Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions

 Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions

Undeniably, warming of the planet has fetched humongous challenges for mankind, and one of the steepest in rising levels of seas. This has posed serious threats to society, making it imperative to determine plausible mechanisms to mitigate the situation.  


There are a myriad of challenges being generated by this evolution: coastal areas are on the verge of being submerged, and many have already experienced this impact, which is bound to disrupt life in all forms. The cities and towns need to be shifted farther inland that means relocating industry, households and even farming. This relocation is not only costly in terms of money but also time, and the domestic economies are  going to be exposed to disparate challenges and eventually suffer.  

Similarly, this phenomenon is also going to cause seawater penetration of  fresh groundwater aquifers, turning them saline too, and unfit for human consumption. The domino effect of this will be felt in the agricultural sector - that heavily relies on such fresh water sources, impacting the food production and sending food prices rocketing.  

However, the reversal of this situation is not beyond imagination even though it may be an uphill task. Some experts suggest umpteen solutions: fuel efficient modes of transport should be opted for and shift to greener forms of transportation should be prioritized. Moreover, the state can take a step forward by incentivising and compensating those complying by greener norms and those not switching should be penalized, either in monetary or nonmonetary terms such as in the form of de-licensing business rights.

Overall, high levels of seawater are undoubtedly going to disrupt human life,  but the remedies are not too far, instead merely a step away: implementation of prudent solutions  to evade such catastrophe can go a long way.

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