Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Some people think job not only provides income but also a social life. Others think social life should not be developed with the people at work. Discuss both views and give your opinion with relevant examples.

Some people think job not only provides income but also a social life. Others think social life should not be developed with the people at work. Discuss both views and give your opinion with relevant examples. 

Everyone works to earn their living spending many hours with colleagues daily, which also creates relationships and connections. Some believe it is healthy to have friends at work, while others feel otherwise. 

Workplaces run on goals and competencies which include interpersonal skills and team spirit hat encourage establishing strong relations and networks. Employers like AON and Google have seen massive advantages with an intricately connected staff, creating a highly engaged workforce that has helped reduce communication gaps and deliver efficiency since such workforce produces best results enthusiastically. This further fosters a staff-friendly environment for incumbents and aids in their long-term retention. Having a friend at work also reinforces a feeling of comfort for individuals: they can lean on such ties during challenging times. 

On the contrary, this also has a potential to open a Pandora’s box: mass absenteeism being a common concern that can cause delay in work, and others getting influenced to follow precedents.  It also creates probabilities of confidentiality breach and conflict of interest with colleagues: extending favors and rewards to friends disregarding the merit. Possibilities of multiple workers exiting the organization together also becomes high. A recent instance was noted when a group of employees from a large BPO Company in Gurugram, recommended their friends for new roles with another organization, costing their current employers a good efficient workforce. Personal relations at work also exposes personal lives, as wittingly or unwittingly, a friend may let the secrets out, inviting unwarranted gossip in office, sometimes causing irreversible reputation damage. 

Overall, jobs are not just monotonous means of income but are also a source of social connections; however, there must be a balance between both professional and personal relations to avoid conflicts and any adverse impacts on self and the organization.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Some people believe that technology such as mobile phones( cell phones) are destroying social interaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that technology such as mobile phones( cell phones) are destroying social interaction. Do you agree or disagree?

A section in the society takes mobile phones as a deterrent to social interactions as it discourages socialization in the physical world. I completely disagree with this perception and will discuss my views below.

With advanced technology, people can stay more connected by leveraging several voice, video, and messaging applications through mobile phone devices. There used to be a time when friends and relatives could only talk and meet once or twice in the year during vacations and engage in conversations, or post letters occasionally to share and seek information. However, the advent of this modern marvel has afforded friends, and families’, facilities of creating chatting groups and engaging in conferencing allowing contact with loved ones anywhere in the world, regardless of distances and time zones. No one knows it better than Martin Cooper how it felt making the first mobile phone call in 1973, when he called his competitor to announce his success. 

Speed of information transit has received an overwhelming impetus with cell phone usage. Marriages, festivities, vacations, memorials, and all other kinds of events that are an essential part of human lives can now be planned and communicated swiftly since this innovation aids users in sending and receiving exhaustive details of the plan faster that also helps in fetching responses without delay, enabling the organization of social gatherings at a short notice. A latest social survey done in the US, suggests that physical social engagements and gatherings between friends and families have witnessed a 75% spike over the last three decades, as individuals share and converse more and engage actively through mobile phones. 

Overall, mobile phones without a doubt have given incredible speed to human connection bringing the world closer while making social interactions more effective and frequent.

Friday, June 11, 2021

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

It is an incipient reality that digital stores are becoming immensely prevalent across the globe and may certainly develop into a peril for local shops to exist. I agree with this notion and will discuss my views below.

Ecommerce portals are strongly based on artificial intelligence, constantly collecting colossal amounts of data every second about inclination of consumers and are bombarding users with a surfeit of choice of products along with price comparisons and real reviews that help the audience make an informed purchase decision. This phenomenon is going to gain momentum in coming days and lure more and more into buying from these webstores, which makes the future of markets look gloomy. Furthermore, the ease of buying from comfort zones with minimal or no efforts is going to go in the favor of such e-portals, as predicted that drained of energy people who also would lack time to visit stores, would chose the former over the latter, thereby depriving shops of their business and forcing them to close 

However, as  those skeptic of this possibility suggest that there still will be a section, who will be impervious to the new age digital transactions for reasons of cyber security and personalized consumer experience. Irrespective of superlative assurances and guarantees by the E-stores, it will be impossible to eliminate the bespoke, touch and try experience and transactional safety for any kind of merchandise. Also, the traditional familiarity of exploring a range of shops coupled with a leisure getaway would continue to engender people to engage in physical shopping endeavors.

Overall, despite optimism being expressed by the supporters of physical stores that these shall never cease to exist, there is a conspicuous rationale  behind the opinion that online shopping will dominate and push markets out of business. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Essay: Laws and regulations are basic foundations of any society and if people were free to operate without any rules, disorder and tumult would descend.  I am in complete agreement with this notion and will discuss the same below.

People need boundaries that safeguard the harmonious social environment. It is impossible to create an order and run it efficiently without guidelines. For instance, the constitution and the laws not just protect the functioning of the state and society but also the fundamental rights of the people to survive without inhibitions. A multi-storeyed project built in non-compliance with construction rules and laws, for example, would be blown away in the storm and be dangerous for occupants. Therefore, any society that fails to establish and  adhere to certain conventions, is highly likely to be self-destructive and be vulnerable to chaos.

On top of that, Actions of the populace shall also be kept under control, else it will be harmful to other inhabitants and the overall system. If people could do anything they wanted, there would be antisocial acts galore exposing civilization to lawlessness. In absence of strict laws, systematic hierarchy and guiding rules, muscle power and money will become the only dominating factors in the functioning of the societal structure, which will be catastrophic. This can be exemplified by citing Rome, which was one of the most developed civilizations in history; however, when Romans started breaching social and civil norms, it witnessed a tragic downfall, the empire weakened and it sunk into oblivion.

In conclusion, I concur that conventions and stipulations render a concrete plinth to an effective social order, but abandoning these  tenets will engender anarchy and dilapidation in the system, impeding any positive developments.

Some people believe that manufacturers and supermarkets should minimise the packaging material used. However, others think that consumers should avoid heavily packaged goods. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that manufacturers and supermarkets should minimise the packaging material used. However, others think that consumers should avoid heavily packaged goods. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There is nowadays an intriguing debate brewing up, due to the material used in wrapping things, that who should work to put a halt to this practice. There is a lobby that justifies that this initiative should be taken up by producers and retailers, while others believe that shoppers should refrain from buying such goods. I will discuss both the views in the following paragraphs.

The appealing material used in wrapping leads to the depletion of natural resources. By minimising the utilisation of packaging material, ones producing the merchandise can help nip the evil in its bud, and contribute towards the environment; saving energy used in the production process. As a result, this will aid in curbing the pollution emitted in the procedure. Furthermore, promoting such an act would instil a sense of responsibility in them towards safeguarding the environment.

Similarly,  manufacturers could save a considerable amount of money by reducing the usage of wrapping material. This cost-cutting would result in generating a rich profusion of profits, thereby, flourishing several sectors like manufacturing and retail. The benefits accrued will be in form of lower operational costs, the benefit could be also passed down to the consumers in form of lower prices, augmenting  business in the process.

However, the other lobby suggests consumers should don the mantle of such a task, they rule the roost and carry the power to bring in changes quite rapidly. If the buyers start abstaining from over-packed goods, the producers and sellers will be forced to spring into action: they unsold stock will bleed their resources and cause them losses, persuading them quickly to surrender to the will of their audience and stop this wasteful practice.  

To reiterate, after assessing both the views,  I feel that such initiatives, like curbing over packing, should be jointly handled by both the parties. When the objective involves the noble cause of protecting the environment, everyone sharing and exploiting it, should join hands.  

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Some say that when a person achieves success in their job, it means that he/she is selfish and doesn’t care about others. Do you agree or disagree?


Some say that when a person achieves success in their job, it means that he/she is selfish and doesn’t care about others. Do you agree or disagree?      


Some say that when a person achieves success in their job

There is a common perception that accomplishments make one self-centered and apathetic to others around. Nevertheless, this notion is often challenged vehemently by a lobby that out rightly  rejects the former claim.

Ridiculing winners and calling them as self-centered is outrageous. Being triumphant in life needs one to go into self deprivation and focus all energies on attaining objectives. During this process, it becomes incumbent for individuals to make sacrifices of comforts and luxuries otherwise enjoyed by their kith and kin. However,  once they reach the pinnacle, the exploits of their attainments are laid for everyone, around such  individuals, to consume and derive pleasure. For instance, accomplished sport personnel usually toil it hard on the playground to sustain their performance, their nears and dears lead a life of luxury, an outcome of the struggle of the former.  

Moreover, being resentful towards triumphant individuals is quite inappropriate looking at the contributions of such people make. These people devote their life, face adversities, and pay high personal costs to innovate, which in turn benefits the society. There have been several precedents where the hard earned success of some people paved the way for betterment of human life. 

Nevertheless, there are some, although in negligible numbers, fit this statement perfectly. There have been instances where those achieving professionally have become absorbed in self glorification, and flaunting their trophies of extremely rare victories. Such people generally range from poor to mediocre who use unfair means to become successful, if such individuals left at their own devices, they would fail miserably. 

To conclude, I thus fail to concur with this statement and instead feel that those who conquer the peaks tend to create benchmarks for others and let others use their attainments for their own purpose. 







In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In the era of technology, all spheres of life have changed dramatically. With the emergence of it, printed newspapers or books have taken a back seat while online reading has become a buzzword in recent years, and it is expected that paper based mediums of mass communications will disappear altogether though some doubt this. 

Very soon technology is expected to overwhelm human lives. With round the clock connectivity available to every individual, online reading material will render a convenient and comfortable way to enjoy anywhere and at any point in time. The way things are evolving, people are expected to become busier, and this advancement will afford them with an alternative to read accordingly, as per their convenience on their smartphones and computers as well.

Similarly,  people are expected to become thrifty and environmentally conscious, and they will avoid spending money on something, like papers based newspapers and books, that has little use after their need has been fulfilled. Moreover, they will also be more enlightened that practice also helps prevent the wastage of paper, thereby overcoming the global issue of deforestation and safeguarding the environment.

However, online availability cannot outweigh the merits of printed books or newspapers. There is a lobby that claims many can grasp the content better through the printed material without straining their eyes by engaging with the gadgets, and such individuals will exist in the future too who compare reading with leisure. Furthermore, people living in the remote areas will still be deprived of internet connectivity, and thus will remain highly dependent on the printed material.  

To reiterate, despite the several merits of online reading, the books and newspapers will maintain their place because they are easily accessible. Thus, I fail to concur with the statement.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Light pollution (excessive light during night time) is a form of pollution that distresses many people, especially in modern cities. What are the causes of light pollution, and what solutions can you suggest for governments and businesses to take?


Light pollution (excessive light during night time) is a form of pollution that distresses many people, especially in modern cities. What are the causes of light pollution, and what solutions can you suggest for governments and businesses to take?

In the contemporary era, a new form of pollution has emerged in urbanised locations owing to the utilisation of lights intensively. This essay shall discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon and render some proposals for the state to surmount this growing issue.

This sort of pollution can be attributed to several factors. The incessantly rising crimes, especially in the metropolitan areas has turned the authorities quite apprehensive by virtue of which they install a plethora of lights to keep streets, alleys and even main roads well illuminated to mitigate the incidents of burglary, mugging and several other horrific crimes which usually takes place during the night. Moreover, the spiralling need to stay in limelight forces companies to slog hard round the clock in order to attain visibility among their targeted audience which  leads them install large well illuminated billboards and their signboards that emanate bright luminescence, and over and above using of intensive lighting to keep the factories well lit to enable the workforce to work and produce day and night to meet/satiate the growing demand. 

Besides this, urbanites are influenced prominently by night life; therefore, they indulge themselves extensively in celebrations, during the night, such as marriages, parties, get-togethers, and so on owing to which they decorate their surroundings with a variety of lights, thereby emitting pollution in great amounts.

However, the panacea for this predicament can only be found by the joint efforts of the policy makers as well as the enterprises. Government should enact laws and escalate police patrolling at night to render secure surroundings to the urbanites exempted from all sorts of offences so that the support of lights can be abandoned and fears overcome. Furthermore, businesses should employ efficient machinery and manpower as well, to accomplish the work during the day time to avoid the hazardous emissions in the form of light. They should also volunteer to limit the number of hours they light up gigantic hoardings and signboards.

To reiterate, I feel even though light pollution, especially in the urban locales  is surely a growing and a worrying problem, it can be mitigated easily, provided that the state as well as companies don the mantle to curb this ecological disaster by deploying appropriate initiatives, and extend a safe environment to the society.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Nowadays public transport prices are constantly increasing. Why do you think it is happening? How can this problem be solved?


Nowadays public transport prices are constantly increasing. Why do you think it is happening? How can this problem be solved?


In the contemporary era, the cost of travelling via public/mass transit is rising incessantly. This essay shall discuss the reasons behind this new trend and render the solutions to surmount this issue.


This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors. The mushrooming growth in population has led to the depletion of the natural resources through which the fuel is extracted, which is pushing economies to import it from the countries that have a rich profusion of reserves to satiate the growing need of the passengers, thereby making it expensive for the users due to the heavy duties and levies. Moreover, to escape the traffic snarls and to save the most precious commodity which is time, a slew of commuters are heading towards the public conveyance by virtue of which development in a variety of fields such as manufacturing of vehicles, construction of new railway lines, and so on is taking place to cope with the escalating demands, which require great amounts of funds.


However, the panacea for this predicament can only be found by the efforts of researchers, environmentalists and the state. They should don the mantle to innovate alternate sources of energy which are efficient as well as reasonable to substitute the present forms of fuel owing to which the travellers are forced to pay phenomenal prices and also, which are quite detrimental to the environment. Furthermore, prudence must be exercised in creating a smart load sharing between diverse modes of mass commute so as to make them compliment each other rather than competitors.  


To reiterate, I feel even though increasing prices of public transport is surely a growing and worrying problem, it can be addressed easily, provided that the state as well as scientists take initiatives by indulging themselves in the evolution of cheaper forms of fuel to mitigate this issue.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Many organisations and companies ask their staff to wear a uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? What kind of jobs should have a work uniform?


Many organisations and companies ask their staff to wear a uniform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? What kind of jobs should have a work uniform?

There are a plethora of enterprises that mandate their employees to follow a particular dress code. This essay shall discuss the merits as well as drawbacks of this trend and also discuss the occupations which must have uniform in their company policy.

There are certain failings of this arrangement. Incorporation of uniforms restricts the staff to demonstrate their true self, consequently affecting their moods and behaviour at work, since attires serve as a reflection of personality which also aid in boosting confidence. Furthermore, it becomes quite monotonous to consistently carry the same outfit.

However, deploying a work uniform extends safety at the workplace as this practice renders an ease in recognising outsiders among the crowd which helps in avoiding an unforeseen menace for the company as well as for the personnel. Moreover, this trend acts as a social equalizer by obliterating social fault lines between the haves and have-nots, and provides a healthy working environment exempt of all sorts of prejudice, thereby enriching the productivity of working professionals.

A predefined official attire code is indispensable for a wide array of jobs such as in the manufacturing industry where the staff may face jeopardy while dealing with hazardous chemicals for churning out a rich profusion of products. Similarly, electricians are intensively exposed to danger without safety gloves, shoes, and so on which are imperative to avoid the peril of getting electrocuted. In such occupations, dress code serves as a protective shield against a plethora of life-threatening risks.

To reiterate, despite some negative aspects of adopting uniform at a workplace for the staff, its positive aspects entirely eclipse/exceed/surpass the downsides since it is the onus on the organisations to prioritise safety and render a positive space to its employees.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of toys? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of toys? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 

In the contemporary era, a slew of parents bestow on their wards a wide array of toys and games. This essay shall discuss the merits as well as drawbacks of this new phenomenon.


Nowadays, parents are intensively indulging in their professional endeavours by virtue of which they fail to devote time and to keep a round the clock vigil on their little ones. By extending a variety of toys, they substitute their time which helps their wards to escape the feeling of being isolated and also to keep them engaged in the toys rather than craving for time and attention from their mothers and fathers. Furthermore, they do not always look for the support of someone to amuse themselves.


However, this practice pushes them to play individually rather than encouraging them to engage in groups which acts as an inhibition for them in imbibing a rich profusion of social as well as moral values such as sharing, caring, communicating, developing social networks, cooperation, and so on, owing to which they fail to turn into rationale adults in the life later on. Consequently, some of them become introverts when they turn into teenagers, and due to the lack of confidence, they find it difficult to muster courage while approaching others. Moreover, this act hampers the mental growth of children since the availability of a plethora of playthings inhibits stimulation of creativity as well as imagination.


To reiterate, despite some positive aspects of rendering a plethora of toys to the young ones, its negative aspects completely eclipse the merits since it impedes their holistic development due to which they have to encounter several challenges in the years to come.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.


Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.

In the contemporary era, corpulence at an early age is turning out to be a matter of concern in a plethora of nations. This essay shall discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon as well as propose the solutions to surmount/address this pressing global issue.


Nowadays, the young ones are dominated by technology which pushes them to indulge themselves in the tempting video games and a wide array of other genres of entertainment owing to which they have started embracing sedentary lifestyles, thereby making them overweight. Additionally, fast food culture is prevailing prominently among the young generation which has engendered obesity in them. To make the matters worse, fathers and mothers themselves take pride in consuming such food, which is later taken up by youngsters. 

This phenomenon is affecting their health adversely by making them vulnerable to lethal ailments like BMI distortion, thyroid, cardiovascular problems, and so on.  This also results in gross personality with loss of confidence and fostering of inferiority complex which affects their psyche. 


However, the panacea for this predicament can only be found by the efforts of parents. They should enlighten their wards about the detrimental outcomes of the junk food and also render them home-made substitutes to satiate their cravings. Since parents are the role models to their children they should set precedents for them by adhering to their fitness regimes, and by refraining themselves from fast food. Furthermore, they should monitor the screen time of their little ones, and stimulate their interest in outdoor activities by organising fun games.


To reiterate, I feel even though corpulence amongst youngsters is surely a growing and a worrying problem, it can be obliterated easily, provided parents take the initiative and pursue a healthy lifestyle by limiting their own consumption. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Some people believe that the best way to spend a holiday in a foreign country is to go out to meet people, instead of staying in the hotel most of the time. What is your opinion? Give reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience.

Some people believe that the best way to spend a holiday in a foreign country is to go out to meet people, instead of staying in the hotel most of the time. What is your opinion? Give reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience.


With the exponential rise in globalization, a slew of people have started visiting different countries. There is a lobby that believes to make an overseas trip worthwhile, travellers should explore the alien society rather than staying confined within a hotel room. This essay will justify the rationale behind this perception.


Abandoning the comfort of hotel rooms and exploring alien locales, helps create interaction with the inhabitants of the destination nation and brush aside the tribal attitudes, leaving a lasting impression of affection towards hosts, by virtue of which, they are able to foster harmonious relationships with the locals, thereby mitigating the disparities. Furthermore, this intermingling with the natives affords travellers an opportunity to escape from a feeling of being isolated in the alien societies, and get familiar with the surroundings, tourist attractions, renowned eateries, markets, and so on.


Moreover, the sole purpose of a trip for the tourists, which is to explore new things will go in vain if they contain themselves inside their hotel rooms. Exploring the world outside the hotels will allow people to fetch enriching first hand experience and a deeper insight into the lifestyles of the natives of the country being visited, by letting explore a rich profusion of cultures and traditions. 

To corroborate, various travellers surveys that assessed the attitudes of visitors on foreign trips for leisure reported that most respondents derived immense pleasure when they interacted with the locals of a society without external interventions. This helped them realize the true objective behind undertaking a journey to a formerly unfamiliar location.

On top of that, taking a tour of the alien surroundings and encountering unfamiliar faces and attitudes can greatly assist in satisfying the craving for adventure, an innate human propensity. Since such exploration will lead to unpredictable, though pleasant outcomes, one can derive unprecedented enjoyment which can never be had if they choose to stay indoors.

Overall,  while on an excursion overseas, one should relinquish comfortable hotel rooms to earn acquaintance with the locals. This would be of great afford for them, extending opportunities to experience diversity.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation?


It is being noticed that students do not study as intensively in university as they used to do in schools. What are the causes of this change? What could be done to improve the situation?


Nowadays, an intriguing phenomenon is being witnessed that learners do not tend to devote as much time at universities to studies as they did during schooling. This essay shall delve into the reasons behind this change and propose some solutions. 


Due to the immense pressure experienced during their school days for achieving good grades to grab opportunities for higher studies in renowned colleges, learners relinquish their social connections, by virtue of which, they do not get adequate time to enjoy and have pleasures in their lives. When they get enrolled in varsity courses, they attempt to make up for the time lost in schools by indulging themselves in fun activities, thereby losing focus.


Similarly, a sense of freedom is another factor behind losing interest and enthusiasm for studies while going to varsities. Furthermore, tender minds get highly influenced by their peers while experiencing freedom laden college life since they do not get monitored stringently by their parents and teachers as well, and top of that, no compulsion of attendance in a plethora of institutions is also fueling this trend, as it renders them leverage to enjoy to the fullest.


Having said that, the panacea for this predicament, as suggested by various expert behavior theorists, could be found by the joint efforts of parents and varsities. Higher institutions should organise regular workshops to keep young minds occupied in academics, preventing pupils from straying from their focus. Moreover, creating campaigns for orientation could benefit by enlightening them about striking a balance between their education and enjoyment. Parents can contribute by allowing the wards to pursue their hobbies along with the studies since this helps them take a break from their monotonous schedules and keeps their scheduled tasks interesting.


To reiterate, it is true that learners lose their sense of direction after joining university courses and tend to devote less time to their academic objectives, but a little prudent approach can help mend the things and put them back on track. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

The developments in technology allow more and more machines to be used rather than human employees. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

In the contemporary era, technological advancements are being introduced incessantly which has resulted in large scale automation that has no place for human expertise. This essay shall discuss the merits as well as drawbacks of this prevailing phenomenon and find out whether the former outshine the latter.

Many have hailed the this switchover as being of a great utility for the organisations since they are exempted from the tedious process of hiring workforce for their business processes, resulting in saving a colossal amount of funds spent on rendering salaries, perquisites, insurance, medical assistance, and so on to the employees, and besides this, they can churn out a rich profusion of products without any restriction of specified working hours.

Moreover, a slew of tasks require cumbersome repetitive procedure, so by replacing humans with machines businesses have been able to save the most precious commodity that is time which can be further utilised in other imperative functions, consequently, escalating the productivity as well as efficiency and can also help staff in escaping the boredom.

However, this evolution has caused an upheaval worldwide since it has brought in a spike in the global pressing issue of unemployment, owing to which people are encountering numerous adversities as they fail to fulfil their financial obligations, thereby affecting their mental health by being predisposed to depression, anxiety, and so on, also, a hike in suicidal tendencies. Furthermore, due to this paradigm shift, the skilled labour has started losing its craftsmanship as well as creativity.

To reiterate, the positive aspects of the replacement of personnel with the machinery eclipse its negative aspects owing to the numerous parameters such as saving time, resources, and many more by augmenting efficacy and productivity in the business activities.

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

People across the globe prefer to have their own residence rather than residing in a rented accommodation. There are several reasons behind this rationale - sense of security and prestige, to name a few. However, some consider such conditions as favorable, while others do not.

Owned house has always been a symbol of security and wealth for mankind. It has always been perceived that being a house owner is always favorable as it adds to the net worth of an individual that aids them to secure a social status and recognition in society. Besides this, it renders a sense of security among people as each individual considers their house as a safe haven in their twilight years. Where one can spend the remaining life with respect and dignity. Thus, it becomes significant for people to have their own home. 

Furthermore, it is a positive scenario for many because in such circumstances it becomes quite easy for an individual to defend oneself during financial crises or exigencies since in those times properties are counted as collateral and a backup plan that can safeguard a person from being trapped in debts.

However, others think differently, as this lobby feels that buying an own house is a tedious task and requires a huge investment of money, which is an uphill task for several to amass in a lifetime, and even if they manage somehow, in-order to do so, one has to forgo and in fact sacrifice many of their present needs and desires, which is considered to be unwarranted. 

Therefore, after considering both sides of this phenomenon holistically, I personally feel that overall, owning a house is a positive situation that empowers an individual with social reputation, honor and self-esteem in life. 


Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage  of these jobs to be reserved for women? In conte...