Monday, June 27, 2016

Too much attention is given to headline-grabbing disasters like earthquakes and floods. Government should concentrate their resources on educating people about the risk they face nearer to home, which can cost far more lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Too much attention is given to headline-grabbing disasters like earthquakes and floods. Government should concentrate their resources on educating people about the risk they face nearer to home, which can cost far more lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.
Ielts Essay - Natural Calamities to focus? 
There is a consistent argument over the rampant coverage being afforded about instances involving head-turning natural calamities, like earthquakes, etc. as some people think that more emphasis should be given to the dangers and threats that exist near and in the areas where people dwell.

Prioritizing creation of awareness about threats that exist quite close would be highly beneficial; it would  save many lives, that are lost out of sheer negligence. Outbreaks of epidemic, disease, etc. are such instances that can be stopped before they take monstrous proportions if citizens are made aware of causes and carriers of such hazards. If governments instead focus on enlightening people about such dangers, several valuable lives can be saved.

Moreover, numerous burning issues, like rising incidence of drug abuse among the youth; crime by juveniles; instances of reckless driving,  and so on. right under the nose of people, often pass unnoticed  as those issues fail to draw appropriate attention of media, local inhabitants and requisite authorities. If public is enlightened about the creeping menace, like these, one could become vigilant and embrace imerative safeguards to curtail such endeavors, and in process, could nip the evil in its bud.

Nevertheless, war, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and hurricanes, to name a few. always strike unannounced. Even though these calamities cannot be stopped, thousands can be saved by timely actions. If inhabitants residing in an area –  prone to a certain kind of natural disaster, or is located near the border – can be informed about possible events in advance, they can evacuate from those locations.

To conclude, I personally feel that none of the factors that threaten lives should be ignored since both kinds of events can jeopardize safety of society. Thus, focus should evenly distributed over all issues that can jeopardize public safety.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Under British and Australian laws a jury in a criminal case has no access to information about the defendant’s past criminal record. This protects the person who is being accused of the crime. Some lawyers have suggested that this practice should be changed and that a jury should be given all the past facts before they reach their decision about the case. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

Under British and Australian laws a jury in a criminal case has no access to information about the defendant’s past criminal record. This protects the person who is being accused of the crime. Some lawyers have suggested that this practice should be changed and that a jury should be given all the past facts before they reach their decision about the case. In what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Concealing Part Records Of Criminals 
Giving fair trials to the accused has been a practice of law world over since ages. In countries where the jury system prevails, the jury members are not informed about the track record of the people facing trials. This allows law to take its own course and deliver impartial judgments though some people raise objections to this.

Various law experts vouch for continuation of such a system, as it helps upholding the tenets of fair trial and delivery of judgments. Concealing the past records of the people, is supposed to be the right approach to ensure a fair trial. It is the basic human right as per human rights organizations, every human should be allowed an opportunity to present their case adequately, either to prove their innocence, or more facts about the circumstances in which they committed crime.

Moreover, discrimination against ex-convicts is rampant in the society. A common notion, ‘Once a criminal always a criminal’, may not hold true in every case. The jury members are also humans, and some might act overzealously, thus, it is quite likely that jury might take predetermined decisions. Concealing past history would help ensure flawless judgments that are not biased; influenced – by adverse views of jury members; preconceived; and are arrived at by following proper procedures during investigations of the purpose and the circumstances of the offence.

However, revealing the facts of past record of the activities can prove to be substantial in case of the assessing the modus operandi of hardened criminals. This would greatly help in drawing a clear line between coincidental, otherwise unintentional first timers and the ones who are used to committing crimes frequently.

To conclude, I feel that scrapping the law of concealing past records of criminals would help in assessing crimes correctly.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Firm discipline is a necessary part of teaching children. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Firm discipline is a necessary part of teaching children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Discipline and Learning 
Making a choice between teaching young learners in a disciplined or free environment has always confused humans. Some people feel that for good results in academics and otherwise, it is highly essential for the students to be educated in a closely monitored environment.

Discipline, especially in education, entails establishment of a plausible mechanism that leads to systematic execution of tasks, such as planning, defining and imparting lessons and setting deadlines for assignments, which, in turn, encourages meaningful learning, on part of the pupils. The students, as it has been observed, tend to grab the things much better under the watchful eyes of their teachers, as the learners also fear reprimand in case the performance is found lacking, or assignment or work is not being completed within the given deadlines.

Moreover, controlled and closely monitored environment does not necessarily mean punishing students for their shortfalls; it also involves making students appreciate value of time and efforts. It has been observed in many schools and colleges that despite students not being physically or mentally punished for any shortcomings, they tend to behave responsibly and put their all out efforts to achieve their best, since they know what they could lose if they fail to perform as per the expectations of their tutors and pedagogues.

However, for children to learn better, it is not at all necessary to impose strict control. The creativeness knows no boundary, and the children educated in an environment that sans harsh retribution turn out to be intelligent and grow up innovative adults. People like, Thomas Edison are live examples of this.

In the nutshell, I personally feel although not subjecting children to harsh discipline may seem to be an attractive option; it is the necessity for the good of the children 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Many people believe that a member of family is more important than a friend. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ielts Essay

Many people believe that a member of family is more important than a friend. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Family or Friends? 
Making comparisons between friends and family members, considering family members important than friends and vis-à-vis, has been a common practice since long. The pitch of these comparisons, and prioritizing both over each other, becomes sharper and shriller, when a family or an individual is passing through a turbulent phase.

Family members are an important part of life of any individual, as a person, born and brought up in an environment of family is trained to behave and face life in all its diverse dimensions. A child, since its birth, always looks up to its elders for love and affection, which ultimately develops into strong lifelong bonding. The parents, and brothers and sisters, fulfill the emotional and psychological needs of an individual and always stand by him or her whenever there is a need.

Apart from that, even if relations between family members are strained, they do not turn their backs at each other when the situation arises, and always come to the rescue of each other. People have experienced that they can share even their   ill feelings more openly with their family members and still keep the relations sweet and on friendly terms. For instance, people in need of moral or any kind of support, including financial, can easily bank upon their parents and siblings.

However, friends are considered to be close to heart, with whom an individual can easily share even the darkest of secrets, without fear of secret being let out to others. Pals, or buddies, as they may be called, are always there when an individual needs them, especially when a person in pain and needs a shoulder to cry on.

To conclude, I personally feel, even though friends and family are both have their distinct importance and role for an individual,  parents and siblings hold more  relevance for an individual.   

Saturday, June 11, 2016

As public safety is one of the highest importance, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to suffer than for human life to be placed at risk by untested products. In what extent do you agree or disagree?

As public safety is one of the highest importance, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to suffer than for human life to be placed at risk by untested products. In what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Cruelity on Animal 
Off late as the animal lovers have been raising their pitch against use of animals being used as test beds for medicines and cosmetics, various sections of the society have been at poles. Some feel this is testing on animals is sheer cruelty, while others think that there is nothing wrong in this.

Activists vouching for animal rights feel that testing impact of medicines and other substances is unethical since this involves subjecting poor animals to the trauma of sickness and disease. It is quite cruel to put lives of animals in danger for the sake of humans.  

However, testing on animals has been going on since a long time, and the animals used for experiments are not on the endangered list, but ones that perish or are killed, each year, by use of rat poison, rat traps, etc. Several million humans owe their lives to the successful lab simulations on the animals. The effectiveness and safety of use of such formulations were actually proven by these very tests.

Similarly, scores of medicines and surgical procedures have been perfected with the help of lab testing on the rats and mice. Although nowadays scientists are happy carrying out tests on simulated environment of computers, it is impossible to test use and effectiveness of pacemakers, reattaching severed limbs and procedures like kidney and heart transplants on virtual environment. All of these processes were actually tested and perfected in clinical trials. Without using animals for testing formulations or procedures for effectiveness and safety, the medical field would come to a standstill and jeopardize lives of millions of patients waiting desperately for some respite from their medical conditions.

To conclude, I feel that there is nothing wrong in carrying out experiments  on animals for sake of saving humans lives. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

A number of medical traditions are now widely known and used western medicines (using drugs and surgeries ), herbal medicines (using needles at certain points of the body), homeopathy (using minute doses of poisons), and so on. How important is patient’s mental attitude towards his or her treatment, in determining the effectivity of the treatment. - Ielts Essay

A number of medical traditions are now widely known and used western medicines (using drugs and surgeries ), herbal medicines (using needles at certain points of the body), homeopathy (using minute doses of poisons), and so on. How important is patient’s mental attitude towards his or her treatment, in determining the effectivity of the treatment.   

Ielts Essay - Disparate field of Medicine 
The progress in disparate fields of medicine have made it possible for humans to opt for a treatment of their choice, but certain people feel that more than following any specific system of medicine, it is more important for a patient to have faith in treatment and be mentally convinced about the outcomes.

It is highly necessary for the people, suffering from ailments, disease or disorders, to be convinced about the ability of the medical practitioners, dispensing treatment, in identifying the disease; finding the appropriate medicine, that could treat a medical condition; and prescribe the correct potency and quantity of the medication. This is very important, as far as, conviction about being able to overcome disease is concerned since without positive attitude towards effectiveness of a medicine system, patient would never be able to convince themselves about getting better.

Apart from that, a person undergoing a treatment also needs to have a strong resolve about following and continuing the prescribed routine of treatment, that includes: the frequency and the quantity of the medicine to be taken; the number of days the prescribed medicine must continue; and when the patient needs to revisit the practitioner for a health and medicine review. It is also very important for the patients not to abandon the treatment, without doctor’s advice, even if they start feeling relieved and healthy during the course of the treatment. In continuation to that, patients should be prepared to follow the prescribed exercise and diet routines. They must remember that it was their unhealthy lifestyle, in most cases, that landed them in trouble.

To sum up, to derive appropriate benefits from a specific medical treatment, it is highly necessary for the patients to be hopeful and sure of obtaining relief from treatment.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts Essay - Is taxing Polluters a Viable Solution?
If observed closely, it is quite evident that mushrooming manufacturing units have become a major source of pollution of all the spheres of the planet – air, water and land. This has alarmed environmentalists, and forced them to raise their pitch for imposing tax on the manufacturing sector to encourage erring manufacturers to adopt green technologies.

Taxing the errant manufacturers to compensate for all the pollution, they are creating, would prove to be a highly productive step. The manufacturers would be persuaded to incorporate greener practices, and use environmental friendly material – instead of high content contaminants, as the production process would become costlier, as a result of imposition of additional levies – that might render the final products unfeasible for competitive markets. Commercial compulsions, to keep the costs down in the long run, would force them producers to shelve age old technologies and try innovative techniques that produce lesser pollutants.   

Moreover, manufacturers must realize that they are also a part of the society with which they share this planet. Imposing environment levies would make them appreciate social responsibility, and they would be inspired to adopt eco-friendly approach.   Furthermore, the money collected from levies for polluting environment could be used to clean up environment, and also find environment friendly alternatives. 

However, there are certain apprehensions in the implementation of such a step. It is commonly believed that manufacturers even after being taxed would not be convinced to make necessary changes in their methods of production and their practices since they would be more interested in transferring the levies to the customers in form of slightly inflated prices of the goods.

To sum up, I personally feel that imposing taxes would inspire manufacturers to adopt environment friendly technologies, and consequently bring down pollution. Therefore, this policy should be enacted for the larger good: for public and the environment.   

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