Saturday, May 1, 2021

Some people feel that children are overprotected nowadays. They say this leads to negative consequences. What is your opinion?

 Some people feel that children are overprotected nowadays. They say this leads to negative consequences.
What is your opinion?

Some people feel that children are overprotected nowadays

Why overindulging upbringing is laden with unfavorable consequences 

  • The young ones develop serious attitude problems - they feel that they are entitled to priority

  • They grow up as adults who find it hard to foster  relationships with others 

  • They are unable to regulate their emotions 

  • They become timid, incapable of taking their decisions independently - always look at others for acknowledgement

  • They lack the ability to for their independent perspective 

  • They are incapable to handling hardships - they suffer from mental trauma   

Why not? 

  • People are able to keep their wards away from pervert behavior, in times, when the surroundings are replete of violence, crimes, and distorted behavior  

If parenting is arduous, cosseting, a common phenomena today, is even more onerous. However, the latter as many commentators profess, is laden with numerous detriments, which can prove to be an impediment for young ones in their later life.

Overprotective upbringing of offspring can pose several  challenges in the growing up process of juveniles, the most prominent being, as several studies have elucidated, they are unable to foster conducive attitude to interact with the others around them, they are brought up with a feeling that they are at the center of the universe and deserve all the attention of the world. This often has a potential to turn them self-centered and apathetic, which can erect hurdles in their way of progress as adults.

Moreover, by virtue of not being able to communicate with their peers and others freely, they often end up being resigned, unable to share their concerns and worries with anyone else, except their mothers and fathers, which can cause a multitude of issues, in case they have to move away from their homes at a later stage.  

Similarly, another major concern that stems from such a practice is that most young individuals growing up under the close vigil and interference from their parents turn into timid adults who lack confidence to make  decisions on their own. They are seemingly less self assured when they are faced with situations where they must take a step, that may be concerned with any walk of life, since they inculcate a propensity of being acknowledged by their parents at every step. 

Overall, it is thus clear that the young ones who are cosseted in their formative years rarely grow up as rational adults, incapable of exhibiting empathy, forming relations and also deciding independently.

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