Monday, November 19, 2018

Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefits of such a program would outweigh any disadvantages?

Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefits of such a program would outweigh any disadvantages?
Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students
Ielts Essay International Students Exchange Programs
A prominent lobby of teaching fraternity extols achievements of international exchange programs offered to teenage school students citing several advantages, nonetheless, this does not prevent the critics from pointing out at the weaknesses of such schemes. 

Such programs, as per the supporters, renders unparalleled opportunities to the adolescent students – the citizens of the future, who would populate a globalized village that is fast evolving due to globalization – to explore diversity and broaden their mindsets and perspectives. When the teenaged pupils visit other countries as a part of such schemes, the mingle and interact with their counterparts in host nations, which helps foster understanding between young individuals of diverse nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures, resulting in a pleasant bonhomie; thus raising hopes for a bright future of humanity that emanates harmony.

Moreover, such once in a lifetime experience afford students possibilities to explore, analyze, compare and appreciate disparate education systems of countries they visit; and determine strengths and benefits. Students can carry this knowledge back home, and make improvements in the their own learning. They can also share this knowledge with their classmates, and thus bring benefits for the society too.  

However, the detractors openly deride these schemes as expensive propositions that tax parents financially. Traveling to other  countries needs huge investments to fund outward and inward airfares, boarding and  lodging expense, and other sundry expenditure, which must be borne by the families. Consequently, this puts an immense financial pressure on parents who often find it hard to cope up. 

In a nutshell, controversies apart, international student exchange programs may carry certain drawbacks, having said that, humungous benefits derived out of such schemes can hardly be ignored, considering that the world is fast transforming a global village, such events could prove to be worthy mediums of promoting homogeneity. 

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