Sunday, April 21, 2013

Some people say that school studies are not useful and most important things are learnt outside the school. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.- Ielts Essay

Some people say that school studies are not useful and most important things are learnt outside the school. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.- Ielts Essay 
Some people say that school studies are not useful and most important things are learnt outside the school
Ielts Essay Schooling and learning 

Effectivity of school education has been always in news for numerous controversies keep originating from various sections of education professionals and common people alike. There are two parallels opinions about the reach of the school curriculum, where one section strongly feels that schooling does not go a long way in teaching about some of the crucial facets of life and professions to be adopted later, some hold contrary viewpoints.

It has been generally observed that when pupil complete their education in the schools they must go on with choosing courses that would suit their attitudes and likings best and those could fetch them success in later life. The study programs in schools only offer elementary information and rest of knowledge has to be accumulated from institutions at higher level.  

Moreover, the schools only focus on the academic part and every student must study all subjects included in study programs of the school. This factor hinders the effectivity of the programs and syllabus and there is a serious mismatch experienced between the aspirations of an individual and what schools can deliver.  

On the other hand there is a lobby that strongly supports schooling system because as per them schools are not meant to impart vocational training that is aimed at getting jobs and career development but instead schooling institutions are those establishments which help individuals to develop those traits which assist them greatly in taking well informed decisions in life and career.

In conclusion I would like to emphasize that usefulness of school education in one’s life cannot be ruled out and its presence is felt in every walk of later life. School curriculum always helps an individual to develop a rational approach for the challenges that would be encountered in adult life.

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