Thursday, March 23, 2017

We are surrounded by advertising. Some people think that this is good, because it gives us choice as consumers. But others argue that it makes people selfish and greedy for more and more goods. Do you think that there should be less advertising?Ielts

We are surrounded by advertising. Some people think that this is good, because it gives us choice as consumers. But others argue that it makes people selfish and greedy for more and more goods. Do you think that there should be less advertising?
Ielts Essay - Adverts and Greed
Ielts Essay - Adverts and Greed 

Nowadays, when businesses are deplying every possible mechaism, including ads, to lure consumers, numerous social theorists have become seriously concerned about negative impact of publicity. They have started suggesting that number of adverts should be strictly restricted.

Advertisement needs to be cut down drastically; it is strongly felt that this is leading to overspending and social wastage. Consumer companies, in order to gain visibility, embrace all kinds techniques and strategies. This is often regarded as derogatory since it amounts to playing with emotions of gullible consumers. The end users, in turn, blindly follow what pubicity preach and end up buying things seldom needed. It has also been observed that many overspend, sometimes, beyond than their financial affordability, leading them into vicious debt traps.

Moreover, it is often alleged that  this medium is fueling selfish attitudes; many have developed an insatiable appetite for buying goods for their own consumptions. Such buying spree often evokes a competition of sorts as everyone wants to stay ahead of peers. People limit their concerns to themselves and their facades; thus, abandoning and ignoring social perspectives.

However, despite uproar among the  critics of this marketing tool, limiting it would do little good since these are presumed to be the mechanisms that simply inform the consumers of the availability of the alternatives, as well as offers in the markets. Curtailing adverts would deny demographies a chance to explore before spending money. Moreover, the evil does not lie in ads, but the minds that create them.

In hindsight, I feel that reduction of advertisement is not a practical approach and should be allowed in any numbers; it only enlightens buyers, and becoming self-centered and extravagant is an individual prerogative.  

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