Monday, June 13, 2016

Many people believe that a member of family is more important than a friend. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ielts Essay

Many people believe that a member of family is more important than a friend. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Family or Friends? 
Making comparisons between friends and family members, considering family members important than friends and vis-à-vis, has been a common practice since long. The pitch of these comparisons, and prioritizing both over each other, becomes sharper and shriller, when a family or an individual is passing through a turbulent phase.

Family members are an important part of life of any individual, as a person, born and brought up in an environment of family is trained to behave and face life in all its diverse dimensions. A child, since its birth, always looks up to its elders for love and affection, which ultimately develops into strong lifelong bonding. The parents, and brothers and sisters, fulfill the emotional and psychological needs of an individual and always stand by him or her whenever there is a need.

Apart from that, even if relations between family members are strained, they do not turn their backs at each other when the situation arises, and always come to the rescue of each other. People have experienced that they can share even their   ill feelings more openly with their family members and still keep the relations sweet and on friendly terms. For instance, people in need of moral or any kind of support, including financial, can easily bank upon their parents and siblings.

However, friends are considered to be close to heart, with whom an individual can easily share even the darkest of secrets, without fear of secret being let out to others. Pals, or buddies, as they may be called, are always there when an individual needs them, especially when a person in pain and needs a shoulder to cry on.

To conclude, I personally feel, even though friends and family are both have their distinct importance and role for an individual,  parents and siblings hold more  relevance for an individual.   

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