Saturday, July 31, 2021

Many people believe that they should spend their money to enjoy life at present. Others, however, think that they should save it for the future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that they should spend their money to enjoy life at present. Others, however, think that they should save it for the future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

It is true that  the inclination to spend money, among people to enjoy their lives in the present, is increasing,  at the same  time some people think  that they should save for the future to lead a stress free life in old age. I will discuss  both aspects in further paragraphs .   


Nowadays, people are not worried about their future because they think that they can only enjoy at a young age, whereas in old age, they will experience several health problems, which will make it harder for them to use their savings for leisure. Moreover, what may happen tomorrow, is uncertain,  so many believe that they should only focus on today, and live life to the fullest. For example, young people have little interest in saving because they are oblivious of future possibilities, and wish to consume the facilities and amenities available currently.   

On the other hand, some people think that one should have enough for the future to  ensure a comfortable future and allow facing emergencies and unannounced expenditure, like someone may have to be admitted in hospital and many more. Therefore, this section feels that one should not squander money so that they do not have to depend on someone in future for assistance. Furthermore,  those working in private companies are not rendered any pension facilities; therefore, they try to create a financial buffer for their post retirement life, which can be used to fund their health care and other important needs.  

To cap it all, I feel that even though both the views hold true in their own virtue, it is important to strike a balance in current spendings and savings, so that one can lead an enjoyable life all through.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Scientists have been warning for many years about protecting the environment and we must limit the use of energy in our daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do this. What are the reasons for that and how people can be encouraged to take an interest in protecting the environment?

 Scientists have been warning for many years about protecting the environment and we must limit the use of energy in our daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do this. What are the reasons for that and how people can be encouraged to take an interest in protecting the environment?


In concurrent times, it is being that a majority of the global populace ignores the cautions being sounded by the scientists about safeguarding nature by minimizing the use of power. This essay will elucidate a few reasons attributing to this propensity and the measures can be taken to avoid such behavior.

A  school of thought propounds that numerous individuals simply ignore the basic things like switching off unnecessary lights at homes, turning the engine off while waiting at the red lights and  wasting food, out of their callous attitude since they are unable to appreciate the consequences of such irresponsible acts on the environment due to them being completely oblivious of how it is affect the environment. Moreover, all the companies are becoming highly competitive, and  in order to prosper they are resorting to research and overproduction, causing air and water pollution as their priority is profiteering and not protecting the environment and the reluctance of governments to make fall in line is not helping the cause either.  

To overcome this slackness, governments should don the mantle of educating the public by organizing various campaigns in which they explain the impact of apathetic attitude towards the plight of the planet and how it will affect their future. It has become imperative to deploy eco-friendly concepts like vertical farming so that the produce can be raised without deforestation, promote products which can be recycled, replace fossil fuels with renewable ones and other natural products which will work as a saviour for the surroundings. The authorities should also come down with an iron hand and punish those who fail to comply with the rules.  

overall,  the administration should enact environmental protection strictures and fine those not adhering to the norms laid down to minimize exploitation of nature.  

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The differences between countries are becoming less and less evident, as people all over the world wear the same fashions, use the same brands, have similar eating habits and watch the same TV channels. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

 The differences between countries are becoming less and less evident, as people all over the world wear the same fashions, use the same brands, have similar eating habits and watch the same TV channels. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

The differences between countries are becoming less and less evident, as people all over the world wear the same fashions, use the same brands, have similar eating habits and watch the same TV channels

Advantages/ups/favorable outcomes/ pros/   

  • Homogeneous thinking and aspirations among people from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds - which is paving way for harmonious relationships 

    • This will help mitigate the possibilities of conflicts 

  • It has  become easier for people to travel to different parts of the world to fulfill their travel objectives: jobs, education, leisure, seeking medical attention; establishing business  

  • This has helped proliferate awareness, education, development in various parts of the world 

Pitfalls/downsides/cons/ detriments/ unfavorable outcomes/ drawbacks/demerits/ disadvantages/ darker-gray shades

  • This is leading to demise of distinct cultures, especially of those regions which are economically weaker

  • Tourism is also losing its charm 

  • Many also term it is a new form of invasion that might lead to neocolonialism


The contemporary times have been witness to the blurring of dissimilarities, in terms of choice of food, clothing and entertainment, across the world. This phenomenon is believed to be having a domino effect, which has appeared in favourable and unfavourable manifestations. 

To start with, this trend has come in as a boon for mankind: people all over the world are abandoning their heterogeneous aspirations and tastes and are embracing homogeneity. This evolution has been hailed as extremely beneficial, it is helping people develop a broader and liberal perspective and understanding about other cultures, aiding in bridging the gaps based on culture, ethnicity, geography and nationality, and establishing enduring harmonious relationships among the citizens of the global village. This raises the possibility of resolution of conflicts without firing a bullet, and peace  descending on the planet. 

Moreover, it is undeniable that this shift towards the global preferences has ushered in an era of unprecedented convenience. Now, people travelling to different parts of the globe to fulfill their objectives of gaining education, finding suitable employment, receiving appropriate medical assistance and intervention and exploring for leisure and enjoyment, rarely need to worry about easily adapting to the alien surroundings, they feel at home anywhere on the planet now. 

However, this dilution of distinct aspects of diverse global cultures has a major flaw, it is causing demise of unique traditions and ways of life, especially of the weaker cultures. Many fear this will lead to an irreversible loss of invaluable knowledge that has been accumulated over several ages, for mankind. 

Overall, I feel even though this swing towards the global preferences has exposed many customs and beliefs to the possibility of extinction, the advantages derived from this tendency eclipse even the direst of the failings.

Some people say private schools should be banned because they give students an unfair advantage on others. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples from your own experience.

 Some people say private schools should be banned because they give students an unfair advantage on others. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples from your own experience.

Some people say private schools should be banned because they give students an unfair advantage on others

Privately owned schooling institutions have come under the critical scanner due to them offering a plethora of facilities to their pupils. This as per the detractors is fueling the inequality in society; thus, in their opinion, should be done away with. However, a lobby strongly contests this proposal.

The view about shutting down private schools finds its support in the founding principle of education: to bring a sense of equality in society and help foster social harmony by disseminating knowledge to all in similar conditions right from the formative years, but privately run institutions are promoting a permanent wedge between the elite, who can afford these institutions and the lesser fortunate, who are condemned to study in public schools. The sea difference in the educational facilities and extra curricular activities takes the former several leagues ahead of their latter counterparts, fueling bias and jealousy as a result. This leaves a permanent imprint on the young minds, eventually leading to unbridgeable pronounced social fault lines.

Nevertheless, progressive educationalists ridicule this idea and feel this might prove counterproductive for society as a whole. Private formal tuition has revolutionized the concept of schooling by bringing in several innovations like integrating technology to impart the content to the learners by bringing in concepts  such as smart classes; upgrading the curriculum to match the changing paradigm in terms of the future skills requirements; and affording an accountable faculty with up to date knowhow of modern teaching strategies. These can never be attained by government funded institutions due to lack of funds and innovation.

Overall, I fail to concur with the idea of closing private schools since it lacks substance, and could lead undesirable consequences for school education. Social engineering can be affected through other means, education should be left alone.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Nowadays, the Internet and television have given ordinary people a chance to become famous. Is this a positive or negative development?


Nowadays, the Internet and television have given ordinary people a chance to become famous. Is this a positive or negative development?

In the contemporary era, the advent of mass media such as television and internet have rendered a plethora of opportunities to ones belonging to all economic and social strata to gain fame and recognition. This essay will justify the rationale behind this phenomenon and explore whether this is favourable or unfavourable evolution.

Many have hailed this development: in yesteryears, due to the nepotism prevailing in the industry only the kith and kin of the celebrities managed to get an opportunity to grab the limelight by demonstrating their skills, and prosper in their career. The emergence of technological innovations have engendered a wide array of mediums through which people, irrespective of their socio-economic conditions obtain a chance to showcase their abilities and this evolution is mitigating the social fault lines between the haves and have-nots, thereby fostering equality.

Moreover, this advancement encourages the talented individuals to come forward from every nook and corner by bestowing on them a rich profusion of opportunities, and motivating them to pursue their passion instead of opting a random career to earn a living. Also, this trend is helping in fetching name, as well as fame to the country, consequently, making society gain visibility across the length and breadth of the globe.

However, there are many detractors to this phenomenon; some performers become an overnight sensation in this process, while others who lag behind in this queue keep struggling for years, and suffer immense pressure to achieve success and popularity, entailing numerous mental issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, and so on.

To reiterate, despite some failings of the trend of gaining recognition through mass media, this evolution is quite favourable for a majority since it extends them a multitude of opportunities to manifest their flair, and alleviate social disparities.

Friday, July 9, 2021

It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience.


It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience.


In the contemporary era, with the advent of globalisation, the world has evolved into a global village which has extended an opportunity to travellers to afford visiting distant overseas destinations. This essay shall delve into whether this is a favourable or unfavourable evolution. 

Many have hailed this practice since this renders an opportunity to the travellers belonging to disparate social strata to fetch enriching first-hand experience and a deeper insight into the lifestyles of the natives of the different nations being visited by letting them explore a rich profusion of diverse cultures as well as traditions, thereby fostering bonhomie by establishing harmonious relations with the host societies . Furthermore, this advancement helps the governments of the host countries to generate colossal revenues by bolstering the tourism sector, consequently, boosting the economies.

Moreover, people are now exposed to umpteen numbers of languages, a wide array of delicacies, and so on, available across the globe;consequently, broadening their horizons. Besides this, such advancements help explorers from disparate socio-economic backgrounds to travel around the world, consequently, mitigating the social fault lines between the people who can afford the foreign excursions and who cannot.

However, this development is accompanied by a plethora of environmental issues which are detrimental to the society since increased travelling leads to the excessive combustion of fossil fuel which is resulting humongous emission of toxic gases, thereby expanding the carbon footprint and escalating the pressing issue of global warming owing to the rise in greenhouse gas levels, which is affecting the ecological balance.


To reiterate, I strongly feel that the rising trend of visiting foreign nations due to the nominal fares is accompanied by a plethora of positive aspects since it would bridge the gap between haves and have-nots by alleviating the differences, and many more. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

More and more people decide to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. What are the reasons for this trend? What can be done to encourage more people to eat healthier and exercise?


More and more people decide to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. What are the reasons for this trend? What can be done to encourage more people to eat healthier and exercise?

In the contemporary era, it has often been observed that the majority of people are heading towards the healthy lifestyle by embracing nutritious meals as well as fitness routines in their daily regimes. This essay shall find out the reason behind this new phenomenon and suggest the ways of encouraging the masses to adopt such practices on a regular basis.

This inclination can be attributed to several parameters. Nowadays, people are cautious about their eating habits and are indulging extensively in physical work-outs since they are well aware of the detrimental outcomes associated with junk food as well as sedentary lifestyles - owing to the spike in lethal ailments - and wish to evade the unforeseen peril. Similarly, they are facing immense pressure due to their gruelling schedules, so integration of a healthy regimen helps them in metabolizing their stress hormones which is imperative for their mental and physical wellbeing.

Moreover, this paradigm shift is due to the advent of technology, especially the internet, which has enlightened them about the significant benefits of incorporating healthy habits in their regular routine, through a rich profusion of videos of fitness enthusiasts and abundant information available on the portals.  Besides this, in order to attain robust and sturdy physiques, and to retain the youthful looks, many are engaging in the physical activities as they are turning to be more self-conscious.

Health and fitness experts should don the mantle to motivate more people by organising awareness campaigns, especially in the remote areas where the internet connectivity is not available, and enlightening them about the merits of healthy eating and exercise. Furthermore, introduction of healthy and readily available substitutes of junk food would help people to satiate their carvings by pushing them to abandon the latter. 

To reiterate, the rising human inclination towards healthy food and physical exercise is due to numerous reasons such as awareness of the positive outcomes on their health, precedents set by fitness enthusiasts, and so on. This trend can further be perpetuated by imparting positive aspects of physical activities and healthy meals among masses.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A staggering amount of food is wasted every year, both in business and households. Why is this happening? What can be done to tackle this problem? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.


A staggering amount of food is wasted every year, both in business and households. Why is this happening? What can be done to tackle this problem? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

The ever rising annual wastage of food in humongous quantities, both in business and homes, has raised concerns. This essay will delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon, as well as propose the solutions to surmount this pressing global issue.

This problem can be attributed to several reasons. The consumerist attitude is primarily blamed for this trend. Nowadays, people have started procuring food in bulk since they surrender to the temptation of availing colossal discounts offered by the supermarkets, which pushes them to purchase beyond their requirements, often leading to huge unconsumed quantities being trashed due outliving their validity. Similarly, businesses, like restaurants, often prepare food more than what is consumed on a given day, resulting in trashing of items still worth consumption. 

Moreover, this wastage is contributed by the spike in human propensity towards celebrating a plethora of events such as marriages, parties, get-togethers, and so on, extravagantly, and affording a wide array of delicacies to the guests, belonging to diverse cuisines from across the globe, in order to elevate their prestige in the society. To add insult to injury, in such gatherings, invitees fill their plates with more than they actually consume, thereby exacerbating the situation.

However, the panacea for this predicament can only be found by the joint efforts of the government and people. The policy makers should don the mantle by organising awareness campaigns to enlighten the masses about the detrimental outcomes of their actions on the environment. Furthermore, they should establish the organisations to foster a link between the surplus food and the deprived people who fail to afford a square meal a day.

To reiterate, I feel even though wastage of food in massive amounts every year is surely a growing and a worrying problem, it can be obliterated easily provided the state takes the initiative by informing people about the aftermath of this wastage.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

It is quite common for both parents in a family to work. Sometimes this is because they need two salaries to survive whereas at other times it is their choice. What problems do you see in this situation? How does this affect the children and family life?


It is quite common for both parents in a family to work. Sometimes this is because they need two salaries to survive whereas at other times it is their choice. What problems do you see in this situation? How does this affect the children and family life?

In the concurrent era, it has quite often been observed that both mothers and fathers are working professionals. Some opt to do it just to earn a living while others consider professional ambitions to be their utmost priority. This essay will discuss the issues engendered by this trend and find out how this phenomenon influences children.


Nowadays, mothers and fathers are intensively indulge in their professional endeavours, in order to realise their aspirations by virtue of which they fail to devote adequate time to their wards who get deprived of care as well as attention, which results in the creation of a void in their relationship that mitigates the mutual understanding between them, thereby leading to the weakening of ties. Such an evolution, as many fear, might cause alienation among them due to lack of emotional connection.  Moreover, parents fail to impart the numerous skills and values to their little ones, owing to which they fail to turn into rational adults in life later on.

Due to the gruelling work regimes, parents can ill-afford to keep round the clock vigil on their wards and in the process, entailing some severe repercussions such as distortions in the conduct of their latter. Since in the contemporary era, children are dominated by technology which plays an imperative role in shaping their personalities because these unchecked youngsters consider technology as their mentors, and sometimes expose themselves to the material meant for mature audiences which affects their psyche adversely.

To reiterate, due to the engagement in professional pursuits, parents are unable to strike a healthy balance between their work life and family which leads to the numerous severe outcomes by causing detrimental effects on the growing years of the young ones which might be irrevocable.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Nowadays cultures around the world are becoming more and more similar, as compared to the past. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or a negative development?


Nowadays cultures around the world are becoming more and more similar, as compared to the past. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or a negative development?

There is a lobby that believes in the contemporary era, disparities among a variety of cultures available across the length and breadth of the globe are disappearing and they are turning out to be similar/identical. This essay shall delve into the reasons behind this new phenomenon and find out whether this is favourable or unfavourable evolution.

The newly emerging uniformity in cultures world over can be attributed to several parameters. Nowadays, with the advent of globalisation as well as technology, the world has evolved into a global village which has escalated the interactions between the people belonging to the diverse cultures across the globe, by virtue of which they are embracing a wide array of things that stimulate uniformity, and abandoning those which might become a source of discord.

Many have hailed this human propensity since this advancement is mitigating the disparities as well as conflicts between the nations, thereby fostering bonhomie by establishing harmonious relationships and promoting homogeneity among masses. Furthermore, this evolution has alleviated the fears of cultural shock and acclimatization among those travelling abroad for numerous purposes such as tourism, education, jobs, and many more.

However, there are many failings to this inclination as people are losing their unique cultural identity with the disappearance of the traditions and languages which are intricately entwined with the cultures. Moreover, this practice is robbing the opportunity from the young ones to take a look into their rich past and keep themselves abreast of the ethnicities, festivities, life of the ancestors, and so on.

To reiterate, the trend of accustomed similar cultures across the world is inspired by globalisation and technology and this idea is accompanied by a plethora of positive aspects since it helps in cultivating harmony between the countries by extending equality in terms of culture.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

More and more people are buying things on the internet to complete their tasks such as booking, shopping, book tickets. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?


More and more people are buying things on the internet to complete their tasks such as booking, shopping, book tickets. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The advent of technology, especially the internet has revolutionised every aspect of the lives of people by enabling them to purchase products, do bookings and reservations as per their convenience with the help of a few clicks of the mouse. This essay will discuss the merits and drawbacks of this trend, and find out whether the former outstrip the latter.

In the era of fast-paced lifestyles, people are intensively engaged in their professional and personal endeavours by virtue of which, they find it quite demanding to take out time from their gruelling schedules for the auxiliary activities such as shopping or booking. This online advancement is laying them at their disposal an opportunity of not wasting the most imperative commodity that is time, in visiting the stores available distances apart.

Furthermore, the reduction of expenses in businesses like launching a store, hiring personnel for its maintenance entails low operational cost owing to which, the benefits accrued in the process pass down to the consumers in the form of a wide array of discounts, gifts, vouchers, cashback, and several other schemes. Besides this, the online alternative offers the buyers to exchange or return the products without any hassle.

However, there are many disadvantages of this inclination. Shopping is perceived as an entertainment which helps people to break the mundane by visiting shopping complexes and spending leisure time with their friends, consequently, hampering their social life. Moreover, buyers make payments for internet transactions through plastic money which renders their personal information to the swindlers, thereby posing a menace of online stealing.

To reiterate, despite some negative aspects of using web portals for shopping and reservations, its positive aspects prevail since this option is time as well as cost effective, and extends several other benefits to users. 

Do the advantages of private means of transportation such as cars and motorbikes outweigh the disadvantages, of public transport (trains, buses and taxis)? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience.

 Do the advantages of private means of transportation such as cars and motorbikes outweigh the disadvantages, of public transport (trains, buses and taxis)? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own experience.

In the current era, a common perception  rules the fascination of people that private means of transit offer incomparable benefits which modes of mass transit is never matched. But is this really the case, is something that needs a deep analysis.

Undeniably, the benefits afforded by private mobility modes are inimitable, the most prominent being unsurpassable convenience and freedom. One intending to undertake a journey does not need to go to a bus or a railway station to start a trip, and can instead initiate it from their doorstep. Not only this, they can directly arrive at their destination, saving them invaluable time and efforts. Apart from this, one is also emancipated/liberated of the obligation of following a timetable along with bearing the delays caused by scheduled stops enroute.

Similarly, many also enumerate a major attribute that makes individual modes the most favoured method of commuting, the safety. Private four wheelers and two wheelers are considered to be a safe bet when travelling with women, children and elderly. This mode provides protection against any untoward incident that could jeopardize the safety of travellers. Moreover, in wee hours, only this mode can provide a reliable means of commuting.

Nevertheless, despite certain weaknesses, the mass transit system offers a healthy alternative, in terms of affordability and environmentally friendly. This medium can be approached by all, regardless of their economic backgrounds; thus, rendering mobility to society. Also, since fewer units are required to move more and more commuters, which eliminates traffic snarls and, thereby, mitigating  pollution.

In hindsight, I strongly feel that even though private conveyance does enjoy an edge over the public modes of transit in certain areas, the latter is more acceptable, by virtue of its crucial characteristics which dwarfs its failing

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lobby that believes cooking meals at home leads to the wastage of time so it recommends ordering food from restaurants to make the life of people less hectic and more convenient. This essay will justify the rationale behind their perception.

Many have hailed this proposal. Since nowadays, people have overburdened themselves with work to achieve more and more prosperity, by virtue of which they fail to get adequate time to perform household chores such as cooking. Moreover, they get extremely exhausted while working for hours at office which makes it quite taxing and stressful for them to indulge in the auxiliary activity like cooking instead of spending time with their families. In such circumstances, good eateries serve them with a wide array of delicacies, when the former place orders, quickly. Similarly, this alternative is of great afford in the events since hosts can enjoy the moments with their guests rather than being occupied in the kitchen.

However, there are many drawbacks of embracing this practice. The food at renowned hotels and restaurants are quite expensive that leads to the tumbling of budgets, which might push one into financial crisis if they continue this practice on a regular basis. Furthermore, restaurants utilise excessive oils and spices to prepare delicious and palatable dishes which makes them unhealthy, and to add insult to injury, they make use of preservatives owing to which the food fails to retain its nutrients, thereby affecting the health of regular consumers adversely.

To reiterate, I strongly feel that despite some positive aspects of incorporating restaurant food in the lifestyle, its negative aspects prevail since this option is not cost-effective and has a detrimental impact on the wellbeing.

Friday, July 2, 2021

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.


There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.

In the contemporary era, a rich profusion of genres of music is available across the world. This essay will find out the relevance of this art form in human lives, and will discuss whether the traditional music associated with a nation is more imperative, or the transnational music which is nowadays intensively popular across the length and breadth of the globe.

Nowadays, people are engrossed in their gruelling schedules which engenders immense pressure, thereby stimulating stress. Music helps in metabolising the stress hormones by exempting the individuals from all the tensions, as well as worries for some time and renders them a sigh of relief. Moreover, it aids in enlightening the masses about a wide array of cultures as well as traditions, and also, serves as a connection between the diverse ethnicities by stimulating a plethora of feelings and emotions.

Many are in favour of the native music and this inclination can be attributed due to several reasons. Traditional music encourages people to remain connected with their roots, cultures as well as traditions, and motivates them to perpetuate these values by preserving their unique cultural identity otherwise the diversities would be lost forever. Furthermore, this kind of music exposes the musicians to the disparate ethnicities disseminated throughout the nation by which they take inspiration to foster unique and peculiar symphonies.

However, the escalating penchant prevailing in the society towards the international melodies helps in forging ties among diverse civilisations by mitigating the disparities owing to the homogenous taste in music, pushing them to identify themselves as global citizens rather than being confined to their political and geographical boundaries. This is helping foster bonhomie by establishing harmonious relationships between diverse cultures and ethnicities across all the corners of the globe.

To reiterate, music is extremely imperative for the individuals to rejuvenate and relax themselves in their fast-paced lives. After assessing both the views, I strongly feel that conventional music is more indispensable than the international one since it motivates one to remain connected with their roots.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.


When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.


There is a lobby that believes tutors have a greater impact on the social and educational development of the learners when they commence their academic journey as compared to their parents. This essay will justify the rationale behind their perspective and discuss that of others.


Tutors have a more concrete impact on the personalities of the little ones as they devote their major part of the day at school which pushes them to imbibe the content swiftly and efficiently. Moreover, in classrooms, students get a more serious and formal environment which helps them to concentrate on their studies, instilling a sense of discipline in them since they are always under observation of their teachers, due to which they remain focussed all the time, thereby increasing their productivity.

Furthermore, tutors impart knowledge to the pupils by organising fun activities in the form of a plethora of games and group assignments, owing to which they inculcate numerous skills and values while working together to accomplish the tasks. Such activities extend opportunities to acquire the social values through sharing, caring, communicating, cooperating, solving problems and networking which contribute towards their holistic development.

However, the other lobby believes that parents are more accountable for the social development of their wards since they are the role models for the little ones by virtue of which the latter follow the footsteps of the former without giving a second thought by inculcating/emulating the social behaviour of their mothers and fathers.

Overall, I strongly feel that despite both teachers and parents having a sizable influence on children when they start schooling, it is the faculty that has an overwhelming impact on young minds, who get to experience a formal environment and worldly knowledge under the watchful eyes of teachers.   

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