Monday, March 21, 2022

Nowadays not many young people choose to work in the farming industry. Why do you think that is? How could young people be encouraged to work in this industry?

 Nowadays not many young people choose to work in the farming industry. Why do you think that is? How could young people be encouraged to work in this industry?

Reasons why the youth is disenchanted from joining agriculture 

  • This occupation does not enjoy a good reputation as one engaged in this trade are regarded as unskilled 

  • The income is not regular like other trades and is also exposed to various risks 

  • No one wants to indulge in an activity that is physically demanding and needs one to spend days and nights guardian crops 

What are the ways to surmount this challenge 

  • Governments should classify farming as a skilled activity and educate youngsters about using modern methods that need little physical efforts 

  • Extend monthly financial support, in the form of stipend

  • Offer insurance against any kind of  loss of crop 

Agriculture today is not as popular among youth as it was in the past. The roots of this problem lie in various causes. However, a little careful and prudent planning can transform the situation. 

The  primary motivation behind youngsters abandoning this field is the lack of respect for those engaged in farming. Traditionally, this trade is regarded as a domain where no skill and specialization are required, and thus, the ones working as farmers are considered to be unskilled, which is deemed as disparaging by the current generation. They do not want to be seen engaging in something that hampers their reputation. To add to that, a little education makes them harbor, and prioritize, professional dreams that guarantee them a regular income as against the irregular one that they earn by growing crops, making the latter unpopular with them. 

To corroborate, a study, conducted by eminent economist and social theorist Dr. Harmeet Singh from Toronto University, revealed that most young ruralites, who had completed their matriculation, wanted to go ahead and obtain technical skills to join manufacturing, or tertiary sector, so that they would be respected by their friends and relatives and also receive a regular salary. 

The situation can be turned around provided the state intervenes and acts pragmatically. Classifying agriculture as a skilled occupation; educating youngsters about applying scientific methods in farming; and extending stipend, or some kind of payout on a monthly basis, are some methods that can help persuade the current generation to till the land again. But, it is only governments that can arrange such facilities. 

Overall, the disenchantment among youth with this occupation is quite justified since they deserve a better deal in the concurrent times. Therefore, the state needs to install policies to make agriculture popular again. 

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