Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Some people think that shops should sell the food products from local area, rather than selling products imported from other countries. Do you agree or disagree.

Some people think that shops should sell the food products from local area, rather than selling products imported from other countries.
Do you agree or disagree.
Some people think that shops should sell the food products from local area
With the global markets opening up, consumers have now access to goods, especially food from across the world. A school of thought is seen fierce lobbying for businesses prioritizing local produce. This may seem to be justified to some, there are however, voices of dissent from other quarters.

Laying emphasis on food sourced locally, is closely connected with the narrative of supporting and promoting local economy. This has, more or less, turned out to be an emotional issue with the groups that connect it with patriotism. As per them, most of the times, the food brought from other parts of the world mean undermining local farmers and manufacturers who, at times, are unable to compete with the charisma of imported goods. This does not only put local producers at disadvantage but also means money flowing out.

Furthermore, as more strongly asserted by some, local produce is virtually unmatched in quality and appropriateness. Admittedly, imports usually take a long time to complete, as a result exporting entities in other countries resort to using preservatives. This can affect the taste, as well as the quality of the eatables.

However,  many suggest a more liberal approach towards this, harboring a hostile and protectionist attitude and that also in times of globalization will prove to be disadvantageous for the country as  a whole, as it might fetch  similar responses from affected exporting countries. Besides this, it is not prudent to deprive the consumers of variety that can be laid at their disposal by making foreign food goods available.

To conclude, I cannot subscribe to this idea completely. There should be a balance maintained between local and foreign food items, instead of prioritizing either of the commodities. Such an arrangement would prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching

Technology may have revolutionized the realm of education, and many may be feeling that delivering of courses is now better done online rather than through classroom sessions, I do not subscribe to this notion, and consider classroom teaching can never be superseded.

Classes on internet seem to in vogue with those who suggest that this new technique is helping save invaluable money – otherwise spent on establishment of facilities with large classrooms and providing ancillary support, like maintenance and administration. This has allowed educational institutions to divert financial resources to focus on more critical areas, such as improving the quality of the content to be delivered, dedicating more money to explore better and better resources of education.

Moreover, not just the establishment cost, online tutoring has also made it possible for the teachers to save money and time wasted on travelling to and from schools and colleges. This has not only helped the individuals but also the organizations who do not have give extra money to faculty on account of travelling expenses, or providing them conveyance. Individual faculty can also  now spend that extra time with the students

Having said that, classroom sessions are virtually irreplaceable, for the benefits reaped in the classes are virtually unmatched. While delivering lectures and  content to the students, the tutors are able to gauge the responses of the learners and react accordingly. Similarly, pupils are also able to comprehend better in a formal academic environment, in presence of teacher and their classmates. This can help improve the academic outcomes dramatically. 

To conclude, it can be said that despite online courses gaining colossal fan following, conventional classroom based sessions are virtually irreplaceable. This traditional method equipped with its basic yet comprehensive approach has always brought laurels for both learners and teachers.

Monday, October 21, 2019

In some places, people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship. Do the Advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In some places, people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship.
Do the Advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In some places people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship
IELTS ESSAY - Lifestyle changes and Family Relationship 
Quickly shifting paradigms in the way people are living today is impacting their interaction with their families. This transformation does have certain benefits and drawbacks, but do they outshine each other, is a matter worthy of a deep analysis.

Undoubtedly, switchovers in the lifestyles, often resulting in nuclear family settings, has rendered more independence to individuals. They, no more, need to be dependent on the moods and preferences of others to do something. This has, in a way, helped fetch extremely satisfying experiences for many where they are able to lead a life as per their choice and, consequently, avoid clashes.  

Having said that, despite many virtually venerating this new shift in the ways of life, it is really disheartening to see the way people struggling to cope with the challenges posed by living away from their families. The emotional connect, the bonhomie,  and the bonding seem to have gone missing, and it has been replaced with a strange sense of competition, where each one is trying to prove their superiority over their once closed ones with whom they shared feelings of endearment.

Moreover, the enstrangement is a common sight between ones who lived and shared the space, resulting in disappearance of family and social values. The hardest hit of this change are  the young ones born in the nuclear families: they are never able to familiarize themselves with their own relatives, and end up drifting away from their family identity. In the long run it is feared that this might undo the social fabric and harm the society.

Hence, I can clearly assert that the even though hard to evade, contemporary way of living has brought in more misery, for all, than promises. It is clear that if this trend continues, society will soon be populated with those apathetical to others.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Change has always been a matter profoundly debated; many are quite open and liberal about accepting and integrating it in their lives, while some are averse and, in fact, hostile to even the slightest of hints about altering anything in their routines. I feel that both have their views well-supported with plausible reasons.

Change has been the fundamental law of nature, as many suggest. Ability to adapt successfully to the fast transforming surroundings and environments guarantees survival. The ones  who can adapt to shifts do not only weather the harshest of the times but also get to enjoy the exploits of success attained thereafter. This can be easily exemplified from historical events, where civilizations that failed to respond appropriately to the fast altering world order ceased to exist, while who adapted themselves ruled supreme.

Moreover, doing things  differently is considered to be a way to innovate: it has an element of adventure, that allows encountering and overcoming uncertainties. For this school of thought, humans are subject to change in the same way as the days and nights, and seasons. Altering methods of working and leading life can afford freshness, excitement and consequently, improvements, and evade boredom.

Having said that, the other lobby is more comfortable with working in the same settings. They dread even the slightest deviations in their methods, for that might force them to expend efforts once again to attain similar success, and also  expose them to failure.  This attitude is more visible among the ageing population who are reluctant to even engaging with the new technology.

To recap, It can be said that both the views are justified. Change despite being an essential element that has brought around numerous improvements, staying put in similar settings is sometimes important

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Some people believe that price is the only consideration when buying something. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

Some people believe that price is the only consideration when buying something. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.
Some people believe that price is the only consideration when buying something
Ielts Essay Prices considerations 

Of late, people have been making their decisions about purchases based on the prices of goods though there are still some who do not mind paying more for something they buy. Both the sections have their valid reasons for their inclinations.
Undoubtedly, in the times when the cost of living is registering a near vertical rise, people have started resorting to preparing budgets for their household requirements. Since the money at their disposal is extremely limited – and many necessities must be fulfilled, households try to get the goods they need at the cheapest possible price. By doing this,  a lot of money can be saved for other important things which may be more critical.

Besides this, those bitten by the bug of consumerism seldom use anything for long due to constant changes and upgraded in the technology aided with facelifts. And, when individuals buy things, like mobiles, cars, televisions, etc. quite frequently, they find little rationale behind paying more for a commodity. Moreover, the price wars between the competing consumer goods companies have encouraged and promoted this trend.

Having said that, many hold a view that price may be one of the factors but not an absolute reason that influence purchase decisions. Buyers generally tend to overlook prices when the merchandise, or services in question are linked to health, safety of the users. They rarely take chances by investing into something, even at a cheaper price, which can jeopardize their health and safety. This is evident in cases where purchases are linked to food, and buyers prefer quality over the cost.

To conclude, i do not completely subscribe to the notion that prices influence the decision of purchase. People buying goods take into account several aspects before actually committing their resources to procuring something.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

It is important for all towns and cities to have large outdoor spaces such as squares and parks. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

It is important for all towns and cities to have large outdoor spaces such as squares and parks. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
It is important for all towns and cities to have large outdoor spaces such as squares and parks
Since a past few decades, urban sprawl has resulted in conversion of areas into concrete jungles. This has prompted a lobby of urban town planners to propose establishment of open spaces, in form of squares and parks though there are certain voices of dissent over this.

Creating open spaces would help improve the quality of life of inhabitants of urban locations by much required relief from the suffocating urban landscape dominated by built-up structures, sprawling complexes, skyscrapers, etc. Public squares with views of open skies, and garden laden with greenery also, render a relaxing environment and let the inhabitants experience a healthy distraction from hectic mundane and depressing encounters with concreted areas. This can let people forgo the need to leave cities and towns to seek solace and solitude.   

Moreover, such locations can provide opportunities for not only socializing but also entertaining to  the  otherwise overwhelmed by extremely busy and overburdened with obligations, city and town dwellers. Most are bereft of time and money to  avail facilities offered by more formal settings of clubs, that charge exorbitant amounts. People can simply go to these locations and meeting others at their convenience without needing to pay anything.

However, some critics voice their doubts over such a proposal. They term it as a misuse of land resources in the times when urban locations are facing a deep scarcity of usable land. Taking such a step would only cause an unprecedented increment in the prices. Thus, making it harder for many to afford dwelling units, or offices. This would only fuel urban spread, as they fear.

In conclusion, even though the issue of creating open has descended into senseless squabble. I feel that gardens and public squares can help rejuvenate distressed inhabitants, as well as the city scape.   


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