Monday, October 21, 2019

In some places, people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship. Do the Advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In some places, people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship.
Do the Advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In some places people's lifestyles are Changing rapidly and it affects the family relationship
IELTS ESSAY - Lifestyle changes and Family Relationship 
Quickly shifting paradigms in the way people are living today is impacting their interaction with their families. This transformation does have certain benefits and drawbacks, but do they outshine each other, is a matter worthy of a deep analysis.

Undoubtedly, switchovers in the lifestyles, often resulting in nuclear family settings, has rendered more independence to individuals. They, no more, need to be dependent on the moods and preferences of others to do something. This has, in a way, helped fetch extremely satisfying experiences for many where they are able to lead a life as per their choice and, consequently, avoid clashes.  

Having said that, despite many virtually venerating this new shift in the ways of life, it is really disheartening to see the way people struggling to cope with the challenges posed by living away from their families. The emotional connect, the bonhomie,  and the bonding seem to have gone missing, and it has been replaced with a strange sense of competition, where each one is trying to prove their superiority over their once closed ones with whom they shared feelings of endearment.

Moreover, the enstrangement is a common sight between ones who lived and shared the space, resulting in disappearance of family and social values. The hardest hit of this change are  the young ones born in the nuclear families: they are never able to familiarize themselves with their own relatives, and end up drifting away from their family identity. In the long run it is feared that this might undo the social fabric and harm the society.

Hence, I can clearly assert that the even though hard to evade, contemporary way of living has brought in more misery, for all, than promises. It is clear that if this trend continues, society will soon be populated with those apathetical to others.

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