Thursday, April 11, 2024

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates.

What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions. 

Human activities have caused disarray in the equilibrium of nature, giving rise to major issues; warmer atmosphere, melting of ice glaciers and thus leading to a major rise in sea levels. It has become imperative to find ways to salvage the situation.

Global rise in temperatures is a major concern for coastal populations as the rising seawater level, due to the melting of ice, has made floods more rampant, causing risk to life and property. This also is making many cities and nations, like New York, Los Angeles and SIngapore to name a few, located on coasts, vulnerable to incidence of submerging underwater. Thus, inviting major economic crisis and chaos: many would be rendered homeless and jobless, thereby, making subsistence difficult for humans. 

Moreover this phenomenon can result in extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes and heatwaves.  This may lead to major temperature changes in the environment as more rains and drought are likely to occur, which is a big threat for the flora and fauna, raising  the risk of spreading new diseases around the globe. These imbalances would result in major threats to drinking water, food supplies and human lives.

These issues can be addressed by nations and all governing bodies by reducing the dependency on fossil fuels and finding alternate sources to derive energy. With that major incentives should be given to industries on reducing  carbon footprints. Most importantly, halting deforestation should be allocated a major priority as this would prevent buildup of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide that is released after logging activity.

Hence, it is evident that humans have brought misery onto themselves in the form of this perilous situation. Thus, it is imperative that it is humans who can take remedial actions to prevent an imminent catastrophe. 

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