Sunday, May 7, 2023

When there is a rise in the standard of living, people in the cities are more benefited than those in the rural areas. Please give your opinion on the problems arising from this discrimination.

 When there is a rise in the standard of living, people in the cities are more benefited than those in the rural areas. Please give your opinion on the problems arising from this discrimination.

The rising differences in the quality of life of urbanites and ruralites has sparked a profound controversy with many terming this disparity as completely uncalled for though there is a lobby that justifies the rationale behind this gap.  

The ever expanding disparity in the quality of life in urban and rural areas will always remain impregnable since  there is a fundamental difference in the arrangement in both the societies where villages have people/ are populated by those hailing from similar backgrounds and following a simple yet, affordable lifestyles whereas, the urbanized areas have huge populations hailing from diverse regions, who have disparate requirements and aspirations. This sheer multitude of dissimilar interests and demands entails creation of facilities, amounting for such a contrast. 

Similarly, terming differences as biased against the ruralites is quite unjust. One close look at functions of both the locations can help determine the rationale behind this contrast. Where the rural areas are more influenced by the basic trades and are interested with a task of feeding the society,with minimal technological intervention, the urban centers are vested with the responsibility(task) of fueling progress and rendering better technological solutions to support all components of the modern society. 

Nevertheless, it is hard to convince the critics who feel that this inconsistency could prove to be a recipe for disaster as to overcome this gap many might migrate from rural to urban locations. Such an exodus could prove to be unfavorable for farming that might have to face the scarcity of able bodied people, affecting the agriculture yields and food production.

Overall, I feel carrying out discussion in the disparities in the urban and rural lifestyles is an inconsequential and little more than and mere squabble on an issue that seems to be a brainchild of anti development lobby 

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