Friday, June 3, 2016

Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect the environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the only way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts Essay - Is taxing Polluters a Viable Solution?
If observed closely, it is quite evident that mushrooming manufacturing units have become a major source of pollution of all the spheres of the planet – air, water and land. This has alarmed environmentalists, and forced them to raise their pitch for imposing tax on the manufacturing sector to encourage erring manufacturers to adopt green technologies.

Taxing the errant manufacturers to compensate for all the pollution, they are creating, would prove to be a highly productive step. The manufacturers would be persuaded to incorporate greener practices, and use environmental friendly material – instead of high content contaminants, as the production process would become costlier, as a result of imposition of additional levies – that might render the final products unfeasible for competitive markets. Commercial compulsions, to keep the costs down in the long run, would force them producers to shelve age old technologies and try innovative techniques that produce lesser pollutants.   

Moreover, manufacturers must realize that they are also a part of the society with which they share this planet. Imposing environment levies would make them appreciate social responsibility, and they would be inspired to adopt eco-friendly approach.   Furthermore, the money collected from levies for polluting environment could be used to clean up environment, and also find environment friendly alternatives. 

However, there are certain apprehensions in the implementation of such a step. It is commonly believed that manufacturers even after being taxed would not be convinced to make necessary changes in their methods of production and their practices since they would be more interested in transferring the levies to the customers in form of slightly inflated prices of the goods.

To sum up, I personally feel that imposing taxes would inspire manufacturers to adopt environment friendly technologies, and consequently bring down pollution. Therefore, this policy should be enacted for the larger good: for public and the environment.   

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