obligation and many often do not receive greetings on their important days.

Similarly, as young individuals they were bestowed upon with the right over everything on priority, others would later as a custom, but now the situation has changed, and they must relinquish their turn and entitlements for their family members, their elderly parents, their younger siblings and their own offspring.

Nevertheless, some are unconvinced  by the former belief and consider as adulthood to be more rewarding than juvenescence due to the unprecedented freedom they  enjoy. By virtue of earning their own livelihood, they do not have to bank on someone else for their needs, and can lead their life as per their desires, which also augments their confidence.

Overall, controversies apart,  I concede to this statement partially  and opine that life affords delights in every phase, but in disparate forms and shapes. It is the perceptions that incline individuals to some specific circumstances: childhood, or adulthood.     


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mobile phone usage is held responsible for a lot of medical, social and technical problems. What forms do these problems take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the advantages offered by mobile phones? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Mobile phone usage is held responsible for a lot of medical, social and technical problems. What forms do these problems take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the advantages offered by mobile phones?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Contemporary times are witnessing cellphones engendering issues in varied ways, but whether these outstrip the benefits evokes a fierce debate. I concur with the notion that the pitfalls are far more than the pros, and shall elucidate my stand in the following paragraphs.  

Although the most tangible reward fetched by using a mobile phone is that it affords a sense of freedom, it also makes one dependent, addictive, especially the youth: they use this device for a plethora of acts like, gaming, social media, school projects, and so on, making them lazy and they do not use their own intellect in task performance. 

Similarly, by virtue of overindulgence, outdoor engagement of children has become almost negligible: they confine themselves to online gaming, web series and movies, to name a few, seriously affecting their physical well being by exposing them to conditions such as obesity.  Likewise, they lack social skills, required for the overall development, leading to behavioral issues in later life such as anxiety, adjustment disorder, and many more.

Furthermore, adults no more interact with their family as often as they did in the past, erecting barriers in relationships. For instance, while going for a family outing and events like picnic, tour, marriages, and so on, they are busy in finding content like pictures and videos for social apps, rather than spending quality time and enjoying the moments, resulting in a drift in relations. Additionally, instances of information being leaked or hacked, putting the users in deep trouble have become common.  

Overall, it can be asserted that mobiles have become a source of several evils: poor physical wellness and social isolation, and this equipment, despite offering liberty, has fetched innumerable challenges that easily outstrip the favors. This device is useful, but not meant for abuse. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Politicians are more responsible for the protection of the environment than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Politicians are more responsible for the protection of the environment than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sustaining a hospitable environment has been high on agenda nowadays, but when it comes to taking onus of ensuring this, a debate ensues as to who should work harder to attain this task. Some feel that policymakers have a greater role than citizens to play in this endeavor, others are averse to this and feel that citizens are equally responsible
To start with, policymakers have direct access to the resources such as manpower, and monetary, to handle the task of such a great multitude. For example, they can invest into public campaigns to engender awareness about environmental issues. Similarly, politicians have the official power to apply punitive measures by creating a legal framework to persuade people to follow eco-friendly policies to help protect the future of the planet. Furthermore, they have been allocated the responsibility of creating sound living conditions for the populace by virtue of being elected to the parliament.

However, it will be too naive to let inhabitants escape the obligation of protecting the ecology. It has been observed that they are the source of all evil; they harm the surroundings with their imprudent practices such as  using plastic, burning fossil fuel and over consuming things. If they start acting in the favor of the planet by limiting use of material and substances that are degrading the environment, things can change for good. For instance, in cities such as New York, when city dwellers started avoiding plastic, switched to tube trains and confined their shopping lists  to only essentials, nature got a chance to bounce back.  

To conclude, I personally believe that every citizen should share the duty of safeguarding the earth, for it is them who by changing their approach can make a difference  and also ensure effective implementation of policies. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society

The incrementing incidence of murderous antisocial acts has provoked that the content depicting such activities should be prohibited in various forms of media. I completely fail to subscribe to this suggestion and shall elucidate my stand in the following paragraphs.

To start with, those advocating for this policy profess that the current upsurge in unlawful incidents showcasing brutality finds its inspiration in films and programs being presented on television. The violence in such mediums is portrayed in a highly glamorized form, and those partaking in such undertakings are depicted as performing heroic deeds. Consequently, the audience, especially the youngsters and those with perverted mindsets are likely to emulate such precedents. To corroborate, nearly fifteen percent of juveniles injuring themselves or their peers, in the USA, every year is attributed to WWE since a majority of youngsters mimic the acts of professional wrestlers, during quarrels, and hurt themselves in the process. 

However, those skeptical  are unconvinced by the rationale presented in support of this suggestion; as per them, criminal activities of brutal nature have plagued humans ever since they manifested on this planet, while the electronic entertainment tools appeared only about a century ago. Moreover, most of the presentations on all audio and visual mediums simply reflect what is happening in the surroundings by presenting it in the form of drama. Likewise, the audience, regardless of its age, is quite smart in differentiating between real and reel life, seldom blurs the boundaries between the two, and uses modern audio-visual content to simply entertain themselves instead of apeing  it.

In hindsight, a few sporadic incidents of murderous felonies cannot represent the aspirations of the majority because portrayal  for entertainment and real world events have no parallels or similarities. Thus, this view cannot be supported.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Nowadays, it seems that different generations within the family spend less free time doing activities together. Why is that? Is it a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, it seems that different generations within the family spend less free time doing activities together. Why is that? Is it a positive or negative development?

In contemporary times, the trend of different age groups of the same family spending less quality time together has been dramatically evident and can be attributed to several factors. This phenomenal shift is primarily influenced by changing lifestyles, technological advancements and evolving societal dynamics. However, there is an argument whether it is detrimental or non-detrimental development. 

In modern times, family members often have diverse commitments, leaving no free time for joint family activities, contributing to the decline in shared family leisures. Surmounting a list of professional and social obligations seemingly demands exclusive attention, the hectic nature of these schedules often clash with free time of other family members.

Additionally, the pervasive influence of technology plays a crucial role. The popularity of smartphones, social media and online entertainment platforms are often blamed for rendering highly personalized content, ultimately engrossing the consumer of this content beyond a reasonable limit. This individualized consumption of media and entertainment is leading to a lack of motivation or opportunity to engage with family members due to differences in aspirations regarding spending pastime.

Having said that, despite potential benefits, the overall impact of this arrangement leads to weaker familial bonds and relationships are often compromised and undermined. Shared activities contribute to the building of strong familial ties, fostering understanding, and a sense of belonging. Nevertheless, the decline in these common experiences may lead to weakened family connections and a potential loss of support systems that close-knit households often provide.

Overall, while there may be some merits of individual pursuits, the overall impact on family  bonding should be carefully considered. Thus, this is detrimental evolution. Striking a balance between personal and shared tasks is crucial for maintaining strong family connections in the face of evolving societal trends. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

Even in an era, when technology has proliferated to every walk of life, art, in disparate forms continues to enjoy a considerable relevance; it can yield umpteen benefits and facilities to society, something out of bounds for the modern introductions. The following paragraphs shall elucidate these factors in detail.

Undeniably, art is central to entertainment, in all its manifestations, be it a book, a melody, a poem, and music, to name a few, which even though is brought to audiences with the help of technology, it is the only reason why one buys televisions, music systems, e-readers, tablets, and so on; without these all the modern devices and gadgets will have little significance. To exemplify, one watches television to either watch movies, soap operas, and musical concerts; if these were not there, these equipment would not have come into existence.

Similarly, apart from entertainment, this form of human expression is believed to be a pivotal medium, of developing and augmenting intuitiveness. Literature, paintings, and musical composition, to name a few , persuade humans to foster a broader perspective and innovative thought process; through these, they can learn to think deeply, becoming capable of discovering a fresh approach. 

Moreover, music, poetry, writings, and so on, have ceaselessly rendered a chief medium of moving information about culture, customs and traditions, across space and from one generation to the next. Mankind has been a witness to perpetuation of the knowledge of ways of life, accumulated over the eons - through books, legends, sculptures, and many more, informing the contemporary generations of their glorious past.  

In hindsight, art has always extended inspiration in a myriad of ways, giving them some entertaining moments and boosting their imagination. In fact almost all branches of science owe their source to art, in its various genres.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  

There has always been a profound debate raging amongst many sections wherein, a few opine that making changes in the processes being followed to lead the life will cause detrimental effects; however, many vehemently dissent with this notion and assert that it opens unexplored horizons for betterment. In this essay, I will elucidate both perspectives before concluding. 

A prominent school of thought propounds that making any modification in the existing living pattern will allow one to explore new possibilities to achieve heightened success. Nowadays, numerous people are opting to choose a different career as they believe that they will be able to find an upgraded version of themselves. On a similar note, every year, migration of masses to developed countries has also increased because of the urge among many to find a better quality of life by seeking a transformation. To exemplify, as per the recent survey concluded by BBC, most people who took the risk of moving to affluent nations have been met with success.  

Conversely, a lobby of experts suggests that deviation from a set pattern is an uncalculated risk, and there are probabilities that it might bring undesired circumstances which could be unbearable. This makes many fearful. due to which most people resist the change. Similarly, the unwillingness to start from scratch is another reason as it will involve investment of  umpteen efforts. For instance, as per the survey released by Times Now, the middle-aged working force does not want to switch to a new job as it will involve extra efforts. 

In hindsight, I will conclude that although the change definitely requires courage to take risks, if it is estimated and does not pose any harm, one must embrace alterations. This will not only help fetch freshness but also improvements.

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or Antarctica. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or Antarctica. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

In contemporary times, tourism to destinations where life sustainability is critical has increased immensely over the past two decades. This scenario has outcomes that are positive and negative for the visitors. In subsequent paragraphs, I will discuss both the perspectives.

To begin with, a prominent school of thought propounds that those visiting such locations can easily appreciate the difference of facilities that are being provided to them in their own home towns in comparison to the locales being traveled to. This will elevate their intellectual level, and they will start appreciating the things that they have, and further, will put a halt to the wastage of resources such as food, water, electricity and other sources of energy which are of prime importance and are fast depleting. Moreover, they will be able to educate their children and neighbors, which will create more and more awareness among other inhabitants.  

However, a lobby points out the hazards that some might encounter in unwanted emergencies, and at that time, it will be an uphill task to obtain the aid quickly. These places experience extreme climatic conditions that are sometimes unbearable for many, and absence of adequate hospital services multiplies the risks involved. To exemplify, as per the recent survey concluded by National Geographic, every year, an umpteen number of sick travelers are transported by helicopters from the Sahara Desert to the nearest cities because of them falling ill due to extreme heat and inhospitable conditions. 

Overall, traveling to the remote locations on the planets carries an unprecedented benefit of affording education to visitors about the essential role of natural resources in the environment even though some do face jeopardy  due to scarcity of even skeletal facilities there. Therefore, I feel such tourism should be promoted, but with caution. 

Many people believe that the physical appearance and clothing of famous personalities is given more importance. What is your opinion?

 Many people believe that the physical appearance and clothing of famous personalities is given more importance. What is your opinion?

In contemporary society, the significance attributed to the physical appearance and attire of public figures is a subject of widespread debate. The prevailing sentiment suggests that society places an undue emphasis on the external attributes of noted public figures, potentially overshadowing their talents, achievements, and contributions.

Undeniably, the public eye often fixates on the facade of accomplished individuals. Media platforms frequently scrutinize and sensationalize the clothing choices, hairstyles, and overall looks of famous individuals. This focus is deemed crucial for those involved in domains that require an outward persona to be ideal and attractive such as those involved in movies, modeling, and so on.

Besides this, certain sectors such as  hospitality, media and those involving immense public relation exercise: hotels, airlines and television broadcasting companies, to name a few, seek individuals with finely chiseled physique and dressing etiquette since those engaged in these occupations must have pleasing personalities, seem approachable and look fit, so that clients can interact with them without inhibitions.

Notwithstanding the former notion, barring a few chased by paparazzi, most believe that the ones profoundly engaged in intellectual and altruistic pursuits, benefitting society via meaningful engagements need to be allocated higher priority. For instance, Mr. Rishi Bahuguna, associated with philanthropic endeavors through his NGO, has assisted a myriad of underprivileged citizens, who encounter harassment, or human trafficking, are respected and sought after personalities.

Overall, while the fixation on the body and dressing of famous figures remains prevalent in contemporary society, it is imperative to recognize that this often eclipses the true essence of their talents, achievements, and contributions. Ultimately, while maintaining a polished image may enhance professional success, it is the meaningful engagements and positive impact that truly define a notable individual's legacy.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tourism is a modern form of colonialism. It distorts local economies, causes environmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. To what extent would you support or reject this idea?

Tourism is a modern form of colonialism. It distorts local economies, causes environmental damage and ruins the places it exploits. To what extent would you support or reject this idea?

Although the tourism industry is booming, it has invited flak from various quarters asserting that it is destroying local economies and the places of tourist interest, and is regarded as imperialism.

To start with, no parallels can be drawn between the two since imperialism was all about slavery and exploitation, while this activity opens windows for bringing people from different corners of the globe together, helping to create exchange of different perspectives and ideas; thus, creating harmony and appreciation for diversity. 

Along with this, the platform helps in building the global economy: churning out business worth billions and employment for millions. To corroborate, a study conducted by the Tourism Board of India indicated that the industry has offered forty precent  jobs in hotels, travel agencies and taxi businesses and is anticipated to further rise to sixty percent by 2040. Moreover, governments generate revenues, mostly, in the form of invaluable foreign exchange, a part of which is also used for the upkeep of tourist places, infrastructure and transportation.

Having said that, despite being unfounded, the skeptics assert the ramifications of growing tourism on environment, local trade and tourist spots: visitors tend to overuse or overexploit the natural resources; expansion of carbon footprint due to greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and improper disposal of trash. Also, they tend to cause accidental offenses, for instance, wearing an inappropriate dress in temples, leads tourists to become a subject of wrath of natives. Above all, the locals tend to abandon their traditional occupations to be  a part of tourism and become vulnerable to seasonal unemployment. 

In hindsight, I completely fail to subscribe to the idea that the activity is colonizing and pernicious to nature and tourist spots; rather, it is offering humongous benefits: enhancing the GDP and diversity.

Shopping habits depend more on your age group than anything else. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The leaders of most organizations tend to be older people. However, some argue that younger people make better bosses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this tech-savvy world, a group of people propound that young minds are best decision makers and more suitable for managerial roles; however, others believe experienced supervisors are more proficient for such tasks. This essay shall delve deeper into this matter and draw a plausible conclusion.

Many believe young adults are broad-minded, energetic, tech savvy and quick decision makers. They can effortlessly set precedents for their subordinates, and are open to feedback from their juniors. Similarly, by virtue of being educated in an environment influenced by modern concepts and technology, they can engage modern methods and technology for making quick decisions and ensuring well-being of working staff. To corroborate a survey by Times that reveals that a majority of personnel are comfortable working under young individuals; they experience better workplace culture, and their suggestions are welcomed by top management.  

Nevertheless, some  argue that leadership qualities can only be augmented with seasoning: those who have been through the thick and thin can plan and manage effectively. Old executives are well-organized and possess expertise in their subject matter, which is a boon for both organization and human resources. Moreover, they have a pragmatic vision and their accomplishments help them make accurate predictions. Workers supervised by them feel assured, inquisitive and gain valuable experience from by operating under their aegis. According to one study, organizations facing operational challenges prefer to hire personnel in their forties or fifties, in principal roles as their involvement can be beneficial for the growth of business and staff. 

Overall, I partially concur with this notion, for where the business needs to embrace modern technology like IT, those in their young age can effectively lead from the front, but when it comes to strategic forays, older workers are more suitable for governance.   

Friday, June 14, 2024

Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

A majority believes that some ratio of managerial jobs should be only offered to females. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will delve into this issue and share a plausible opinion.  

To start with, women deserve equal opportunities for top jobs as they are equally gifted, in terms of taking ownership such as managing the higher rank in organizations, and are found to deliver the better approach when it comes to handling strategically essential matters: conflict resolution, handling chaotic matters and making pragmatic decisions, that are derived only after profound brainstorming. To corroborate, human resources of Microsoft hired almost equal numbers of males and females for team lead positions in 2020 November, and after comparing their performance after a quarter,  it was discovered that the latter actually enjoyed a slight edge over their former counterparts while managing teams effectively, and  maneuvering through conflicting priorities and challenging projects. 

Looking at the broader perspective of this policy, this will aford opportunties to enhance diversity of talent in disparate domains, and also offer panacea from diverse perspectives: both men and women exhibit different attitudes while handling and resolving issues, precipitating benefits for society at large in myriad of domains, and helping it register exponential progress in various realms; half of the human population will get a chance to harness its latent talent and contribute with their skills in their strength areas. To exemplify, women enjoy a natural edge over their male counterparts in terms of leading concerns dealing in fashionable goods, and firms led by them have generated employment and economic benefits for society.  

To conclude, I strongly believe that certain top management positions should be earmarked for females only. This will help not only them to get their due but also society will benefit from their skills.  

Thursday, June 13, 2024

“Prevention is better than cure”. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 “Prevention is better than cure”. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

A profound debate has arisen whether policy makers should spend more on preventive, or combative measures.  Looking at the spike in the number of patients visiting the hospitals; majority are in favor of the former, while others oppose. In the following paragraph I will be discussing both sides.

Those in favor of methods to circumvent disease quote a survey conducted by the Department of Health, Delhi University that clearly shows that the increase in the number of illnesses in the society is ignorance about ways to evade illness. Prioritizing preventive measures would support a drastic decline in sufferings. To illustrate, there are various controllable illnesses: malaria and diabetes, that health education can help circumvent and also act as a roadmap to adapt good habits in future.

Having said that, the critics are of the view that diverting the funds in preventive measures rather than treatment will have catastrophic outcomes; since a sizable number are inflicted by hereditary ailments, such as diabetes, thyroid and blood Pressure. In such cases, health education cannot help, and medical intervention is extremely essential  to provide relief.

Moreover, it has been observed that the majority of youngsters are becoming victims of depression and anxiety even after visiting the fitness centers regularly and taking good care of their eating habits. The reason identified for these increased instances are the undue pressure they are facing in their professional and personal life; as a result, they are more exposed to mental ailments. Such circumstances require combative medical interventions and methods to avoid ailments can do little to help.

To recap, I partially subscribe to this suggestion and investing in both the areas is of great priority since preventive and combative measures go hand in hand. Prioritizing anyone might create imbalance in the society.

Safety standards are important when building peoples’ homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?”

Safety standards are important when building peoples’ homes. Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?”

Of late, a fierce argument has been doing rounds about who should take the onus of deploying building by-laws to oversee appropriate construction of dwelling units. While some believe lawmakers should be responsible for this, others lay the onus on those undertaking such activities.  

To begin with, an army of experts believes that people should take the onus of following security regulations; they are the ones who actually construct homes. Moreover, they can ensure the smooth development of their residential places without any bias to ensure the safety of their families and the surroundings. Adding to this, they will be direct victims of any mishaps happening due to even their minute negligence. For example, people using substandard material in building residential units create hazardous conditions for themselves and their neighbors and heighten the chance of humongous damage to material and life in case of any natural or man-made accidents.

Nevertheless, some defy the former notion and propounds that since policy makers possess the power to create the laws for the welfare of the public at large, and can take strict actions against the defaulters, even penalizing them to ensure that everyone follows the implemented norms without any reluctance, they should this mantle. Also, they have all the resources to provide appropriate guidance and even modify, or update them with changing trends and requirements of the world. Similarly, they can form area specific rules to bolster the protection level of the individuals, affording them conventions that can ensure appropriate safeguards against unwarranted events like natural calamities.

Overall, I opine that since governing bodies have the authority and funds to form the laws to ensure welfare of the citizens and everyone follows the enacted norms willingly, they should don the mantle to ensure adherence to building norms.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Foreign tourists must be charged higher fees than local people to visit cultural places and historical sites. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion including relevant examples.

Foreign tourists must be charged higher fees than local people to visit cultural places and historical sites. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion including relevant examples.

It is generally seen that tourist attractions such as monuments, historical sites and various cultural places impose higher entry charges on overseas travellers. I do agree with this notion and believe that similar access free shouldn’t be charged from everyone.

Many are in favor of this arrangement. When tourists are charged higher, this will help in boosting the economy of the host country and developing the tourism industry. As this access fees will help local governments generate money for the maintenance of the heritage sites. Otherwise, they will have to channelize funds from the public budget. From this perspective, having higher fees for foreign travellers has a better impact.


In addition to the above, imposing higher fees will also help in maintaining the novelty value that means when people pay for something, they value it more. For instance, the Louvre Museum in Paris costs a lot to enter, attracts a cluster of people every year while the Cathedral de Paris has no entrance fees thereby, doesn’t experience such an influx.


Similarly, the local people must be aware of their national cultures and the past associated with historical sites. The government should keep low access fees to encourage them to visit such places and imbibe the knowledge regarding their country. Furthermore, the residents cannot be charged higher since they pay taxes and are the true owners of such locations, along with being informal ambassadors of such locations.


To conclude, having the same ticket fee, both from local people as well as foreign travellers to visit various cultural and historical places like monuments, parks, regional fests and so on, will be unfair to the natives and unfavourable to the economy as well. Hence, I concur with the statement.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Public transport should be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this change?

Public transport should be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this change?

Mass commute is accessed by everyone, and many suggest that in public good, this medium should be made accessible to all for free. There are, however, voices of dissent on this: this lobby cites various fallings.

Undoubtedly, the major advantage of free transport would be reaped by impoverished, especially those who cannot afford to pay for the travel affairs. Once the commuting becomes free, instead of looking income source around them, they would be able to travel farther for better employment opportunities. Thus, allowing them to improve their living standard. Also this could allow them to take their families on outing to spend some quality time together. This would greatly assist in improving the quality of life.  Besides this, many would be able to access education at far off locations which was beyond early far from their reach.

Furthermore, such an arrangement also encourage vehicles owners to abandon their cars, use public conveyance to fulfil their travel needs since it will prove to be pocket friendly for them. This will cause a reduction of traffic snarls, which means there would be less emission of gasses, thereby, bringing down air pollution. 

On the contrary, there is a lobby that looks at the drawbacks of such a decision. They believe this may might invite unnecessary tax burden since by offering mass transit free, the stat is likely lose revenue, and find it hard to sustain the mass transit network without extra funding, entailing either proposing new taxes or raising the old ones to raise revenues.  

In the hindsight, I personally opine, despite disadvantageous, making mass commuting free of charge would prove to be extremely beneficial not only for the humans but also for the environment. It would empower the poorer sections and bring down the air pollution. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 Some commentators purport to mitigate instances of road fatalities resulting out of youngsters driving recklessly,formal tuition should don the mantle of training young ones about being responsible motorists, but some lodge their disapproval. The following paragraphs shall delve into this matter and share a plausible conclusion.

To start with, some argue that driving responsibly without jeopardizing the safety of others is an obligation of an ideal lawful citizen in the current paradigm, and thus, schools should take up the onus of fostering this dimension as they do it for other facets of the personality. Moreover, these establishments have the resources and professionals to create enlightenment about certain essential traits needed by a law-abiding adult; they can start sessions to observe the approach of individuals towards this task, and design activities to disseminate know-how - using texts and  manuals and consolidate the learning with the help of simulation and other practical endeavors. 

Conversely, as per skeptics, this move might persuade learners to focus on something that can be taught later according to the need, causing degradation in syllabus and affecting academic outcomes adversely. Similarly, this will increase the burden on students and teachers; they already have numerous subjects to cover. For example, tutors prepare lessons in advance with complete research before imparting the same, a time-consuming process, and learners also need time to comprehend the topics taught, and an addition to the curriculum would add to their woes. Furthermore, this might cause youngsters to engage in misadventures; they are not mature enough to put the driving skills into practice. 

Overall, I believe that such tutoring should not form a part of formal syllabus; schooling is for learning the more essential subjects to inculcate worldly wisdom and  professional inclination, and driving does not fall in that category

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

In the contemporary world, traditional celebrations and social rituals are disappearing fast in numerous parts of the world, stipulating assessing the damage this engendering and along with remedial measures. 

The identity of individuals is often shaped based on the traditions that they follow as they embark on their journey towards their goals. Ignorance of such practices, is leading to a detachment  between generations and breaking family bonds, imperative to experience and enjoy existence in this world. In particular, a few celebrations are observed to preserve natural resources such as mountains, rivers and wildlife. Discontinuing these rituals is promoting a more self-focused lonely life rather than preserving the flora and fauna.

To continue with, indigenous festivals are one of ways to partake in the family discussion; and seek counsel from ancestral knowledge, some practices sinking into oblivion and exposing next generations to a life bereft of native ethics and ethos. Moreover, discontinuation of these occasions is affecting the local economies that depended on such festivities; a lot of merchandise was specially produced to mark such events, and many used to earn their livelihood from such commerce, but now, they are left high and dry since they lack other skills.   

To surmount this issue, parents and society should bear the equal responsibility to help recover ancient practices and rituals. Imparting the significance of each occasion to the younger generation will ensure the continuity of family and social practices. Local community leaders must ensure that community festivals are planned to accommodate generations across decades, and handover the responsibility of carrying out certain activities to the upcoming generation.  

Overall, individual awareness and responsibility plays a vital role in respecting cultural values to ensure the permanence of native festival celebrations  and this can bring people back to their native occasions.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Many parents use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is unnecessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

 Many parents use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to kids. Many think punishment is unnecessary to help children learn the distinction between right and wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Parenting is arduous, and to negotiate it effectively, many resort to retribution, but this conservative approach is challenged by modern thinkers who vouch for abandoning the punitive practice, who vociferously assert that this can impede growth of young minds. 

For many, it is almost instinctive to respond to obstinate behavior by youngsters with retribution. They believe in an old saying, “Spare the rod and spoil the kid”; thus, they find it quite convenient educate their wards, so that similar mistakes do not recur and young individuals circumvent acting with impunity and taking things for granted. Rebuking them will let them appreciate the difference between the right and wrong effortlessly and also compel them to follow norms unconditionally. 

Similarly, reprimanding is also a way of inciting discipline in growing minds who must realize and appreciate the value of virtue of a righteous ways of life. This can help foster rational approach among the future citizens who would learn to abstain from unsocial behavior, later in life, and grow up as lawful and well-informed adults.  

Nevertheless, the contemporary concepts popularized by child theorists defy the traditional child rearing methods that entail chastising; it can adversely impact young personalities, turning them into either rebellious - who might seek vengeance later on others, or timid - unable to make their own decisions, and see the things from their own perspective. This, in modern times when in nuclear family system is the norm, those growing up in punitive environment may end leading a disturbed adult life.   

In hindsight, the most important thing is that when simple rules are not working, creating more will not help. Rather a conversation and a healthy dialogue will be more appropriate. Juveniles will be more willing to listen if parents first listen to them.

Some people say that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from an early retirement age? Write at least 250 words

Some people say that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from an early retirement age? Write at least 250 words 

Some people say that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody

As per a general rule, workers are relieved from their professional duties at a predefined age, but some feel that one should be allowed to stop working, if they are engaged in some qualifying occupations. I subscribe to this idea and shall explain my stand in the following paragraphs.

To start with, an army of people proposes that the retirement policy should be flexible, and should permit personnel involved in physically and mentally taxing  work such as construction, sales and marketing, event management, and certain engineering trades like civil and aviation, and so on, where one has to put immense physical and mental labor. It is scientifically proven that beyond  a certain age, about 55 years, one loses their agility, and ability to work accurately, exposing them to delays and errors, which can affect their performance adversely, making them suffer mentally. Therefore, they should be relieved from their stress.

Moreover, it is quite justified to have a liberal retirement arrangement, especially for those working in dangerous environments like mining and construction, and so on; and those handling heavy equipment like cranes. Individuals beyond a certain age become prone to slow reflexes, and tend to commit severe mistakes that can jeopardize not only their but also the safety of others, and cause accidents. To corroborate, several mishaps involving loading and unloading cranes at various harbors and seaports, across the world, are attributed(blamed) on cranes operated by those aged above fifty three. Such a step would create space for the energetic and able bodied young workers. 

In the end, it is imperative to incorporate provisions for variable age at which one can be discharged from their duties permanently since this can protect the workers, in question, from several problems and dangerous circumstances. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.  

In contemporary times, the most imminent threat faced by humanity is degradation of hospitable conditions on the blue planet due to the rising sea levels which is the result of global warming, scientists are carrying out further research into other problems associated with this and appropriate solutions to counter them.

Warmer atmosphere has disturbed the natural balance and initiated a chain reaction, causing the ice-sheets and glaciers to melt which is in turn increasing the water level of oceans and rivers, as a result, most of the coastal regions and islands are in a serious risk of submerging, putting human settlements as well as natural habitats in jeopardy. Also, fluctuation in global temperatures are responsible for changing weather patterns which are resulting in drastic geographical shifts like rainforests are converting into arid land due to lack of rainfall, leading various species of animals to extinction.

Moreover, crop-yields have gone down as many regions are experiencing unexpected forecasts which are destroying not only harvest but also crucial resources expended in growing them, thus aggravating the already existing problem of food-shortage and poverty, especially in agrarian economies.

To counter this impending peril, strict implementation of environment friendly policies is essential which can encourage the public to mitigate their carbon-footprint by using eco-friendly energy sources like solar or wind which do not emit green-house gases, and use bicycles whenever possible instead of fossil fuel propelled vehicles. Industries should also be mandated to use biodegradable packaging materials and employ scrubbers to cut their emissions.  

In hindsight, I opine that it is high time that human civilization as a whole adopts sustainable living practices, as the Earth is the only habitable planet known to mankind and turning it hostile towards life would be the same as knocking on death’s door. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Many Organizations and companies ask their staff to wear uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? What kind of job should have a work uniform?

Many Organizations and companies ask their staff to wear uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? What kind of job should have a work uniform?

Contemporary corporations have started emphasizing on defining a uniform dress code for the workforce. Many perceive that this practice carries umpteen benefits for both: employees and firms, while others dissent. Furthermore, there are various realms in which this practice is considered mandatory.

Embracing a standardized dress code always evokes a feeling of belongingness, enhances team spirit and owning the job responsibility of the company. This arrangement affords an harmonious identity to personnel to each employee without being judgmental about their financial backgrounds on the basis of their attire. Besides this, a decorum is maintained in the organization and an image of professionalism is reflected.

Having said that, many, especially those leaning towards liberal professional surroundings, perceive that official attire brings mundane in the life of personnel; this pervades a sense of working in a controlled environment, making work seem like more of a compulsion, and restricting their free style of negotiating their obligations. Many even consider it to be a strong detriment to creativity and that promotes slavery and following of official procedures that are prone to delays and impediments. 

Various occupations in which this arrangement must be implemented include banks and other financial institutions, where there is involvement of cash. This can help distinguish bank employees from the visitors. Moreover, realms like defense and service industries, and law enforcement agencies, responsible for regulating discipline and bringing order, need predefined ensembles to give the staff a distinct look that exudes authority, devotion to duty, and honor. 

To conclude, uniformity in attire develops the feeling of oneness in the team which is big element for any corporate, so it is beneficial though some complain that this surely affects efficiency as it eats up the happiness of being in vogue. 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Some people believe that it is better to keep criminals in prison for longer, while others disagree and say that we must find a different solution. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that it is better to keep criminals in prison for longer, while others disagree and say that we must find a different solution. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Those who commit crime are kept in jails, but there are multiple views about the duration of their stay in lock-up. Many people say that law should put a culprit behind the bars for extended periods, whereas others demand some alternative remedies.

Detaining offenders in correctional facilities for stretched durations can set an example in society that anybody who commits heinous crime will get the same treatment. To exemplify, if a person convicted for violent criminal activities like homicide comes is released within a few days, it will lessen the fear of law agencies among the perpetrators of unlawful activities, thereby, increasing the crime rate. Therefore, confining lawbreakers in a prison for extended sentences is required in public interest.

Having said that, long term imprisonments can put a financial burden on government since the operating expenses of prisons are very high .For instance, basic things like food, clothes, electricity bills and many such things are required for the jailed convicts, and in most of the cases there is no tangible benefit generated from these centers which subsequently impacts the budget of the country. Hence, the government should find some alternatives to punish criminals.

Moreover, sending someone behind the bars for extended tenures may not help. There is a need to establish initiatives aimed at rehabilitation of such people such as training them in alternative trades, instead of confining them for longer stretched, so that they can earn livelihood without causing harm to the society and rejoin the mainstream.

In hindsight, subjecting someone to longer confinement just to set an example is of no use since it will amount to wastage of a lot of public money used for maintaining daily expenses. Using rehabilitation as a way to reform such people can go a long way.  

Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Many today feel that attention spans are becoming shorter due to the prevalence of social media. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...