Friday, July 9, 2021

It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience.


It has become easier and more affordable for people to travel to other countries. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? Give your opinion and relevant examples from your experience.


In the contemporary era, with the advent of globalisation, the world has evolved into a global village which has extended an opportunity to travellers to afford visiting distant overseas destinations. This essay shall delve into whether this is a favourable or unfavourable evolution. 

Many have hailed this practice since this renders an opportunity to the travellers belonging to disparate social strata to fetch enriching first-hand experience and a deeper insight into the lifestyles of the natives of the different nations being visited by letting them explore a rich profusion of diverse cultures as well as traditions, thereby fostering bonhomie by establishing harmonious relations with the host societies . Furthermore, this advancement helps the governments of the host countries to generate colossal revenues by bolstering the tourism sector, consequently, boosting the economies.

Moreover, people are now exposed to umpteen numbers of languages, a wide array of delicacies, and so on, available across the globe;consequently, broadening their horizons. Besides this, such advancements help explorers from disparate socio-economic backgrounds to travel around the world, consequently, mitigating the social fault lines between the people who can afford the foreign excursions and who cannot.

However, this development is accompanied by a plethora of environmental issues which are detrimental to the society since increased travelling leads to the excessive combustion of fossil fuel which is resulting humongous emission of toxic gases, thereby expanding the carbon footprint and escalating the pressing issue of global warming owing to the rise in greenhouse gas levels, which is affecting the ecological balance.


To reiterate, I strongly feel that the rising trend of visiting foreign nations due to the nominal fares is accompanied by a plethora of positive aspects since it would bridge the gap between haves and have-nots by alleviating the differences, and many more. 

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