Friday, October 18, 2019

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Change has always been a matter profoundly debated; many are quite open and liberal about accepting and integrating it in their lives, while some are averse and, in fact, hostile to even the slightest of hints about altering anything in their routines. I feel that both have their views well-supported with plausible reasons.

Change has been the fundamental law of nature, as many suggest. Ability to adapt successfully to the fast transforming surroundings and environments guarantees survival. The ones  who can adapt to shifts do not only weather the harshest of the times but also get to enjoy the exploits of success attained thereafter. This can be easily exemplified from historical events, where civilizations that failed to respond appropriately to the fast altering world order ceased to exist, while who adapted themselves ruled supreme.

Moreover, doing things  differently is considered to be a way to innovate: it has an element of adventure, that allows encountering and overcoming uncertainties. For this school of thought, humans are subject to change in the same way as the days and nights, and seasons. Altering methods of working and leading life can afford freshness, excitement and consequently, improvements, and evade boredom.

Having said that, the other lobby is more comfortable with working in the same settings. They dread even the slightest deviations in their methods, for that might force them to expend efforts once again to attain similar success, and also  expose them to failure.  This attitude is more visible among the ageing population who are reluctant to even engaging with the new technology.

To recap, It can be said that both the views are justified. Change despite being an essential element that has brought around numerous improvements, staying put in similar settings is sometimes important

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