Sunday, September 22, 2019

Modern cultures around the world have become similar as compared to the past. What are the main reasons for it? Is it a positive or negative development?

Modern cultures around the world have become similar as compared to the past. What are the main reasons for it? Is it a positive or negative development?
Modern cultures around the world have become similar as compared to the past
Ielts Essay Modern Culture 

Of late, distinct socio-cultural boundaries have been seemingly blurring, as a result, making world a smaller place to live. This transformation – that can be ascribed to various factors – is receiving resounding cheers from various quarters though it has also been a subject of wrath, due to associated drawbacks.

Person to person contact – that is transcending political, religious and ethnic boundaries – driven by technology, especially internet, is fueling sentiments of globalization among the inhabitants of the new world order. This has proven to be more effective that any socio-political initiatives, that targeted creating understanding among people. An open and unrestricted dialogue has helped develop harmonious tastes in terms of music, movies, festivals and even choice of consumer goods.

This not so new phenomenon, has resulted in creating strange bonhomie between the global citizens, as  they brush aside their tribal attitudes and get used to leading a life like a global citizen in true sense. Optimism about the outcomes reverberates in abundance: it is felt that this would help humanity to rise above differences and strive jointly to overcome challenges – present and future, like pollution, threats of nuclear war, poverty, to name a few  – with a greater effort and chance of success.

However, the conservatives are quite apprehensive of this development. They fear that this might lead to dilution of identity, distinct ways of life, art, language and culture, and consequently, wisdom accumulated over the ages by ancestors, which would be an irreplaceable loss. Thus, rendering mankind poorer in terms of knowledge related to the associated with diminishing civilization.

In the hindsight, I feel, this melting of diverse cultures should be promulgated though efforts should be made to preserve valuable knowledge by sharing it with global  citizens so that any loss of linked knowhow is evaded.

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