Saturday, June 12, 2021

Some people believe that technology such as mobile phones( cell phones) are destroying social interaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that technology such as mobile phones( cell phones) are destroying social interaction. Do you agree or disagree?

A section in the society takes mobile phones as a deterrent to social interactions as it discourages socialization in the physical world. I completely disagree with this perception and will discuss my views below.

With advanced technology, people can stay more connected by leveraging several voice, video, and messaging applications through mobile phone devices. There used to be a time when friends and relatives could only talk and meet once or twice in the year during vacations and engage in conversations, or post letters occasionally to share and seek information. However, the advent of this modern marvel has afforded friends, and families’, facilities of creating chatting groups and engaging in conferencing allowing contact with loved ones anywhere in the world, regardless of distances and time zones. No one knows it better than Martin Cooper how it felt making the first mobile phone call in 1973, when he called his competitor to announce his success. 

Speed of information transit has received an overwhelming impetus with cell phone usage. Marriages, festivities, vacations, memorials, and all other kinds of events that are an essential part of human lives can now be planned and communicated swiftly since this innovation aids users in sending and receiving exhaustive details of the plan faster that also helps in fetching responses without delay, enabling the organization of social gatherings at a short notice. A latest social survey done in the US, suggests that physical social engagements and gatherings between friends and families have witnessed a 75% spike over the last three decades, as individuals share and converse more and engage actively through mobile phones. 

Overall, mobile phones without a doubt have given incredible speed to human connection bringing the world closer while making social interactions more effective and frequent.

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