Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The main aim of advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don’t really need it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

The main aim of advertising campaign is to increase sales of a certain product, but people don’t really need it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
Aims if Advertisement
Ielts Essay - Aims of Advertisement 
In an era, when we are surrounded and influenced by an unprecedented flood of consumer goods, many experts feel that this trend has been created by extensive use of advertisements by various consumer goods companies.

The content of ads being published telecast and aired clearly evidence the real intent of consumer goods companies since the adverts are cleverly planned and made to create a craving among the consumers. The planners of publicity campaigns use various means and methods to lure the customers generously, like convincing the consumers to buy a product through repetitive content, use of pseudo experts, etc. that highlight the benefits and  the need of consuming the products manufactured by a specific company.

Moreover, the publicity of consumer goods is only done to raise the turnover by penetrating diverse market segments. Use of celebrities, noted public figures, etc. to create visibility for goods in a market, is a common practice, which companies plan and implement very carefully and smartly, e.g. parallel adverts publicizing a toothpaste in various states of India portray regional stars who enjoy a high visibility in their own regions. This kind of strategy helps companies to create a niche in diverse markets at the same time.

However, many feel that objective of advertising is not so evil as it is projected. Publicity is a dynamic way of reaching out to masses spanning across diverse geography in the shortest possible time. Ads simply inform people of availability of alternatives, and decision of procuring completely rests on end-users. It is believed that decision of buying something actually depends on prevalent trend, financial resources, and readiness to commit funds to buy. 

Hence, I believe that the primary aim of publicity is simply to create awareness and inform the consumers and not raise sales. 

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