Thursday, September 12, 2019

Some people say that the Internet is the most important invention. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your reasons and examples.

Some people say that the Internet is the most important invention. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your reasons and examples.
Some people say that the Internet is the most important invention
Ielts Essay - Greater Innovations 

Internet has overwhelmed humanity greatly, so much, so that some have started considering it to be the most prominent accomplishment of the man. However, such enthusiasm does not seem to emanate from every section: they think differently.

Undoubtedly, internet has transformed the human life radically. The most prominent of changes can be observed in personal realm where it has afforded effective and convenient methods of communicating. It has now become extremely easy to interact, with peers, nears and dears; now people do not have to wait to convey messages since this task barely takes a few moments to transmit messages anywhere across the world. Not only this, the whole exercise hardly costs anything expect nominal monthly subscription.

However, a school of thought considers discovery of electricity worthy of being termed as a true feat which completely transformed lives. The advent of this form of energy made it possible for the mankind to explore formerly untrodden realms: communication, transportation, medical diagnosis and intervention, construction, etc.  it's presence is conspicuous in every imaginable sphere of human life. Even the internet saw the light of day due to electricity.

Apart from electricity another innovation that cannot be easily disregarded is the arrival of aircraft, which changed the face of the planet making the globe truly a smaller place to tread where any location can be reached in a matter of a day, otherwise men would spend months faring the stormy seas. This has helped technology transfers, expansion of businesses, bring people together, and spread of internet.

In the hindsight, squabbling over the issue of determining supremacy of pioneering discoveries carries little substance. All innovations are path-breaking in their own virtue and have revolutionized human lives. Each of these discoveries has,  in one way or other assisted each other.  

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