Monday, December 31, 2018

Nowadays, lot of business deals , negotiations and communications are being carried out online. Do you think it is a positive or negative development.

Nowadays, lot of business deals , negotiations and communications are being carried out online. Do you think it is a positive or negative development. Write no less than 250 words with examples from your own experience.  
Nowadays, lot of business deals , negotiations and communications are being carried out online
Ielts Essay Online Business Deals 

With Information technology penetrating almost every walk of human life, people have started negotiating business online. This, as per some, is surely laden with numerous benefits despite others raising citing failings of this emerging trend.

Those vouching for this new way of conducting business feel that this is helping businessmen save precious time – wasted otherwise in arranging meetings and travelling – which can now be allocated to more an essential task concerning business. People now, hardly need to travel physically to cities and towns across the world to close the deals. What they simply need to do is interact with their counterparts through emails, video-conferencing, social media, and specialized facilities that help them enter into agreements in real time virtually.  

Moreover, this innovation has also assisted in saving money and raising profit margins, which are shared mutually by both the negotiating organizations: virtual conferences and negotiations let businesses forego the need to fund travel; arrange expensive venues to schedule face to face meetings; and entertain visiting delegations. To add to that, this way has also helped eliminate middlemen, who used to charge exorbitantly  for their services, and save money extended to them as commission.

However, opponents of this new way of dealing point out at the darker side. Online transacting and negotiations are vulnerable to instances of outright fraud and misrepresentations. It has been, if not often, experienced that businesses tend to fall prey to the dubious deals, due to their counterparts concealing vital facts; thus  jeopardizing the future of deals, as well as the business.

Henceforth, even though method deliberating business online is evolving as a convenient way, and is there to stay, it is hard to ignore the hazards associated with it. One needs to be quite judicious interacting with business counterparts through internet.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Some people prefer cold weather conditions, while others like hot weather. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words and give relevant examples from your own experience.

Some people prefer cold weather conditions, while others like hot weather. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words and give relevant examples from your own experience.  

Some people prefer cold weather conditions, while others don’t
Ielts Essay Hot or Cold Weather 
Planet Earth, with its diverse regions and climates,  has been populated by humans since time unknown. People have lived in both hot and  cold regions, their preferences are governed by the prevalent conditions and their experiences.

Even though many may say that living in hot climate zones renders unparalleled experiences,  ones who prefer areas that confront low temperatures, sometimes freezing and at others below freezing, find it quite conducive. For them, life – instead of being defined by unbearable heat, humidity and sultry conditions – is all about comforts in wooly sweaters and clothes, slipping under quilts, and getting a refreshing sleep. They enjoy sitting by fire, sipping hot beverages, and sometimes hard drinks that make them feel jubilant fresh rather than exhausted.

Moreover, as per this lobby, life in regions with cold temperatures is considered to be relatively healthy. Infections and bacteria can hardly spread around and inflict people with life threatening disease. It has also been medically proven that those living in such regions have better appetites and stamina: metabolism of their bodies remain fine-tuned, allowing them to enjoy a variety of food and drinks, and remain physically and mentally fit. 

However, there are some who prefer life in areas that have higher temperatures. Hot weather, for such people, means a life of abundance, happiness and active social life. Such parts of the planet have an abundance of greenery that exudes positive vibes and promotes healthy living. These regions also afford a healthy social interaction to their inhabitants, due to abundant sunshine and good weather prevailing for most days.

To sum up, I personally feel that both the regions – hot and cold – have some unique benefits to offer. The topmost priority of humans is always to lead a happy and uncomplaining life, regardless of the regions they reside.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefits of such a program would outweigh any disadvantages?

Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students. Do you think the benefits of such a program would outweigh any disadvantages?
Some teachers think that a program of international exchange visits would benefit all teenage school students
Ielts Essay International Students Exchange Programs
A prominent lobby of teaching fraternity extols achievements of international exchange programs offered to teenage school students citing several advantages, nonetheless, this does not prevent the critics from pointing out at the weaknesses of such schemes. 

Such programs, as per the supporters, renders unparalleled opportunities to the adolescent students – the citizens of the future, who would populate a globalized village that is fast evolving due to globalization – to explore diversity and broaden their mindsets and perspectives. When the teenaged pupils visit other countries as a part of such schemes, the mingle and interact with their counterparts in host nations, which helps foster understanding between young individuals of diverse nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures, resulting in a pleasant bonhomie; thus raising hopes for a bright future of humanity that emanates harmony.

Moreover, such once in a lifetime experience afford students possibilities to explore, analyze, compare and appreciate disparate education systems of countries they visit; and determine strengths and benefits. Students can carry this knowledge back home, and make improvements in the their own learning. They can also share this knowledge with their classmates, and thus bring benefits for the society too.  

However, the detractors openly deride these schemes as expensive propositions that tax parents financially. Traveling to other  countries needs huge investments to fund outward and inward airfares, boarding and  lodging expense, and other sundry expenditure, which must be borne by the families. Consequently, this puts an immense financial pressure on parents who often find it hard to cope up. 

In a nutshell, controversies apart, international student exchange programs may carry certain drawbacks, having said that, humungous benefits derived out of such schemes can hardly be ignored, considering that the world is fast transforming a global village, such events could prove to be worthy mediums of promoting homogeneity. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Some people believe that physical fitness of strong individuals and teams is the reason for most sports achievements. Others, however, think that mental attitude is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that physical fitness of strong individuals and teams is the reason for most sports achievements. Others, however, think that mental attitude is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that physical fitness of strong individuals and teams is the reason for most sports achievements
Ielts Essay Physical Fitness 
Players and teams battle it out in an arena to overwhelm each other in every quarter of a game, but what helps ensure success: is it robust physique or mental resilience? This topical issue is nowadays being profoundly debated, as people stand poles apart.

Sound  health is considered to be a key to success in any sporting discipline. Established experts assert, only players with immense physical strength and robustness possess stamina to outlast rivals in a duel; bear stress of physical exertion; respond to challenges from players of opposition, thus giving team members an upper hand over rival teams; resist attacks; and implement counter moves. Sportsmen and  women who tire out soon seldom realize their potential, and eventually face set-backs.

Moreover, being in good physical condition helps ensure continuity; and hence performance. Sports personnel or teams marred by injuries often find it hard to sustain winning streak. Players  plagued by injuries and ailments often find their way out of teams, and are seldom retained. Likewise, it has, quite often, been observed that even good teams face debacles: some of their best players sat on benches on account of some injuries, or being sick.
However, it will be too naive to ignore the role of mental readiness of players: this defines their approach towards a game. Where sports personnel with an optimistic perspective tend to not only turn the tables on their rivals but also snatch a game, that was as good as lost; they are able to observe opponents keenly; respond to situations; and plan their  moves, while ones with a pessimistic approach tend concede defeat without a fight.

To conclude, comparing these inseparable components of success is like descending into an unnecessary squabble. Players are trained to be physically fit and mentally resilient.  

Friday, November 16, 2018

Nowadays in many countries young people leave rural areas to study or work in cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays in many countries young people leave rural areas to study or work in cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays in many countries young people leave rural areas to study or work in cities
Ielts Essay Youth MIgrating to Cities 
As more and more youth relocate from villages to urbanized locations, social theorists seem to be getting uneasy for this movement present a big challenge though some  also see it brighter side of this trend.

Migration of youth from villages to urbanized locations is undoubtedly a favorable development. The young educated generation of rural areas is able to pursue dreams of seeking enhancement in their living standards, of course which can only be easily afforded by big cities: these locations have an abundance of opportunities for good higher education, and also handsome paying employment openings

Nonetheless, the rising influx of rural youth into urban areas is laden with multiple problems: cities receiving these migrants, are already bursting to the seams, and have scanty space for anymore. Shifting of more is precipitating chaos on multiple fronts: already over-taxed city infrastructures, are over-burdened, which is causing monumental predicaments: absence of proper housing, roads to accommodate traffic, etc.,  This is having an unfavorable effect on the quality of life in cities.  

Furthermore, movement of rural young to big towns and metropolitans is creating a deep scarcity of able-bodied workforce in agricultural and other primary sector activities. Absence of people in appropriate numbers is severely hampering productivity of primary sector, which in-turn is impacting rural economies adversely. This has a potential to engender a food shortage in the country itself; thus making it hard for not only residents of rural areas to get food, but also present a challenge to the inhabitants of the cities as well.

In a nutshell, everyone has a right to seek prosperity, which in current times can only be afforded by big metropolis; hence despite numerous failings, migration of rural young to non-rural areas offers several benefits. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Some people think that the advantages of advertising sports products through famous sports players outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that the advantages of advertising sports products through famous sports players outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that the advantages of advertising sports products through famous sports players outweigh the disadvantages
Ielts Essay Sportes Advertisements 
Advertisements  of sports goods featuring popular players has always evoked profound debates: some considering this practice to be practical and is laden with numerous benefits, while others openly deride it asserting that this carries a plethora of drawbacks. 

Advertising sporting merchandise using well-known sports personnel is believed to be highly beneficial. This helps popularize sports disciplines, with which the goods being promoted are associated, especially among young generation and sports enthusiasts. It is well known that sports is considered a medium of not only promoting good health, but also generating rich employment opportunities – by inspiring people to take up this activity as their professions. When successful sports practitioner endorse products, the message is carried rapidly and clearly to the intended audience.

Moreover, such a policy helps manufacturers of sporting goods and equipment a great deal by enabling them to create a distinct identity in a particular sports segment, they are dealing in. Using popular faces associated with  specific sports tends to provide a launch pad for marketing sporting kits, apparel, etc. related to that discipline. In this way, companies involved in producing products for a distinct domain can save time and money by directly engaging the targeted markets.

However, the critics are quick to point out failings of this method they call it quite unfair in terms of catapulting sports followers and admirers into buying sporting goods needlessly. People end up buying something they have little use for, thus creating social wastage: buyers try to ape their ideals and in the process they literally throw away their money.

In a nutshell, critics will be critics, the gains obtained through use of famous sporting personalities clearly outshine any pitfalls; hence this practice should be continued and promoted instead.  

Sunday, November 11, 2018

People who read for pleasure have better imagination and language skills than those who prefer watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

People who read for pleasure have better imagination and language skills than those who prefer watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?
People who read for pleasure have better imagination and language skills than those who prefer watching TV
Ielts Essay Reading and Watching Television 
An eternal argument  has always raged about whether imagination and linguistic skills are bolstered by carrying out reading as a part of leisure, or by watching television. The partisan groups cite their reasons for support of their opinion. 

Reading has existed since time unknown, and has been more readily accepted by humans as a medium of stimulating  fascination and eventually visualization of written content. Written words are a formidable mean of fostering creative skills: the readers are inspired, or rather forced to develop a visual image of the content being accessed, which brings forth creativity, and people are able to comprehend exhaustive information and message being transferred by writers.

Moreover, skimming and scanning text in free time is known to be a good way of boosting lexical resource, and knowledge about expressing applying disparate sentence structures. When people read any text, they are not only able to develop an understanding of deeper nuances and subtleties, or contextual meaning of each word and phrase but also learn to express and convey their feelings and opinions using a variety of verbal forms of communication.

However, supporters of television fuelling imagination and strengthening linguistic skills propose that human brain tends to be more receptive to graphical content. When people watch TV programs, they avail an opportunity of not only looking at the things from the perspective of commentators or speakers, but also develop an independent opinion; thus broadening creativeness. Similarly, they also learn to use language effectively with aid of verbal and non-verbal content. 

To conclude, controversies apart, despite reading being a traditional method of encouraging imaginative and linguistic skills, television offers no less enriching experience. Thus, it will be quite unjust to say that television viewers are outshined by readers in the realms of creativity and language.  

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However,other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However,other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed
Ielts Essay Zoos Boon or Bane 
Zoological parks have always invited wrath of detractors as they terms these places as illegal and impractical, however,  certain naturalists find these locations quite practical. Both partisan groups cite their reasons in support of their views.

Zoos, as per proponents, provide  a safe refuge to conserving near extinct species, in the times when illegal hunting and poaching are at their peak – that has cause disappearance of some of the rarest  animals from the face of the planet. These places despite confining wild beings into cages and enclosures, they help keep the poor beings safe and instead run breeding programs that help bolster dwindling populations of endangered wild life.

Moreover, zoological parks do not only offer a healthy entertainment to the people but also act as a potential source of informing them, especially children - the future citizens, about the critical importance of animals and birds in maintaining the ecological balance of the planet.  The  subtle message passed along with amazing experiences helps enlighten people about the diversity of life on the Earth, and inspire them to involve in protecting the natural habitats and contain illegal hunting.

Nevertheless, critics will be critics: they always tend to rouse the most sensitive emotions of humans by terming these locations as illegal confinements, which many resent. Zoos all over the world subject animals and birds to an unwarranted torture by locking them up in small enclosures: distorting their natural life cycles. Even the nutrition rendered is unlike what these beings would afford in their natural habitats: cumulatively these factors adversely affect mental and physical well-being.

In a nutshell, controversies and derision apart, zoos have a great functionality in the current times, when planet is being denuded and wild beings being killed. Hence, all the criticism should be side-lined and zoos must be promoted.

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and culture of their own country
Ielts Essay Homogeneous and Heterogeneous 
Nowadays, a profound debate is doing rounds in sections of academicians, historians and  politicians, whether museums and art galleries should focus on native history and culture – of their own country, or should they also present work of other countries. I completely reject the view and vouch for these places representing all work, regardless of geographical and political boundaries. 

Proponents of museums and galleries portraying only distinct local work discourage diluting it by including exhibits from other parts of world. The primary objective of museums is to promote local artists – in various fields – and their achievements, expressions and creations. It is necessary to sustain unique identity, so that the native future generations can learn about their own past; appreciate it, and perpetuate those values.

Moreover, these locations and facilities have a novelty value, and are frequented by curious alien  tourists, who come there to experience diversity of a society and not homogeneity, which they can experience elsewhere too. Thus, if the museums and art galleries don a global look and present specimen of other civilizations, they will lose their attraction, and the primary objectives will be lost.

However, the lobby that strongly rallies behind museums and galleries showcasing work from all over the world, consider idea of distinctiveness as obsolete. In an era, when humanity has left behind its history, is globalizing; and is achieving new feats – in terms of technology in confluence with each other, etc., it is practical to moot the idea of allowing these locations to represent sculptures and art from all over the world under one roof.

Henceforth, museums and galleries should focus on artistic expression from all over the planet, it can be said that future belongs to humanity in harmony, and not to some unique civilizations that harbor tribal attitudes.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

The vacation areas in the city should be used for constructing buildings instead of plantation trees. Do you agree or disagree ?Iel

The vacation areas in the city should be used for constructing buildings instead of plantation trees. Do you agree or disagree ?
The vacation areas in the city should be used for constructing buildings instead of plantation trees
Ielts Essay on use of Idle areas 
How to use vast swathes of land lying idle in metropolis has, of late, become a matter of profound debate. While some favor building on these areas, others prefer to let these be maintained as green belts.

On one hand, proponents of building on vacant land parcels suggest, in an era, where big cities are experiencing a severe shortage of space, maintaining free spaces, that could be used to accommodate city dwellers and businesses, would be a waste of resources. This would exacerbate an already deteriorating  quality of life in urban areas. This might also result in population shifting to areas outside big cities, which would predispose and proliferate ecological disasters to other areas.

On the other, environmentalists vehemently rally behind sustaining free areas in their pristine condition, and suggest these should instead be populated with more trees: these green pockets act as lungs of cities and help mitigate pollutions levels. Several studies elucidate that trees help in absorbing and storing carbon dioxide – a major greenhouse gas – and  other suspended effluents in the environment. Denuding vacant parcels would also lead to loss of precipitation – green areas attract moisture, and hence rains.

Moreover, green buffers act as a refuge that offers respite to stressed out  city inhabitants - subjected to braving a life in alleys of concrete jungles. Urban sprawl has embraced most areas and has transformed every lane into a tarmac covered surface which is heightening stress. Green buffers offer peaceful surroundings, with idyllic beauty, and render opportunities to escape mundane, and relax.

In a nutshell, replacing green areas with built up structures would surely invite more trouble for none other than mankind. After all, environment can survive without humans, but humans would find hard to live on a hostile planet bereft of hospitable conditions.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this debate and present your opinion?

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this debate and present your opinion?

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea
Ielts Essay gap year between school and university
The gap year in the universities although popular, always attracts controversies; many failed to see any visible benefits. Both the supporters and critics present their point of views in this topical issue.

On the one hand, the once who lobby  for a gap year assert that the advantages derived out of this gap year it's disadvantages. Students during a year break tend to acquire  several skills  interms of their professional and personal realms. Where at professional level the young learners get a chance to independently explore their domains and learn about their natural inclinations towards a trade which they may join after completing their academic pursuits at the personal level they learn about managing their time efficiently and working and coordinating with others

On the contrary, a break of an year during studies can act as a  distraction for the students. After travelling to different places and experiencing an unprecedented freedom, students find it hard to adjust in the study environment at the varsity, which requires students to stay disciplined. Moreover, it has been seen many pupils take up employment during the study breaks which makes taking up  studies unattractive ideas.

Similarly, the critics of this arrangement point out at several shortfalls as per them, this whole exercise can prove to be  an expensive affair. During the gap year, university students often travel to other cities and even other countries where they incur a huge expense for accommodation, travelling and living. This expenditure adds up to an already  expensive university program which poses an  undue pressure on the parents.

In a nutshell, I am of the opinion that a year off  from the studies can indeed prove to be invaluable for the students, it is even though necessary to plan the gap year judiciously, and use the time prudently

Monday, October 8, 2018

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high level of personal achievements is possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail, according to their individual merits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high level of personal achievements is possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail, according to their individual merits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements
Ielts Essay Achievements in various social settings 

There is a great debate nowadays over whether the attainments of people are better in social settings that promote equality, or in a set-up where the people are exposed to the risk of set-backs, however, personally feel that people who are capable, can excel in both kinds of social arrangements.

It is a general belief that people who are exposed to the likelihood of failing, excel in any task they undertake.  Such people, when standing face to face with a debacle, tend to be creative, and use every possible method to overcome challenges. This helps bring out the best out of individuals who relentlessly pursue success and infuse innovation; thereby setting benchmarks and becoming role models for the rest of the society. History has been a witness that people, like Abraham Lincoln who took initiative on their own and without any support of any kind succeeded in bringing around revolutions.

It is generally believed that people tend to attain better in a social setting that promotes equality among classes. Such an arrangement guarantees appropriate support to all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds. The assistance rendered by the state in form of opportunities, funding and logistics helps ease up the worries of the people and afford them time to focus on critical areas of work and field of interest. When there are opportunities galore for everyone and free of any discrimination people have the freedom and the time to determine their strength areas and natural inclination, where they can focus without fear and inhibitions. This makes them excel in their pursuits.

To conclude, after assessing both the points of views, it can be clearly said that achievements are achievements and cannot be compared, and people can excel in both kinds of social settings.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social developmen
Ielts Essay Parents Children  and Teachers 

When kids step out of their homes and join schooling, they start interacting with the outer world that helps foster vivid spheres of their personalities, in diverse realms – including academic and social. But, is this development has more bearing of teachers or parents is often profoundly debated.

Teachers play a role of social coaches, as many may say, and hence, they have a greater role in developing outer social persona or young learners: the teachers act a bridge between the kids and others and coach them about how to communicate with the external world. It is said that when children leave the secure environment of their homes for the very first time, they are insecure and unsure. The teachers provide a reassuring support by tutoring how to interact with peers, seniors and faculty; thereby preparing students for meaningful social interaction.

Moreover, tutors don the mantle of mentorship to satisfy the curiosity and the enlighten the young inquisitive minds by opening the doors to the knowledge. The first stories alphabets, and the tables taught with the help of rhymes overwhelm the young ones and leaves a permanent mark on their psyche. They are bedazzled by such surprising revelations: something they might not have expected back home where they got a familiar environment.

However, impact of a father and mother on the social and academic attitude and aptitude of their offspring is nearly unchallenged. Kids tend to follow precedents and footsteps of their moms and dads: they blindly believe in whatever their parents tell them since they have an unswerving faith in the words and acts of their parents.

To conclude, after discussing both the views, I do not agree with the notion of teachers influencing children more than parents, instead I feel that both have a substantial impact of personalities of young ones.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Discuss.

Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Discuss.
Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Discuss.
Ielts Essays Ideas from Workers 
Getting proposals from workers seems to be becoming a vogue in the corporate culture; many cite several benefits of this method fostering innovation within an organization thought there are others who treat this technique with indignation.

Seeking suggestions from employees and workers can be highly beneficial in all areas of business: 'Creativity knows no bounds': an establishment that allows its workers to openly share their ideas with each other and higher rungs, always fares better, as it is able to wring out exceptionally outstanding advice – to combat problems; and attain better outcomes – from their internal resources. Workers do not only have an experience of ground realities but are also well-informed about the future prospects and areas that can be improved.

Similarly, commercial and non-commercial concerns letting their workers – at every level – share their imaginative views, can reap rich benefits in form of motivated workforce and their exceptional and outstanding performance. When a company invites suggestions from employees, regardless of their position in the organization, it makes them feel belonged to, hence stimulating the employees to give their best to their work.

However, the practice of sourcing ideas from the workforce is not bereft of dark shades, as many detractors opine. Allowing workers to suggest can often lead to chaos, in terms time taken for sourcing and implementing advice. Quite often, as it has been observed, management get inundated with blitz of diverse suggestions which can take long to filter and choose the best and most practical idea; thereby delaying strategically important decisions.

Therefore, despite employees advising surely being a good practice, it may not be as useful, in all realms of business, as one may desire: henceforth extreme caution should be exercised while choosing where to let workforce shell out an idea or two.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Some say that music is as important as other subjects in schools, especially at the preschool level. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion. Ielts Essay

Some say that music is as important as other subjects in schools, especially at the preschool level. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.
Some say that music is as important as other subjects in schools
Ielts Essay Music And Education
Music has always been lauded for carrying therapeutic value. This has prompted some to suggest that this should be accorded an equal importance with other subjects in schooling, especially during the preschool years though there are others who dissent over this issue. I, however, completely concur with the proposal and feel music can be of a great help to the young learners.

Studying Music at schools along with other subjects offers sumptuous benefits: practicing this subject does not only  help students de-stress but also let them foster unswerving focus. Music acts as a welcome break from the stressful academic pursuits, and lets pupils relax and rejuvenate, a primary reason that keeps students engaged and makes attending school an attractive activity. Moreover, when young learners play music, they get better at detecting meaningful sounds: thus helping them foster higher than average auditory attention, thereby enhancing ability to concentrate better.

Besides this, music is believed to be a pivotal element in stimulating creativity. If taught right from a young age, music helps children to be more imaginative as they learn to identify different notes of music. This broadens their understanding and helps them think innovatively. Music is believed to be a good medium to light up various areas of brain that equips students with higher than average intellect.

However, this idea does not go down well with everybody, since many consider this subject to be an unnecessary burden and distraction. Young learners tend to over-indulge in learning about music, and ignore other more important learning which in long learn can have an adverse impact on the academic outcomes.

To conclude, after closely assessing the viewpoints of both schools of thoughts, I find that music is surely an innovative way of stimulating learning among pupils.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards
Ielts Essay on Development and Social Values 

Pursuit of prosperity has raised an alarm among the conservatives for they fear that this is leading to disappearance of important social values, however, the progressive lobby tends to overlook these fears and considers the benefits of this phenomenon more important than preserving the social values.

To start with, when economies achieve prosperity, they are able to afford a good quality of life to the inhabitants of the countries. This leads to an overall well-being, both in terms of physical and psychological: people, aided and supported by every imaginable facility, are able to lead a happy life. This as a result also inclines them to spirituality, thereby raising their awareness towards social conduct.

To add to that, unless economic prosperity is achieved, no country can ensure continuation of social structures: people have to shift out, either to other parts of the country, or to other parts of the world, in order to earn a livelihood, where they naturally are disconnected from their social set-ups, and thus their values. But, if an economy is affluent, it does not require inhabitants to move away and part with their social circles, thereby keeping them in touch with their age-old beliefs.

However, the fears of the seeking affluence seem to be deep-rooted, as when the families are chasing prosperity, they tend to indulge in professional pursuits which forces them to devote more and more time to  their profession: thus making them live in social isolation. The hardest hit are the kids who never get a chance to know their cousins and relatives, making them oblivious of socialization.

Thus, after assessing all the associated merits and demerits, I find this trend to be laden with more benefits, hence development enjoys an upper hand over the concerns of social values. 

Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and accomplished person's influence on the regions they belong to?

Many people think regions affect successful persons. What is your opinion about native regions and accomplished person's influence on the regions they belong to?
Many people think regions affect successful persons
Ielts Essay - Success and Regions
In the age of contradictions and controversies, many are discussing even the affect of a region and surroundings on the success of an individual. Some are quite positive about impact of regional backgrounds on success: others, however, ridicule this theory.

Regions and surroundings do enjoy an overwhelming effect on the triumphs and failures of people: the supportive policies of societies and governments radiate confidence and inspire inhabitants to apply themselves whole-heartedly to realms of their natural inclination and churn out successful undertakings – in all domains ranging from sports and arts to science and technology. This fact can be exemplified by the success garnered by inventors and businessmen in Europe and the USA, due to the support rendered by the state – people in these cases simply excelled in their fields as they had freedom to try anything legal.

Moreover, it has been experienced that the regions that enjoy  peaceful social atmosphere tend to generate talents and skills that bring around success: the focus of the society as a whole in this case in completely on progress rather than settling matters of little consequence and squabbles. For instance a war-torn society or the one affected by social discord will never be able to give their citizens a chance to think beyond those narrower issues.

However, many feel it is the precedents set up by certain people act as an inspiration for many to go for success. An individual, with his resounding success, establishes benchmarks for others to follow and prove their capabilities and intelligence. This slowly, as is said, permeates into the psyche of the dwellers, and thus becomes a part of culture perpetuated by the generations.  

Hence, I personally feel, both region and an accomplished personality have their impact on the people when it comes to garnering success.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures. Others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures. Others argue that these sports can cause problems and increase conflicts between nations. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
Some people argue that competitive sports are good for bringing together different people and cultures
Ielts Essay Sports Fuels friendships or Rivalry 
Competitive sports has managed to create a niche for itself, especially on grounds of opening doors to interaction of diverse cultures and beliefs: a platform that renders opportunities for two-way friendly communication though there are contradictory views and fears about frictions, resulting out of this kind of competition.

Competitive sports helps create a miracle: when team contingents travel to the host cities, they are followed by their keen fans who mingle with the natives of the country being visited. This intermingling creates a conducive atmosphere for a direct interaction of cultures and people get an opportunity to appreciate each other and develop a mutual understanding: thus weeding out long held complaints and bitterness between two nations.

On the top of that, sports that involve competition also help people to vent out their national affiliations in a very peaceful manner without causing any harm. The teams involved in the game battle it out in a sports arena without using any violent means, and the fans cheer and hoot their favorites, and rivals respectively in a very cordial environment inside a stadium. After the game is over, both the players and fans greet each other decently: thus creating a harmonious environment.

However, this kind of sports competition fuels misunderstandings among different countries. This owes to political class countries peddling narratives to suit their objectives: leaders rouse public emotions on the name of patriotism, often termed as jingoism  – interpreting victories over rivals as  invasions, and insulting people of rival nations. This is bound to evoke a hostile response and result in restricting harmonious interaction.

To conclude, I personally feel, the fears expressed by the detractors lack any substance; competitive sports is already creating an atmosphere  for a dialogue between civilizations.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Recently there are more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Recently there are more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?           
more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas
Ielts Essay - Gas Vs Diesel Station 

Of late, a new trend is being noticed: more and more filling-stations are selling gas instead of diesel in rural areas. This, as per many, is bound to be beneficial for rural areas, but this does not miss vehement public derision from those who consider this decision to be loaded with drawbacks. 


Prioritizing  sale of gas aims at dissuading rural inhabitants from using diesel – notorious for causing most air pollution and related hazards – and improving quality of air in the regional areas: the results of this switchover are already being reflected in the form the reduced sulphur, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide levels in the surroundings, making the air more  breathable  and healthier. There has  been a marked decline in incidence of respiratory disorders of severe multitude  among the ruralites. Moreover, the soil has been also spared of contaminants  which was, in the past, a big concern that was not only impacting the fertility of land but also contaminating water bodies, by virtue of chemicals entering these due to water run-off.


However, as the detractors suggest, this is bound to create chaos in village life: most equipment, used in various tasks and jobs, ranging from agriculture to household, run on this heavy fossil fuel. If the this fuel becomes hard to source, either most of the villagers will have to travel miles to buy, or, those cannot afford it, will have to give up their work. Even if, people shift their usage to gas, they would have to make heavy investments on buying equipment and tools that use gas; thus taxing rural economy.    

 Hence, I personally feel, although this decision carries both benefits and drawbacks, it is still quite a good decision, as health is of a paramount concern. Thus, such arrangement is a welcome change.  


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