Thursday, December 28, 2023

Some feel that individuals should have the right to strike in all jobs while others feel there are exceptions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some feel that individuals should have the right to strike in all jobs while others feel there are exceptions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some feel that individuals should have the right to strike in all jobs while others feel there are exceptions

The privilege to refuse to work is a contentious issue since some suggest that it should be afforded to every worker, regardless of the occupation they are engaged in, while others vouch for exemptions in certain cases.

Some posit that every personnel holds the fundamental right to engage in industrial action if they are unhappy with the response of their employers in reciprocation of their services. This method is considered to be the most potent way of expressing resentment and dissatisfaction over the issues such as wages, security at work and facilities offered, to name a few, without resorting to violent methods. This can help draw the attention of the concerned parties  and authorities and persuade them to address the grievances of the workforce.

To corroborate, history has been the witness that wherever such actions have been  taken by employees  as a way to register their protest, employment giving organizations have responded without delay. In 1995, the cabin crew, including the pilots, refused to fly due to rising cases of  violence by passengers, and reported sick. This forced the management  to spring into action and make arrangements for onboard security personnel during flights.

Nevertheless, the skeptics propose that essential and emergency services should not be included in such settings since this will result in chaos and disruption, and expose society to catastrophic conditions since their operations are contingent to smooth functioning. Sectors such as healthcare, utility service providers, military, police and transport, to name a few are critical to maintaining order; thus, people working in such areas should not be afforded such entitlement. 

Overall, even though both the perspectives are worthy of consideration, extending the liberty to strike should only embrace those professions that are not critical to efficient functioning of fundamental services bolstering society.

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