Thursday, September 7, 2023

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

 In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing. What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing

Problems apathy towards the festivals is causing 

  • Traditions are losing their identity - since festivals are a prominent way of preserving these 

  • The next generation is completely ignorant of these events,their relevance and the rationale behind celebrating these 

  • Slowly the ways of life and the information these celebrations carry will disappear (sink into oblivion) 

What can be done to preserve festivals

  • This should start from the state level, and efforts should be put to bolster these 

  • Society should also participate in this initiative - community level programs should be organized and youngsters should be encouraged to take part by offering incentives 

  • Families should make it a point to persuade their young ones to partake in such event

Fast diminishing native celebrations of various societies is surely an alarming situation, and needs a panacea to surmount this steep challenge, or face eminent consequences affording catastrophic end to ways of life of many societies. 

Undeniably, globalization  has taken a toll on a myriad of ways of life and blurred cultural distinctions, nonetheless, this fails to offer comfort: it  is precipitating umpteen unfavorable circumstances with youth becoming detached from the beliefs endemic to their native ways of life, drifting them away from their customs, and making them oblivious of the rationale underlying such occasions, and their own identity, promulgated through festivities: the true repositories of traditions, and  weakening their familial bonds and the indigenous customs - that  consequently, bringing traditions and invaluable knowledge accumulated over the eons by ancestors nearer to extinction. 

The domino effect of this galling phenomenon can be felt across the length and breadth of societies: communities are no more connected as profoundly, and  turning apathetic towards each other; the celebrations, gone missing, brought  them together. Similarly, there are economic ramifications, affecting those relying on making a living from selling merchandise specifically produced to mark the occasions, leaving them high and dry, and forcing them to take up petty jobs. 

Nevertheless, the panacea for reviving the lost rituals and occasions lies in the state, society and families working in unison. Where regimes should bolster financial and logistic support such as organizing festivals and declaring holidays for such events, the communities and households should ensure participation, especially of youngsters, and offer them monetary incentives to participate in these carnivals and jamborees.       

To recapitulate, modernization has taken a toll on cultures and festivals are the biggest calamities; however, revitalizing these is possible provided honest and pragmatic steps are adopted at the state and  communal level.   

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