Thursday, March 23, 2017

We are surrounded by advertising. Some people think that this is good, because it gives us choice as consumers. But others argue that it makes people selfish and greedy for more and more goods. Do you think that there should be less advertising?Ielts

We are surrounded by advertising. Some people think that this is good, because it gives us choice as consumers. But others argue that it makes people selfish and greedy for more and more goods. Do you think that there should be less advertising?
Ielts Essay - Adverts and Greed
Ielts Essay - Adverts and Greed 

Nowadays, when businesses are deplying every possible mechaism, including ads, to lure consumers, numerous social theorists have become seriously concerned about negative impact of publicity. They have started suggesting that number of adverts should be strictly restricted.

Advertisement needs to be cut down drastically; it is strongly felt that this is leading to overspending and social wastage. Consumer companies, in order to gain visibility, embrace all kinds techniques and strategies. This is often regarded as derogatory since it amounts to playing with emotions of gullible consumers. The end users, in turn, blindly follow what pubicity preach and end up buying things seldom needed. It has also been observed that many overspend, sometimes, beyond than their financial affordability, leading them into vicious debt traps.

Moreover, it is often alleged that  this medium is fueling selfish attitudes; many have developed an insatiable appetite for buying goods for their own consumptions. Such buying spree often evokes a competition of sorts as everyone wants to stay ahead of peers. People limit their concerns to themselves and their facades; thus, abandoning and ignoring social perspectives.

However, despite uproar among the  critics of this marketing tool, limiting it would do little good since these are presumed to be the mechanisms that simply inform the consumers of the availability of the alternatives, as well as offers in the markets. Curtailing adverts would deny demographies a chance to explore before spending money. Moreover, the evil does not lie in ads, but the minds that create them.

In hindsight, I feel that reduction of advertisement is not a practical approach and should be allowed in any numbers; it only enlightens buyers, and becoming self-centered and extravagant is an individual prerogative.  

Monday, March 13, 2017

Some people believe that it is better to keep criminals in prison for longer, while others disagree and say that we must find a different solution. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that it is better to keep criminals in prison for longer, while others disagree and say that we must find a different solution. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Criminals in Prison
Ielts Essay - Imprisonment-justified or not
Confining convicts to a small room of a jail has been a conventional practice, being perpetuated since time unknown, but of late there has been a suggestion from various social theorists that instead of locking up such people, some other methods which might prove to be helpful should be adopted.

Keeping people, involved in nefarious activities behind the bars, seems to be losing supporters among both the government and the public, since it is felt that this exercise is simply a criminal wastage of money of tax payers.  The hard earned money in no way should be spent on feeding such people imprisoned due to unlawful acts. Many have come forward with suggestions that propos sending such unlawful elements to hard labor camps and making them earn their bread and butter, but not letting them out in the free world.

Similarly, others have gone to extent of suggesting that governments should invest in reforming these people intellectually, and also provide them training in various fields that could enable even the hardened lawbreakers to lead a reformed life and prove to be an asset rather than a liability to the society.

However, the critics are quite cynical of thrifty and reformist approach, and suggest continuation of practice of imprisonment. The cost of damage criminals can do to society while roaming free, would be much higher than money spent on maintaining corrective facilities. In no way, ones, notorious for unlawful activities can be dissuaded from such practice. Such people pose a serious threat to the public life and safety, and keeping perpetrators of crimes away from public life is critical for a safe society, at whatever cost.

Henceforth, I feel that it is advisable to keep criminals out of social life, locked up in corrective facilities.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Some people believe that modern designs for schools and offices with more open spaces are necessary. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such spaces? Give your opinion.

Some people believe that modern designs for schools and offices with more open spaces are necessary. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such spaces? Give your opinion.
Open Spaces in Offices and Classrooms
Ielts Essay - Open Spaces 
Modern architectural concepts promote principles of creating free buffer zones in the schools and work places. This matter has become trivial enough since many experts have taken to task of exploring benefits and shortcomings of such an arrangement.

Open buffers, act as a medium that provide opportunity to let off the steam; and, thus a much required mental relief to the employees and students, working and studying in cluttered surroundings. Working in crowded rooms are often noisy that affect the acoustics of premises. These often affect concentration; thus impeding creativity. An open buffer in the surroundings can do wonders since these help people relax and think clearly since areas lined up with either plants or other decoration, encourage free movement; thereby providing much needed solitude.  

Moreover, it has been observed, open spaces can make a person feel at home even in a crowded room with linear arrangements. Sitting in a surrounding with little room for physical movement can quickly tire a person physically, and devoid him or her of opportunities to stretch and get some relaxation that causes physical discomfort; hamper efficiency; and as a consequence productivity. Having free buffer areas can help generate physical satisfaction, sometimes by giving room for switchover of activity, and at others simply by sight.

However, the concept of adding free open space to offices and schools has come under fire from the vehement critics. They consider such a practice to be a complete misuse of available space in the times when accommodating population and businesses has become a severe problem, due to scarcity of land. This may lead to environmental disaster in form of sped-up deforestation.

Hence, I personally feel that open spaces would surely benefit occupants of classrooms and offices.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The main aim of advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don’t really need it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

The main aim of advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don’t really need it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Aims if Advertisement
Ielts Essay - Aims of Advertisement 
In an era, when we are surrounded and influenced by an unprecedented flood of consumer goods, many experts feel that this trend has been created by extensive use of advertisements by various consumer goods companies.

The content of ads being published telecast and aired clearly evidence the real intent of consumer goods companies since the adverts are cleverly planned and made to create a craving among the consumers. The planners of publicity campaigns use various means and methods to lure the customers generously, like convincing the consumers to buy a product through repetitive content, use of pseudo experts, etc. that highlight the benefits and  the need of consuming the products manufactured by a specific company.

Moreover, the publicity of consumer goods is only done to raise the turnover by penetrating diverse market segments. Use of celebrities, noted public figures, etc. to create visibility for goods in a market, is a common practice, which companies plan and implement very carefully and smartly, e.g. parallel adverts publicizing a toothpaste in various states of India portray regional stars who enjoy a high visibility in their own regions. This kind of strategy helps companies to create a niche in diverse markets at the same time.

However, many feel that objective of advertising is not so evil as it is projected. Publicity is a dynamic way of reaching out to masses spanning across diverse geography in the shortest possible time. Ads simply inform people of availability of alternatives, and decision of procuring completely rests on end-users. It is believed that decision of buying something actually depends on prevalent trend, financial resources, and readiness to commit funds to buy. 

Hence, I believe that the primary aim of publicity is simply to create awareness and inform the consumers and not raise sales. 

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